// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using static Microsoft.AspNetCore.Internal.LinkerFlags;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints;
/// <summary>
/// A component that describes a location in prerendered output where client-side code
/// should insert an interactive component.
/// </summary>
internal class SSRRenderModeBoundary : IComponent
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, string> _componentTypeNameHashCache = new();
private readonly Type _componentType;
private readonly bool _prerender;
private RenderHandle _renderHandle;
private IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object?>? _latestParameters;
private ComponentMarkerKey? _markerKey;
public IComponentRenderMode RenderMode { get; }
public SSRRenderModeBoundary(
HttpContext httpContext,
[DynamicallyAccessedMembers(Component)] Type componentType,
IComponentRenderMode renderMode)
AssertRenderModeIsConfigured(httpContext, componentType, renderMode);
_componentType = componentType;
RenderMode = renderMode;
_prerender = renderMode switch
InteractiveServerRenderMode mode => mode.Prerender,
InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode mode => mode.Prerender,
InteractiveAutoRenderMode mode => mode.Prerender,
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"Server-side rendering does not support the render mode '{renderMode}'.", nameof(renderMode))
private static void AssertRenderModeIsConfigured(HttpContext httpContext, Type componentType, IComponentRenderMode renderMode)
var configuredRenderModesMetadata = httpContext.GetEndpoint()?.Metadata.GetMetadata<ConfiguredRenderModesMetadata>();
if (configuredRenderModesMetadata is null)
// This is not a Razor Components endpoint. It might be that the app is using RazorComponentResult,
// or perhaps something else has changed the endpoint dynamically. In this case we don't know how
// the app is configured so we just proceed and allow any errors to happen if the client-side code
// later tries to reach endpoints that aren't mapped.
var configuredModes = configuredRenderModesMetadata.ConfiguredRenderModes;
// We have to allow for specified rendermodes being subclases of the known types
if (renderMode is InteractiveServerRenderMode || renderMode is InteractiveAutoRenderMode)
AssertRenderModeIsConfigured<InteractiveServerRenderMode>(componentType, renderMode, configuredModes, "AddInteractiveServerRenderMode");
if (renderMode is InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode || renderMode is InteractiveAutoRenderMode)
AssertRenderModeIsConfigured<InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode>(componentType, renderMode, configuredModes, "AddInteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode");
private static void AssertRenderModeIsConfigured<TRequiredMode>(Type componentType, IComponentRenderMode specifiedMode, IComponentRenderMode[] configuredModes, string expectedCall) where TRequiredMode : IComponentRenderMode
foreach (var configuredMode in configuredModes)
// We have to allow for configured rendermodes being subclases of the known types
if (configuredMode is TRequiredMode)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"A component of type '{componentType}' has render mode '{specifiedMode.GetType().Name}', " +
$"but the required endpoints are not mapped on the server. When calling " +
$"'{nameof(RazorComponentsEndpointRouteBuilderExtensions.MapRazorComponents)}', add a call to " +
$"'{expectedCall}'. For example, " +
public void Attach(RenderHandle renderHandle)
_renderHandle = renderHandle;
public Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters)
// We have to snapshot the parameters because ParameterView is like a ref struct - it can't escape the
// call stack because the underlying buffer may get reused. This is enforced through a runtime check.
_latestParameters = parameters.ToDictionary();
if (_prerender)
return Task.CompletedTask;
private void ValidateParameters(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object?> latestParameters)
foreach (var (name, value) in latestParameters)
// There are many other things we can't serialize too, but give special errors for Delegate because
// it may be a common mistake to try passing ChildContent when crossing rendermode boundaries.
if (value is Delegate)
var valueType = value.GetType();
if (valueType.IsGenericType && valueType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(RenderFragment<>))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot pass RenderFragment<T> parameter '{name}' to component '{_componentType.Name}' with rendermode '{RenderMode.GetType().Name}'. Templated content can't be passed across a rendermode boundary, because it is arbitrary code and cannot be serialized.");
// TODO: Ideally we *should* support RenderFragment (the non-generic version) by prerendering it
// However it's very nontrivial since it means we have to execute it within the current renderer
// somehow without actually emitting its result directly, wait for quiescence, and then prerender
// the output into a separate buffer so we can serialize it in a special way.
// A prototype implementation is at https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/commit/ed330ff5b143974d9060828a760ad486b1d386ac
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot pass the parameter '{name}' to component '{_componentType.Name}' with rendermode '{RenderMode.GetType().Name}'. This is because the parameter is of the delegate type '{value.GetType()}', which is arbitrary code and cannot be serialized.");
private void Prerender(RenderTreeBuilder builder)
builder.OpenComponent(0, _componentType);
foreach (var (name, value) in _latestParameters!)
builder.AddComponentParameter(1, name, value);
public ComponentMarker ToMarker(HttpContext httpContext, int sequence, object? componentKey)
// We expect that the '@key' and sequence number shouldn't change for a given component instance,
// so we lazily compute the marker key once.
_markerKey ??= GenerateMarkerKey(sequence, componentKey);
var parameters = _latestParameters is null
? ParameterView.Empty
: ParameterView.FromDictionary((IDictionary<string, object?>)_latestParameters);
var marker = RenderMode switch
InteractiveServerRenderMode server => ComponentMarker.Create(ComponentMarker.ServerMarkerType, server.Prerender, _markerKey),
InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode webAssembly => ComponentMarker.Create(ComponentMarker.WebAssemblyMarkerType, webAssembly.Prerender, _markerKey),
InteractiveAutoRenderMode auto => ComponentMarker.Create(ComponentMarker.AutoMarkerType, auto.Prerender, _markerKey),
_ => throw new UnreachableException($"Unknown render mode {RenderMode.GetType().FullName}"),
if (RenderMode is InteractiveServerRenderMode or InteractiveAutoRenderMode)
// Lazy because we don't actually want to require a whole chain of services including Data Protection
// to be required unless you actually use Server render mode.
var serverComponentSerializer = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ServerComponentSerializer>();
var invocationId = EndpointHtmlRenderer.GetOrCreateInvocationId(httpContext);
serverComponentSerializer.SerializeInvocation(ref marker, invocationId, _componentType, parameters);
if (RenderMode is InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode or InteractiveAutoRenderMode)
WebAssemblyComponentSerializer.SerializeInvocation(ref marker, _componentType, parameters);
return marker;
private ComponentMarkerKey GenerateMarkerKey(int sequence, object? componentKey)
var componentTypeNameHash = _componentTypeNameHashCache.GetOrAdd(_componentType, TypeNameHash.Compute);
var sequenceString = sequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var locationHash = $"{componentTypeNameHash}:{sequenceString}";
var formattedComponentKey = (componentKey as IFormattable)?.ToString(null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) ?? string.Empty;
return new()
LocationHash = locationHash,
FormattedComponentKey = formattedComponentKey,