// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Claims;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Authorization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.JSInterop;
using Microsoft.JSInterop.Infrastructure;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.Circuits;
#pragma warning disable CA1852 // Seal internal types
internal partial class CircuitHost : IAsyncDisposable
#pragma warning restore CA1852 // Seal internal types
private readonly AsyncServiceScope _scope;
private readonly CircuitOptions _options;
private readonly RemoteNavigationManager _navigationManager;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private Func<Func<Task>, Task> _dispatchInboundActivity;
private CircuitHandler[] _circuitHandlers;
private bool _initialized;
private bool _isFirstUpdate = true;
private bool _disposed;
// This event is fired when there's an unrecoverable exception coming from the circuit, and
// it need so be torn down. The registry listens to this even so that the circuit can
// be torn down even when a client is not connected.
// We don't expect the registry to do anything with the exception. We only provide it here
// for testability.
public event UnhandledExceptionEventHandler UnhandledException;
public CircuitHost(
CircuitId circuitId,
AsyncServiceScope scope,
CircuitOptions options,
CircuitClientProxy client,
RemoteRenderer renderer,
IReadOnlyList<ComponentDescriptor> descriptors,
RemoteJSRuntime jsRuntime,
RemoteNavigationManager navigationManager,
CircuitHandler[] circuitHandlers,
ILogger logger)
CircuitId = circuitId;
if (CircuitId.Secret is null)
// Prevent the use of a 'default' secret.
throw new ArgumentException($"Property '{nameof(CircuitId.Secret)}' cannot be null.", nameof(circuitId));
_scope = scope;
_options = options ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
Client = client ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client));
Renderer = renderer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(renderer));
Descriptors = descriptors ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(descriptors));
JSRuntime = jsRuntime ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jsRuntime));
_navigationManager = navigationManager ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(navigationManager));
_circuitHandlers = circuitHandlers ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(circuitHandlers));
_logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
Services = scope.ServiceProvider;
Circuit = new Circuit(this);
Handle = new CircuitHandle() { CircuitHost = this, };
_dispatchInboundActivity = BuildInboundActivityDispatcher(_circuitHandlers, Circuit);
// An unhandled exception from the renderer is always fatal because it came from user code.
Renderer.UnhandledException += ReportAndInvoke_UnhandledException;
Renderer.UnhandledSynchronizationException += SynchronizationContext_UnhandledException;
JSRuntime.UnhandledException += ReportAndInvoke_UnhandledException;
_navigationManager.UnhandledException += ReportAndInvoke_UnhandledException;
public CircuitHandle Handle { get; }
public CircuitId CircuitId { get; }
public Circuit Circuit { get; }
public CircuitClientProxy Client { get; set; }
public RemoteJSRuntime JSRuntime { get; }
public RemoteRenderer Renderer { get; }
public IReadOnlyList<ComponentDescriptor> Descriptors { get; }
public IServiceProvider Services { get; }
// InitializeAsync is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
public Task InitializeAsync(ProtectedPrerenderComponentApplicationStore store, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async () =>
if (_initialized)
throw new InvalidOperationException("The circuit host is already initialized.");
_initialized = true; // We're ready to accept incoming JSInterop calls from here on
// We only run the handlers in case we are in a Blazor Server scenario, which renders
// the components inmediately during start.
// On Blazor Web scenarios we delay running these handlers until the first UpdateRootComponents call
// We do this so that the handlers can have access to the restored application state.
if (Descriptors.Count > 0)
await OnCircuitOpenedAsync(cancellationToken);
await OnConnectionUpAsync(cancellationToken);
// Here, we add each root component but don't await the returned tasks so that the
// components can be processed in parallel.
var count = Descriptors.Count;
var pendingRenders = new Task[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var (componentType, parameters, sequence) = Descriptors[i];
pendingRenders[i] = Renderer.AddComponentAsync(componentType, parameters, sequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
// Now we wait for all components to finish rendering.
await Task.WhenAll(pendingRenders);
// At this point all components have successfully produced an initial render and we can clear the contents of the component
// application state store. This ensures the memory that was not used during the initial render of these components gets
// reclaimed since no-one else is holding on to it any longer.
// This is also important because otherwise components will keep reusing the existing state after
// the initial render instead of initializing their state from the original sources like the Db or a
// web service, preventing UI updates.
if (Descriptors.Count > 0)
// This variable is used to track that this is the first time we are updating components.
// In Blazor Web scenarios the app will send an initial empty list of descriptors,
// so we want to make sure that we allow setting up the state in that case.
// In Blazor Server the initial set of descriptors is provided via the call to Start, so
// we want to make sure we don't take any state afterwards.
_isFirstUpdate = Descriptors.Count == 0;
catch (Exception ex)
// Report errors asynchronously. InitializeAsync is designed not to throw.
Log.InitializationFailed(_logger, ex);
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex), ex);
// We handle errors in DisposeAsync because there's no real value in letting it propagate.
// We run user code here (CircuitHandlers) and it's reasonable to expect some might throw, however,
// there isn't anything better to do than log when one of these exceptions happens - because the
// client is already gone.
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
Log.DisposeStarted(_logger, CircuitId);
await Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async () =>
if (_disposed)
// Make sure that no hub or connection can refer to this circuit anymore now that it's shutting down.
Handle.CircuitHost = null;
_disposed = true;
await OnConnectionDownAsync(CancellationToken.None);
// Individual exceptions logged as part of OnConnectionDownAsync - nothing to do here
// since we're already shutting down.
await OnCircuitDownAsync(CancellationToken.None);
// Individual exceptions logged as part of OnCircuitDownAsync - nothing to do here
// since we're already shutting down.
// Prevent any further JS interop calls
// Helps with scenarios like https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/32808
await Renderer.DisposeAsync();
await _scope.DisposeAsync();
Log.DisposeSucceeded(_logger, CircuitId);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.DisposeFailed(_logger, CircuitId, ex);
// Note: we log exceptions and re-throw while running handlers, because there may be multiple
// exceptions.
private async Task OnCircuitOpenedAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Log.CircuitOpened(_logger, CircuitId);
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
for (var i = 0; i < _circuitHandlers.Length; i++)
var circuitHandler = _circuitHandlers[i];
await circuitHandler.OnCircuitOpenedAsync(Circuit, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.CircuitHandlerFailed(_logger, circuitHandler, nameof(CircuitHandler.OnCircuitOpenedAsync), ex);
exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException("Encountered exceptions while executing circuit handlers.", exceptions);
public async Task OnConnectionUpAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Log.ConnectionUp(_logger, CircuitId, Client.ConnectionId);
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
for (var i = 0; i < _circuitHandlers.Length; i++)
var circuitHandler = _circuitHandlers[i];
await circuitHandler.OnConnectionUpAsync(Circuit, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.CircuitHandlerFailed(_logger, circuitHandler, nameof(CircuitHandler.OnConnectionUpAsync), ex);
exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException("Encountered exceptions while executing circuit handlers.", exceptions);
public async Task OnConnectionDownAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Log.ConnectionDown(_logger, CircuitId, Client.ConnectionId);
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
for (var i = 0; i < _circuitHandlers.Length; i++)
var circuitHandler = _circuitHandlers[i];
await circuitHandler.OnConnectionDownAsync(Circuit, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.CircuitHandlerFailed(_logger, circuitHandler, nameof(CircuitHandler.OnConnectionDownAsync), ex);
exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException("Encountered exceptions while executing circuit handlers.", exceptions);
private async Task OnCircuitDownAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Log.CircuitClosed(_logger, CircuitId);
List<Exception> exceptions = null;
for (var i = 0; i < _circuitHandlers.Length; i++)
var circuitHandler = _circuitHandlers[i];
await circuitHandler.OnCircuitClosedAsync(Circuit, cancellationToken);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.CircuitHandlerFailed(_logger, circuitHandler, nameof(CircuitHandler.OnCircuitClosedAsync), ex);
exceptions ??= new List<Exception>();
if (exceptions != null)
throw new AggregateException("Encountered exceptions while executing circuit handlers.", exceptions);
// Called by the client when it completes rendering a batch.
// OnRenderCompletedAsync is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
public async Task OnRenderCompletedAsync(long renderId, string errorMessageOrNull)
_ = HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.OnRenderCompletedAsync(renderId, errorMessageOrNull));
catch (Exception e)
// Captures sync exceptions when invoking OnRenderCompletedAsync.
// An exception might be throw synchronously when we receive an ack for a batch we never produced.
Log.OnRenderCompletedFailed(_logger, renderId, CircuitId, e);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(e, $"Failed to complete render batch '{renderId}'."));
UnhandledException(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, isTerminating: false));
// BeginInvokeDotNetFromJS is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
public async Task BeginInvokeDotNetFromJS(string callId, string assemblyName, string methodIdentifier, long dotNetObjectId, string argsJson)
await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
Log.BeginInvokeDotNet(_logger, callId, assemblyName, methodIdentifier, dotNetObjectId);
var invocationInfo = new DotNetInvocationInfo(assemblyName, methodIdentifier, dotNetObjectId, callId);
DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(JSRuntime, invocationInfo, argsJson);
catch (Exception ex)
// We don't expect any of this code to actually throw, because DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvoke doesn't throw
// however, we still want this to get logged if we do.
Log.BeginInvokeDotNetFailed(_logger, callId, assemblyName, methodIdentifier, dotNetObjectId, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, "Interop call failed."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
// EndInvokeJSFromDotNet is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
public async Task EndInvokeJSFromDotNet(long asyncCall, bool succeeded, string arguments)
await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
if (!succeeded)
// We can log the arguments here because it is simply the JS error with the call stack.
Log.EndInvokeJSFailed(_logger, asyncCall, arguments);
Log.EndInvokeJSSucceeded(_logger, asyncCall);
DotNetDispatcher.EndInvokeJS(JSRuntime, arguments);
catch (Exception ex)
// An error completing JS interop means that the user sent invalid data, a well-behaved
// client won't do this.
Log.EndInvokeDispatchException(_logger, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, "Invalid interop arguments."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
// ReceiveByteArray is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
internal async Task ReceiveByteArray(int id, byte[] data)
await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
Log.ReceiveByteArraySuccess(_logger, id);
DotNetDispatcher.ReceiveByteArray(JSRuntime, id, data);
catch (Exception ex)
// An error completing JS interop means that the user sent invalid data, a well-behaved
// client won't do this.
Log.ReceiveByteArrayException(_logger, id, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, "Invalid byte array."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
// ReceiveJSDataChunk is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
internal async Task<bool> ReceiveJSDataChunk(long streamId, long chunkId, byte[] chunk, string error)
return await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
return RemoteJSDataStream.ReceiveData(JSRuntime, streamId, chunkId, chunk, error);
catch (Exception ex)
// An error completing JS interop means that the user sent invalid data, a well-behaved
// client won't do this.
Log.ReceiveJSDataChunkException(_logger, streamId, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, "Invalid chunk supplied to stream."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
return false;
public async Task<int> SendDotNetStreamAsync(DotNetStreamReference dotNetStreamReference, long streamId, byte[] buffer)
return await Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async () => await dotNetStreamReference.Stream.ReadAsync(buffer));
catch (Exception ex)
// An error completing stream interop means that the user sent invalid data, a well-behaved
// client won't do this.
Log.SendDotNetStreamException(_logger, streamId, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, "Unable to send .NET stream."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
return 0;
public async Task<DotNetStreamReference> TryClaimPendingStream(long streamId)
DotNetStreamReference dotNetStreamReference = null;
return await Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync<DotNetStreamReference>(() =>
if (!JSRuntime.TryClaimPendingStreamForSending(streamId, out dotNetStreamReference))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The stream with ID {streamId} is not available. It may have timed out.");
return dotNetStreamReference;
catch (Exception ex)
// An error completing stream interop means that the user sent invalid data, a well-behaved
// client won't do this.
Log.SendDotNetStreamException(_logger, streamId, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, "Unable to locate .NET stream."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
return default;
// OnLocationChangedAsync is used in a fire-and-forget context, so it's responsible for its own
// error handling.
public async Task OnLocationChangedAsync(string uri, string state, bool intercepted)
await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
Log.LocationChange(_logger, uri, CircuitId);
_navigationManager.NotifyLocationChanged(uri, state, intercepted);
Log.LocationChangeSucceeded(_logger, uri, CircuitId);
// It's up to the NavigationManager implementation to validate the URI.
// Note that it's also possible that setting the URI could cause a failure in code that listens
// to NavigationManager.LocationChanged.
// In either case, a well-behaved client will not send invalid URIs, and we don't really
// want to continue processing with the circuit if setting the URI failed inside application
// code. The safest thing to do is consider it a critical failure since URI is global state,
// and a failure means that an update to global state was partially applied.
catch (LocationChangeException nex)
// LocationChangeException means that it failed in user-code. Treat this like an unhandled
// exception in user-code.
Log.LocationChangeFailedInCircuit(_logger, uri, CircuitId, nex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(nex, "Location change failed."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(nex, isTerminating: false));
catch (Exception ex)
// Any other exception means that it failed validation, or inside the NavigationManager. Treat
// this like bad data.
Log.LocationChangeFailed(_logger, uri, CircuitId, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, $"Location change to '{uri}' failed."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
public async Task OnLocationChangingAsync(int callId, string uri, string? state, bool intercepted)
var shouldContinueNavigation = await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() => Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async () =>
Log.LocationChanging(_logger, uri, CircuitId);
return await _navigationManager.HandleLocationChangingAsync(uri, state, intercepted);
await Client.SendAsync("JS.EndLocationChanging", callId, shouldContinueNavigation);
catch (Exception ex)
// An exception caught at this point was probably thrown inside the NavigationManager. Treat
// this like bad data.
Log.LocationChangeFailed(_logger, uri, CircuitId, ex);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex, $"Location change to '{uri}' failed."));
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
public void SetCircuitUser(ClaimsPrincipal user)
// This can be called before the circuit is initialized.
var authenticationStateProvider = Services.GetService<AuthenticationStateProvider>() as IHostEnvironmentAuthenticationStateProvider;
if (authenticationStateProvider != null)
var authenticationState = new AuthenticationState(user);
public void SendPendingBatches()
// Dispatch any buffered renders we accumulated during a disconnect.
// Note that while the rendering is async, we cannot await it here. The Task returned by ProcessBufferedRenderBatches relies on
// OnRenderCompletedAsync to be invoked to complete, and SignalR does not allow concurrent hub method invocations.
_ = Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(Renderer.ProcessBufferedRenderBatches);
// Internal for testing.
internal Task HandleInboundActivityAsync(Func<Task> handler)
=> _dispatchInboundActivity(handler);
// Internal for testing.
internal async Task<TResult> HandleInboundActivityAsync<TResult>(Func<Task<TResult>> handler)
TResult result = default;
await _dispatchInboundActivity(async () => result = await handler());
return result;
private static Func<Func<Task>, Task> BuildInboundActivityDispatcher(IReadOnlyList<CircuitHandler> circuitHandlers, Circuit circuit)
if (circuitHandlers.Count == 0)
// If there are no registered handlers, there is no need to allocate a context on each call.
return static handler => handler();
var result = static (CircuitInboundActivityContext context) => context.Handler();
for (var i = circuitHandlers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var next = result;
result = circuitHandlers[i].CreateInboundActivityHandler(next);
return handler => result(new(handler, circuit));
private void AssertInitialized()
if (!_initialized)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Circuit is being invoked prior to initialization.");
private void AssertNotDisposed()
#pragma warning disable CA1513 // Use ObjectDisposedException throw helper
if (_disposed)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(objectName: null);
#pragma warning restore CA1513 // Use ObjectDisposedException throw helper
// We want to notify the client if it's still connected, and then tear-down the circuit.
private async void ReportAndInvoke_UnhandledException(object sender, Exception e)
await ReportUnhandledException(e);
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(e, isTerminating: false));
// An unhandled exception from the renderer is always fatal because it came from user code.
// We want to notify the client if it's still connected, and then tear-down the circuit.
private async void SynchronizationContext_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
await ReportUnhandledException((Exception)e.ExceptionObject);
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, e);
private async Task ReportUnhandledException(Exception exception)
Log.CircuitUnhandledException(_logger, CircuitId, exception);
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(exception), exception);
private string GetClientErrorMessage(Exception exception, string additionalInformation = null)
if (_options.DetailedErrors)
return exception.ToString();
return $"There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated. For more details turn on " +
$"detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in 'appSettings.Development.json' or set '{typeof(CircuitOptions).Name}.{nameof(CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors)}'. {additionalInformation}";
// exception is only populated when either the renderer or the synchronization context signal exceptions.
// In other cases it is null and should never be sent to the client.
// error contains the information to send to the client.
private async Task TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(IClientProxy client, string error, Exception exception = null)
if (!Client.Connected)
Log.CircuitTransmittingClientError(_logger, CircuitId);
await client.SendAsync("JS.Error", error);
Log.CircuitTransmittedClientErrorSuccess(_logger, CircuitId);
catch (Exception ex)
Log.CircuitTransmitErrorFailed(_logger, CircuitId, ex);
internal Task UpdateRootComponents(
RootComponentOperationBatch operationBatch,
ProtectedPrerenderComponentApplicationStore store,
CancellationToken cancellation)
return Renderer.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(async () =>
var shouldClearStore = false;
var shouldWaitForQuiescence = false;
var operations = operationBatch.Operations;
var batchId = operationBatch.BatchId;
if (Descriptors.Count > 0)
// Block updating components if they were provided during StartCircuit. This keeps
// the footprint for Blazor Server closer to what it was before.
throw new InvalidOperationException("UpdateRootComponents is not supported when components have" +
" been provided during circuit start up.");
if (_isFirstUpdate)
_isFirstUpdate = false;
shouldWaitForQuiescence = true;
if (store != null)
shouldClearStore = true;
// We only do this if we have no root components. Otherwise, the state would have been
// provided during the start up process
var appLifetime = _scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ComponentStatePersistenceManager>();
await appLifetime.RestoreStateAsync(store);
// Retrieve the circuit handlers at this point.
_circuitHandlers = [.. _scope.ServiceProvider.GetServices<CircuitHandler>().OrderBy(h => h.Order)];
_dispatchInboundActivity = BuildInboundActivityDispatcher(_circuitHandlers, Circuit);
await OnCircuitOpenedAsync(cancellation);
await OnConnectionUpAsync(cancellation);
for (var i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)
var operation = operations[i];
if (operation.Type != RootComponentOperationType.Add)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"The first set of update operations must always be of type {nameof(RootComponentOperationType.Add)}");
await PerformRootComponentOperations(operations, shouldWaitForQuiescence);
await Client.SendAsync("JS.EndUpdateRootComponents", batchId);
catch (Exception ex)
// Report errors asynchronously. UpdateRootComponents is designed not to throw.
Log.UpdateRootComponentsFailed(_logger, ex);
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, new UnhandledExceptionEventArgs(ex, isTerminating: false));
await TryNotifyClientErrorAsync(Client, GetClientErrorMessage(ex), ex);
if (shouldClearStore)
// At this point all components have successfully produced an initial render and we can clear the contents of the component
// application state store. This ensures the memory that was not used during the initial render of these components gets
// reclaimed since no-one else is holding on to it any longer.
private static void RestoreAntiforgeryToken(AsyncServiceScope scope)
// GetAntiforgeryToken makes sure the antiforgery token is restored from persitent component
// state and is available on the circuit whether or not is used by a component on the first
// render.
var antiforgery = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<AntiforgeryStateProvider>();
_ = antiforgery?.GetAntiforgeryToken();
private async ValueTask PerformRootComponentOperations(
RootComponentOperation[] operations,
bool shouldWaitForQuiescence)
var webRootComponentManager = Renderer.GetOrCreateWebRootComponentManager();
var pendingTasks = shouldWaitForQuiescence
? new Task[operations.Length]
: null;
// The inbound activity pipeline needs to be awaited because it populates
// the pending tasks used to wait for quiescence.
await HandleInboundActivityAsync(() =>
for (var i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++)
var operation = operations[i];
switch (operation.Type)
case RootComponentOperationType.Add:
var task = webRootComponentManager.AddRootComponentAsync(
if (pendingTasks != null)
pendingTasks[i] = task;
case RootComponentOperationType.Update:
// We don't need to await component updates as any unhandled exception will be reported and terminate the circuit.
_ = webRootComponentManager.UpdateRootComponentAsync(
case RootComponentOperationType.Remove:
return Task.CompletedTask;
if (pendingTasks != null)
await Task.WhenAll(pendingTasks);
private static partial class Log
// 100s used for lifecycle stuff
// 200s used for interactive stuff
[LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Debug, "Circuit initialization started.", EventName = "InitializationStarted")]
public static partial void InitializationStarted(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Debug, "Circuit initialization succeeded.", EventName = "InitializationSucceeded")]
public static partial void InitializationSucceeded(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Debug, "Circuit initialization failed.", EventName = "InitializationFailed")]
public static partial void InitializationFailed(ILogger logger, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Debug, "Disposing circuit '{CircuitId}' started.", EventName = "DisposeStarted")]
public static partial void DisposeStarted(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug, "Disposing circuit '{CircuitId}' succeeded.", EventName = "DisposeSucceeded")]
public static partial void DisposeSucceeded(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug, "Disposing circuit '{CircuitId}' failed.", EventName = "DisposeFailed")]
public static partial void DisposeFailed(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(106, LogLevel.Debug, "Opening circuit with id '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "OnCircuitOpened")]
public static partial void CircuitOpened(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(107, LogLevel.Debug, "Circuit id '{CircuitId}' connected using connection '{ConnectionId}'.", EventName = "OnConnectionUp")]
public static partial void ConnectionUp(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId, string connectionId);
[LoggerMessage(108, LogLevel.Debug, "Circuit id '{CircuitId}' disconnected from connection '{ConnectionId}'.", EventName = "OnConnectionDown")]
public static partial void ConnectionDown(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId, string connectionId);
[LoggerMessage(109, LogLevel.Debug, "Closing circuit with id '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "OnCircuitClosed")]
public static partial void CircuitClosed(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(110, LogLevel.Error, "Unhandled error invoking circuit handler type {handlerType}.{handlerMethod}: {Message}", EventName = "CircuitHandlerFailed")]
private static partial void CircuitHandlerFailed(ILogger logger, Type handlerType, string handlerMethod, string message, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(111, LogLevel.Debug, "Update root components started.", EventName = nameof(UpdateRootComponentsStarted))]
public static partial void UpdateRootComponentsStarted(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(112, LogLevel.Debug, "Update root components succeeded.", EventName = nameof(UpdateRootComponentsSucceeded))]
public static partial void UpdateRootComponentsSucceeded(ILogger logger);
[LoggerMessage(113, LogLevel.Debug, "Update root components failed.", EventName = nameof(UpdateRootComponentsFailed))]
public static partial void UpdateRootComponentsFailed(ILogger logger, Exception exception);
public static void CircuitHandlerFailed(ILogger logger, CircuitHandler handler, string handlerMethod, Exception exception)
[LoggerMessage(111, LogLevel.Error, "Unhandled exception in circuit '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "CircuitUnhandledException")]
public static partial void CircuitUnhandledException(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(112, LogLevel.Debug, "About to notify client of an error in circuit '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "CircuitTransmittingClientError")]
public static partial void CircuitTransmittingClientError(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(113, LogLevel.Debug, "Successfully transmitted error to client in circuit '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "CircuitTransmittedClientErrorSuccess")]
public static partial void CircuitTransmittedClientErrorSuccess(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(114, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to transmit exception to client in circuit '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "CircuitTransmitErrorFailed")]
public static partial void CircuitTransmitErrorFailed(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(115, LogLevel.Debug, "An exception occurred on the circuit host '{CircuitId}' while the client is disconnected.", EventName = "UnhandledExceptionClientDisconnected")]
public static partial void UnhandledExceptionClientDisconnected(ILogger logger, CircuitId circuitId, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(116, LogLevel.Debug, "The root component operation of type 'Update' was invalid: {Message}", EventName = nameof(InvalidComponentTypeForUpdate))]
public static partial void InvalidComponentTypeForUpdate(ILogger logger, string message);
[LoggerMessage(200, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to parse the event data when trying to dispatch an event.", EventName = "DispatchEventFailedToParseEventData")]
public static partial void DispatchEventFailedToParseEventData(ILogger logger, Exception ex);
[LoggerMessage(201, LogLevel.Debug, "There was an error dispatching the event '{EventHandlerId}' to the application.", EventName = "DispatchEventFailedToDispatchEvent")]
public static partial void DispatchEventFailedToDispatchEvent(ILogger logger, string eventHandlerId, Exception ex);
[LoggerMessage(202, LogLevel.Debug, "Invoking instance method '{MethodIdentifier}' on instance '{DotNetObjectId}' with callback id '{CallId}'.", EventName = "BeginInvokeDotNet")]
private static partial void BeginInvokeDotNet(ILogger logger, string methodIdentifier, long dotNetObjectId, string callId);
[LoggerMessage(203, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to invoke instance method '{MethodIdentifier}' on instance '{DotNetObjectId}' with callback id '{CallId}'.", EventName = "BeginInvokeDotNetFailed")]
private static partial void BeginInvokeDotNetFailed(ILogger logger, string methodIdentifier, long dotNetObjectId, string callId, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(204, LogLevel.Debug, "There was an error invoking 'Microsoft.JSInterop.DotNetDispatcher.EndInvoke'.", EventName = "EndInvokeDispatchException")]
public static partial void EndInvokeDispatchException(ILogger logger, Exception ex);
[LoggerMessage(205, LogLevel.Debug, "The JS interop call with callback id '{AsyncCall}' with arguments {Arguments}.", EventName = "EndInvokeJSFailed")]
public static partial void EndInvokeJSFailed(ILogger logger, long asyncCall, string arguments);
[LoggerMessage(206, LogLevel.Debug, "The JS interop call with callback id '{AsyncCall}' succeeded.", EventName = "EndInvokeJSSucceeded")]
public static partial void EndInvokeJSSucceeded(ILogger logger, long asyncCall);
[LoggerMessage(208, LogLevel.Debug, "Location changing to {URI} in circuit '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "LocationChange")]
public static partial void LocationChange(ILogger logger, string uri, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(209, LogLevel.Debug, "Location change to '{URI}' in circuit '{CircuitId}' succeeded.", EventName = "LocationChangeSucceeded")]
public static partial void LocationChangeSucceeded(ILogger logger, string uri, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(210, LogLevel.Debug, "Location change to '{URI}' in circuit '{CircuitId}' failed.", EventName = "LocationChangeFailed")]
public static partial void LocationChangeFailed(ILogger logger, string uri, CircuitId circuitId, Exception exception);
[LoggerMessage(211, LogLevel.Debug, "Location is about to change to {URI} in ciruit '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "LocationChanging")]
public static partial void LocationChanging(ILogger logger, string uri, CircuitId circuitId);
[LoggerMessage(212, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to complete render batch '{RenderId}' in circuit host '{CircuitId}'.", EventName = "OnRenderCompletedFailed")]
public static partial void OnRenderCompletedFailed(ILogger logger, long renderId, CircuitId circuitId, Exception e);
[LoggerMessage(213, LogLevel.Debug, "The ReceiveByteArray call with id '{id}' succeeded.", EventName = "ReceiveByteArraySucceeded")]
public static partial void ReceiveByteArraySuccess(ILogger logger, long id);
[LoggerMessage(214, LogLevel.Debug, "The ReceiveByteArray call with id '{id}' failed.", EventName = "ReceiveByteArrayException")]
public static partial void ReceiveByteArrayException(ILogger logger, long id, Exception ex);
[LoggerMessage(215, LogLevel.Debug, "The ReceiveJSDataChunk call with stream id '{streamId}' failed.", EventName = "ReceiveJSDataChunkException")]
public static partial void ReceiveJSDataChunkException(ILogger logger, long streamId, Exception ex);
[LoggerMessage(216, LogLevel.Debug, "The SendDotNetStreamAsync call with id '{id}' failed.", EventName = "SendDotNetStreamException")]
public static partial void SendDotNetStreamException(ILogger logger, long id, Exception ex);
[LoggerMessage(217, LogLevel.Debug, "Invoking static method with identifier '{MethodIdentifier}' on assembly '{Assembly}' with callback id '{CallId}'.", EventName = "BeginInvokeDotNetStatic")]
private static partial void BeginInvokeDotNetStatic(ILogger logger, string methodIdentifier, string assembly, string callId);
public static void BeginInvokeDotNet(ILogger logger, string callId, string assemblyName, string methodIdentifier, long dotNetObjectId)
if (assemblyName != null)
BeginInvokeDotNetStatic(logger, methodIdentifier, assemblyName, callId);
BeginInvokeDotNet(logger, methodIdentifier, dotNetObjectId, callId);
[LoggerMessage(218, LogLevel.Debug, "Failed to invoke static method with identifier '{MethodIdentifier}' on assembly '{Assembly}' with callback id '{CallId}'.", EventName = "BeginInvokeDotNetStaticFailed")]
private static partial void BeginInvokeDotNetStaticFailed(ILogger logger, string methodIdentifier, string assembly, string callId, Exception exception);
public static void BeginInvokeDotNetFailed(ILogger logger, string callId, string assemblyName, string methodIdentifier, long dotNetObjectId, Exception exception)
if (assemblyName != null)
BeginInvokeDotNetStaticFailed(logger, methodIdentifier, assemblyName, callId, exception);
BeginInvokeDotNetFailed(logger, methodIdentifier, dotNetObjectId, callId, exception);
[LoggerMessage(219, LogLevel.Error, "Location change to '{URI}' in circuit '{CircuitId}' failed.", EventName = "LocationChangeFailedInCircuit")]
public static partial void LocationChangeFailedInCircuit(ILogger logger, string uri, CircuitId circuitId, Exception exception);