1 write to RenderMode
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints (1)
Rendering\SSRRenderModeBoundary.cs (1)
42RenderMode = renderMode;
7 references to RenderMode
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints (7)
Rendering\EndpointHtmlRenderer.Prerendering.cs (1)
52return ssrRenderBoundary.RenderMode;
Rendering\SSRRenderModeBoundary.cs (6)
128throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot pass RenderFragment<T> parameter '{name}' to component '{_componentType.Name}' with rendermode '{RenderMode.GetType().Name}'. Templated content can't be passed across a rendermode boundary, because it is arbitrary code and cannot be serialized."); 137throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot pass the parameter '{name}' to component '{_componentType.Name}' with rendermode '{RenderMode.GetType().Name}'. This is because the parameter is of the delegate type '{value.GetType()}', which is arbitrary code and cannot be serialized."); 165var marker = RenderMode switch 170_ => throw new UnreachableException($"Unknown render mode {RenderMode.GetType().FullName}"), 173if (RenderMode is InteractiveServerRenderMode or InteractiveAutoRenderMode) 183if (RenderMode is InteractiveWebAssemblyRenderMode or InteractiveAutoRenderMode)