// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Internal.LinkerFlags;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.Circuits;
#pragma warning disable CA1852 // Seal internal types
internal partial class RemoteRenderer : WebRenderer
#pragma warning restore CA1852 // Seal internal types
private static readonly Task CanceledTask = Task.FromCanceled(new CancellationToken(canceled: true));
private static readonly RendererInfo _componentPlatform = new("Server", isInteractive: true);
private readonly CircuitClientProxy _client;
private readonly CircuitOptions _options;
private readonly IServerComponentDeserializer _serverComponentDeserializer;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly ResourceAssetCollection _resourceCollection;
internal readonly ConcurrentQueue<UnacknowledgedRenderBatch> _unacknowledgedRenderBatches = new ConcurrentQueue<UnacknowledgedRenderBatch>();
private long _nextRenderId = 1;
private bool _disposing;
/// <summary>
/// Notifies when a rendering exception occurred.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<Exception>? UnhandledException;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new <see cref="RemoteRenderer"/>.
/// </summary>
public RemoteRenderer(
IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
CircuitOptions options,
CircuitClientProxy client,
IServerComponentDeserializer serverComponentDeserializer,
ILogger logger,
RemoteJSRuntime jsRuntime,
CircuitJSComponentInterop jsComponentInterop,
ResourceAssetCollection resourceCollection = null)
: base(serviceProvider, loggerFactory, jsRuntime.ReadJsonSerializerOptions(), jsComponentInterop)
_client = client;
_options = options;
_serverComponentDeserializer = serverComponentDeserializer;
_logger = logger;
_resourceCollection = resourceCollection;
ElementReferenceContext = jsRuntime.ElementReferenceContext;
public override Dispatcher Dispatcher { get; } = Dispatcher.CreateDefault();
protected override ResourceAssetCollection Assets => _resourceCollection ?? base.Assets;
protected override RendererInfo RendererInfo => _componentPlatform;
protected override IComponentRenderMode? GetComponentRenderMode(IComponent component) => RenderMode.InteractiveServer;
public Task AddComponentAsync(Type componentType, ParameterView parameters, string domElementSelector)
var componentId = AddRootComponent(componentType, domElementSelector);
return RenderRootComponentAsync(componentId, parameters);
protected override int GetWebRendererId() => (int)WebRendererId.Server;
protected override void AttachRootComponentToBrowser(int componentId, string domElementSelector)
var attachComponentTask = _client.SendAsync("JS.AttachComponent", componentId, domElementSelector);
_ = CaptureAsyncExceptions(attachComponentTask);
internal Type GetExistingComponentType(int componentId) =>
protected override void ProcessPendingRender()
if (_unacknowledgedRenderBatches.Count >= _options.MaxBufferedUnacknowledgedRenderBatches)
// If we got here it means we are at max capacity, so we don't want to actually process the queue,
// as we have a client that is not acknowledging render batches fast enough (something we consider needs
// to be fast).
// The result is something as follows:
// Lets imagine an extreme case where the server produces a new batch every millisecond.
// Lets say the client is able to ACK a batch every 100 milliseconds.
// When the app starts the client might see the sequence 0->(MaxUnacknowledgedRenderBatches-1) and then
// after 100 milliseconds it sees it jump to 1xx, then to 2xx where xx is something between {0..99} the
// reason for this is that the server slows down rendering new batches to as fast as the client can consume
// them.
// Similarly, if a client were to send events at a faster pace than the server can consume them, the server
// would still process the events, but would not produce new renders until it gets an ack that frees up space
// for a new render.
// We should never see UnacknowledgedRenderBatches.Count > _options.MaxBufferedUnacknowledgedRenderBatches
// But if we do, it's safer to simply disable the rendering in that case too instead of allowing batches to
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override void HandleException(Exception exception)
if (exception is AggregateException aggregateException)
foreach (var innerException in aggregateException.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
Log.UnhandledExceptionRenderingComponent(_logger, innerException);
Log.UnhandledExceptionRenderingComponent(_logger, exception);
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, exception);
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
_disposing = true;
while (_unacknowledgedRenderBatches.TryDequeue(out var entry))
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override Task UpdateDisplayAsync(in Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.RenderBatch batch)
if (_disposing)
// We are being disposed, so do no work.
return CanceledTask;
// Note that we have to capture the data as a byte[] synchronously here, because
// SignalR's SendAsync can wait an arbitrary duration before serializing the params.
// The RenderBatch buffer will get reused by subsequent renders, so we need to
// snapshot its contents now.
var arrayBuilder = new ArrayBuilder<byte>(2048);
using var memoryStream = new ArrayBuilderMemoryStream(arrayBuilder);
UnacknowledgedRenderBatch pendingRender;
using (var renderBatchWriter = new RenderBatchWriter(memoryStream, false))
renderBatchWriter.Write(in batch);
var renderId = Interlocked.Increment(ref _nextRenderId);
pendingRender = new UnacknowledgedRenderBatch(
new TaskCompletionSource(),
// Buffer the rendered batches no matter what. We'll send it down immediately when the client
// is connected or right after the client reconnects.
// if we throw prior to queueing the write, dispose the builder.
// Fire and forget the initial send for this batch (if connected). Otherwise it will be sent
// as soon as the client reconnects.
var _ = WriteBatchBytesAsync(pendingRender);
return pendingRender.CompletionSource.Task;
public Task ProcessBufferedRenderBatches()
// All the batches are sent in order based on the fact that SignalR
// provides ordering for the underlying messages and that the batches
// are always in order.
return Task.WhenAll(_unacknowledgedRenderBatches.Select(WriteBatchBytesAsync));
private async Task WriteBatchBytesAsync(UnacknowledgedRenderBatch pending)
// Send the render batch to the client
// If the "send" operation fails (synchronously or asynchronously) or the client
// gets disconnected simply give up. This likely means that
// the circuit went offline while sending the data, so simply wait until the
// client reconnects back or the circuit gets evicted because it stayed
// disconnected for too long.
if (!_client.Connected)
// If we detect that the client is offline. Simply stop trying to send the payload.
// When the client reconnects we'll resend it.
Log.BeginUpdateDisplayAsync(_logger, pending.BatchId, pending.Data.Count, _client.ConnectionId);
var segment = new ArraySegment<byte>(pending.Data.Buffer, 0, pending.Data.Count);
await _client.SendAsync("JS.RenderBatch", pending.BatchId, segment);
catch (Exception e)
Log.SendBatchDataFailed(_logger, e);
// We don't have to remove the entry from the list of pending batches if we fail to send it or the client fails to
// acknowledge that it received it. We simply keep it in the queue until we receive another ack from the client for
// a later batch (clientBatchId > thisBatchId) or the circuit becomes disconnected and we ultimately get evicted and
// disposed.
public Task OnRenderCompletedAsync(long incomingBatchId, string? errorMessageOrNull)
if (_disposing)
// Disposing so don't do work.
return Task.CompletedTask;
// When clients send acks we know for sure they received and applied the batch.
// We send batches right away, and hold them in memory until we receive an ACK.
// If one or more client ACKs get lost (e.g., with long polling, client->server delivery is not guaranteed)
// we might receive an ack for a higher batch.
// We confirm all previous batches at that point (because receiving an ack is guarantee
// from the client that it has received and successfully applied all batches up to that point).
// If receive an ack for a previously acknowledged batch, its an error, as the messages are
// guaranteed to be delivered in order, so a message for a render batch of 2 will never arrive
// after a message for a render batch for 3.
// If that were to be the case, it would just be enough to relax the checks here and simply skip
// the message.
// A batch might get lost when we send it to the client, because the client might disconnect before receiving and processing it.
// In this case, once it reconnects the server will re-send any unacknowledged batches, some of which the
// client might have received and even believe it did send back an acknowledgement for. The client handles
// those by re-acknowledging.
// Even though we're not on the renderer sync context here, it's safe to assume ordered execution of the following
// line (i.e., matching the order in which we received batch completion messages) based on the fact that SignalR
// synchronizes calls to hub methods. That is, it won't issue more than one call to this method from the same hub
// at the same time on different threads.
if (!_unacknowledgedRenderBatches.TryPeek(out var nextUnacknowledgedBatch) || incomingBatchId < nextUnacknowledgedBatch.BatchId)
Log.ReceivedDuplicateBatchAck(_logger, incomingBatchId);
return Task.CompletedTask;
var lastBatchId = nextUnacknowledgedBatch.BatchId;
// Order is important here so that we don't prematurely dequeue the last nextUnacknowledgedBatch
while (_unacknowledgedRenderBatches.TryPeek(out nextUnacknowledgedBatch) && nextUnacknowledgedBatch.BatchId <= incomingBatchId)
lastBatchId = nextUnacknowledgedBatch.BatchId;
// At this point the queue is definitely not full, we have at least emptied one slot, so we allow a further
// full queue log entry the next time it fills up.
_unacknowledgedRenderBatches.TryDequeue(out _);
ProcessPendingBatch(errorMessageOrNull, nextUnacknowledgedBatch);
if (lastBatchId < incomingBatchId)
// This exception is due to a bad client input, so we mark it as such to prevent logging it as a warning and
// flooding the logs with warnings.
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Received an acknowledgement for batch with id '{incomingBatchId}' when the last batch produced was '{lastBatchId}'.");
// Normally we will not have pending renders, but it might happen that we reached the limit of
// available buffered renders and new renders got queued.
// Invoke ProcessBufferedRenderRequests so that we might produce any additional batch that is
// missing.
// We return the task in here, but the caller doesn't await it.
return Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
// Now we're on the sync context, check again whether we got disposed since this
// work item was queued. If so there's nothing to do.
if (!_disposing)
protected override IComponent ResolveComponentForRenderMode([DynamicallyAccessedMembers(Component)] Type componentType, int? parentComponentId, IComponentActivator componentActivator, IComponentRenderMode renderMode)
=> renderMode switch
InteractiveServerRenderMode or InteractiveAutoRenderMode => componentActivator.CreateInstance(componentType),
_ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Cannot create a component of type '{componentType}' because its render mode '{renderMode}' is not supported by interactive server-side rendering."),
private void ProcessPendingBatch(string? errorMessageOrNull, UnacknowledgedRenderBatch entry)
var elapsedTime = entry.ValueStopwatch.GetElapsedTime();
if (errorMessageOrNull == null)
Log.CompletingBatchWithoutError(_logger, entry.BatchId, elapsedTime);
Log.CompletingBatchWithError(_logger, entry.BatchId, errorMessageOrNull, elapsedTime);
CompleteRender(entry.CompletionSource, errorMessageOrNull);
private static void CompleteRender(TaskCompletionSource pendingRenderInfo, string? errorMessageOrNull)
if (errorMessageOrNull == null)
pendingRenderInfo.TrySetException(new InvalidOperationException(errorMessageOrNull));
internal readonly struct UnacknowledgedRenderBatch
public UnacknowledgedRenderBatch(long batchId, ArrayBuilder<byte> data, TaskCompletionSource completionSource, ValueStopwatch valueStopwatch)
BatchId = batchId;
Data = data;
CompletionSource = completionSource;
ValueStopwatch = valueStopwatch;
public long BatchId { get; }
public ArrayBuilder<byte> Data { get; }
public TaskCompletionSource CompletionSource { get; }
public ValueStopwatch ValueStopwatch { get; }
private async Task CaptureAsyncExceptions(Task task)
await task;
catch (Exception exception)
UnhandledException?.Invoke(this, exception);
private static partial class Log
[LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Warning, "Unhandled exception rendering component: {Message}", EventName = "ExceptionRenderingComponent")]
private static partial void UnhandledExceptionRenderingComponent(ILogger logger, string message, Exception exception);
public static void UnhandledExceptionRenderingComponent(ILogger logger, Exception exception)
=> UnhandledExceptionRenderingComponent(logger, exception.Message, exception);
[LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Debug, "Sending render batch {BatchId} of size {DataLength} bytes to client {ConnectionId}.", EventName = "BeginUpdateDisplayAsync")]
public static partial void BeginUpdateDisplayAsync(ILogger logger, long batchId, int dataLength, string connectionId);
[LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Debug, "Buffering remote render because the client on connection {ConnectionId} is disconnected.", EventName = "SkipUpdateDisplayAsync")]
public static partial void BufferingRenderDisconnectedClient(ILogger logger, string connectionId);
[LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Information, "Sending data for batch failed: {Message}", EventName = "SendBatchDataFailed")]
private static partial void SendBatchDataFailed(ILogger logger, string message, Exception exception);
public static void SendBatchDataFailed(ILogger logger, Exception exception)
=> SendBatchDataFailed(logger, exception.Message, exception);
[LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug, "Completing batch {BatchId} with error: {ErrorMessage} in {ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.", EventName = "CompletingBatchWithError")]
private static partial void CompletingBatchWithError(ILogger logger, long batchId, string errorMessage, double elapsedMilliseconds);
public static void CompletingBatchWithError(ILogger logger, long batchId, string errorMessage, TimeSpan elapsedTime)
=> CompletingBatchWithError(logger, batchId, errorMessage, elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds);
[LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug, "Completing batch {BatchId} without error in {ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.", EventName = "CompletingBatchWithoutError")]
private static partial void CompletingBatchWithoutError(ILogger logger, long batchId, double elapsedMilliseconds);
public static void CompletingBatchWithoutError(ILogger logger, long batchId, TimeSpan elapsedTime)
=> CompletingBatchWithoutError(logger, batchId, elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds);
[LoggerMessage(106, LogLevel.Debug, "Received a duplicate ACK for batch id '{IncomingBatchId}'.", EventName = "ReceivedDuplicateBatchAcknowledgement")]
public static partial void ReceivedDuplicateBatchAck(ILogger logger, long incomingBatchId);
[LoggerMessage(107, LogLevel.Debug, "The queue of unacknowledged render batches is full.", EventName = "FullUnacknowledgedRenderBatchesQueue")]
public static partial void FullUnacknowledgedRenderBatchesQueue(ILogger logger);
internal readonly struct PendingRender
public PendingRender(int componentId, RenderFragment renderFragment)
ComponentId = componentId;
RenderFragment = renderFragment;
public int ComponentId { get; }
public RenderFragment RenderFragment { get; }