// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Encodings.Web;
using System.Text.Json;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Endpoints;
internal partial class EndpointHtmlRenderer
private const string _streamingRenderingFramingHeaderName = "ssr-framing";
private TextWriter? _streamingUpdatesWriter;
private HashSet<int>? _visitedComponentIdsInCurrentStreamingBatch;
private string? _ssrFramingCommentMarkup;
private bool _isHandlingErrors;
public void InitializeStreamingRenderingFraming(HttpContext httpContext, bool isErrorHandler)
_isHandlingErrors = isErrorHandler;
if (IsProgressivelyEnhancedNavigation(httpContext.Request))
var id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
httpContext.Response.Headers.Add(_streamingRenderingFramingHeaderName, id);
_ssrFramingCommentMarkup = $"<!--{id}-->";
_ssrFramingCommentMarkup = string.Empty;
// We do not want the debugger to consider NavigationExceptions caught by this method as user-unhandled.
public async Task SendStreamingUpdatesAsync(HttpContext httpContext, Task untilTaskCompleted, TextWriter writer)
// Important: do not introduce any 'await' statements in this method above the point where we write
// the SSR framing markers, otherwise batches may be emitted before the framing makers, and then the
// response would be invalid. See the comment below indicating the point where we intentionally yield
// the sync context to allow SSR batches to begin being emitted.
if (_streamingUpdatesWriter is not null)
// The framework is the only caller, so it's OK to have a nonobvious restriction like this
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(SendStreamingUpdatesAsync)} can only be called once.");
if (_ssrFramingCommentMarkup is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot begin streaming rendering because no framing header was set.");
_streamingUpdatesWriter = writer;
EmitInitializersIfNecessary(httpContext, writer);
// At this point we yield the sync context. SSR batches may then be emitted at any time.
await writer.FlushAsync();
await untilTaskCompleted;
catch (NavigationException navigationException)
HandleNavigationAfterResponseStarted(writer, httpContext, navigationException.Location);
catch (Exception ex)
// Rethrowing also informs the debugger that this exception should be considered user-unhandled unlike NavigationExceptions,
// but calling BreakForUserUnhandledException here allows the debugger to break before we modify the HttpContext.
// Theoretically it might be possible to let the error middleware run, capture the output,
// then emit it in a special format so the JS code can display the error page. However
// for now we're not going to support that and will simply emit a message.
HandleExceptionAfterResponseStarted(_httpContext, writer, ex);
await writer.FlushAsync(); // Important otherwise the client won't receive the error message, as we're about to fail the pipeline
await _httpContext.Response.CompleteAsync();
internal void EmitInitializersIfNecessary(HttpContext httpContext, TextWriter writer)
if (_options.JavaScriptInitializers != null &&
var initializersBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_options.JavaScriptInitializers));
private void SendBatchAsStreamingUpdate(in RenderBatch renderBatch, TextWriter writer)
var count = renderBatch.UpdatedComponents.Count;
if (count > 0)
// Each time we transmit the HTML for a component, we also transmit the HTML for its descendants.
// So, if we transmitted *every* component in the batch separately, there would be a lot of duplication.
// The subtrees projected from each component would overlap a lot.
// To avoid duplicated HTML transmission and unnecessary work on the client, we want to pick a subset
// of updated components such that, when we transmit that subset with their descendants, it includes
// every updated component without any duplication.
// This is quite easy if we first sort the list into depth order. As long as we process parents before
// their descendants, we can keep a log of the descendants we rendered, and then skip over those if we
// see them later in the list. This also implicitly handles the case where a batch contains the same
// root component multiple times (we only want to emit its HTML once).
// First, get a list of updated components in depth order
// We'll stackalloc a buffer if it's small, otherwise take a buffer on the heap
var bufSizeRequired = count * Marshal.SizeOf<ComponentIdAndDepth>();
var componentIdsInDepthOrder = bufSizeRequired < 1024
? MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, ComponentIdAndDepth>(stackalloc byte[bufSizeRequired])
: new ComponentIdAndDepth[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
var componentId = renderBatch.UpdatedComponents.Array[i].ComponentId;
componentIdsInDepthOrder[i] = new(componentId, GetComponentDepth(componentId));
MemoryExtensions.Sort(componentIdsInDepthOrder, static (left, right) => left.Depth - right.Depth);
// Reset the component rendering tracker. This is safe to share as an instance field because batch-rendering
// is synchronous only one batch can be rendered at a time.
if (_visitedComponentIdsInCurrentStreamingBatch is null)
_visitedComponentIdsInCurrentStreamingBatch = new();
// Now process the list, skipping any we've already visited in an earlier iteration
var isEnhancedNavigation = IsProgressivelyEnhancedNavigation(_httpContext.Request);
for (var i = 0; i < componentIdsInDepthOrder.Length; i++)
var componentId = componentIdsInDepthOrder[i].ComponentId;
if (_visitedComponentIdsInCurrentStreamingBatch.Contains(componentId))
// Of the components that updated, we want to emit the roots of all the streaming subtrees, and not
// any non-streaming ancestors. There's no point emitting non-streaming ancestor content since there
// are no markers in the document to receive it. Also we don't want to call WriteComponentHtml for
// nonstreaming ancestors, as that would make us skip over their descendants who may in fact be the
// roots of streaming subtrees.
var componentState = (EndpointComponentState)GetComponentState(componentId);
if (!componentState.StreamRendering)
// This format relies on the component producing well-formed markup (i.e., it can't have a
// </template> at the top level without a preceding matching <template>). Alternatively we
// could look at using a custom TextWriter that does some extra encoding of all the content
// as it is being written out.
writer.Write($"<template blazor-component-id=\"");
writer.Write(isEnhancedNavigation ? "\" enhanced-nav=\"true\">" : "\">");
// We don't need boundary markers at the top-level since the info is on the <template> anyway.
WriteComponentHtml(componentId, writer, allowBoundaryMarkers: false);
private int GetComponentDepth(int componentId)
// Regard root components as depth 0, their immediate children as 1, etc.
var componentState = GetComponentState(componentId);
var depth = 0;
while (componentState.ParentComponentState is { } parentComponentState)
componentState = parentComponentState;
return depth;
internal static bool ShouldShowDetailedErrors(HttpContext httpContext)
var env = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IWebHostEnvironment>();
var options = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IOptions<RazorComponentsServiceOptions>>();
var showDetailedErrors = env.IsDevelopment() || options.Value.DetailedErrors;
return showDetailedErrors;
private static void HandleExceptionAfterResponseStarted(HttpContext httpContext, TextWriter writer, Exception exception)
// We already started the response so we have no choice but to return a 200 with HTML and will
// have to communicate the error information within that
var showDetailedErrors = ShouldShowDetailedErrors(httpContext);
var message = showDetailedErrors
? exception.ToString()
: "There was an unhandled exception on the current request. For more details turn on detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in 'appSettings.Development.json'";
writer.Write("<blazor-ssr><template type=\"error\">");
private static void HandleNavigationAfterResponseStarted(TextWriter writer, HttpContext httpContext, string destinationUrl)
writer.Write("<blazor-ssr><template type=\"redirection\"");
if (string.Equals(httpContext.Request.Method, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
writer.Write(" from=\"form-post\"");
if (IsProgressivelyEnhancedNavigation(httpContext.Request))
writer.Write(" enhanced=\"true\"");
writer.Write(HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(OpaqueRedirection.CreateProtectedRedirectionUrl(httpContext, destinationUrl)));
protected override void WriteComponentHtml(int componentId, TextWriter output)
=> WriteComponentHtml(componentId, output, allowBoundaryMarkers: true);
protected override void RenderChildComponent(TextWriter output, ref RenderTreeFrame componentFrame)
var componentId = componentFrame.ComponentId;
var sequenceAndKey = new SequenceAndKey(componentFrame.Sequence, componentFrame.ComponentKey);
WriteComponentHtml(componentId, output, allowBoundaryMarkers: true, sequenceAndKey);
private void WriteComponentHtml(int componentId, TextWriter output, bool allowBoundaryMarkers, SequenceAndKey sequenceAndKey = default)
var componentState = (EndpointComponentState)GetComponentState(componentId);
var renderBoundaryMarkers = allowBoundaryMarkers && componentState.StreamRendering;
ComponentEndMarker? endMarkerOrNull = default;
if (componentState.Component is SSRRenderModeBoundary boundary)
var marker = boundary.ToMarker(_httpContext, sequenceAndKey.Sequence, sequenceAndKey.Key);
endMarkerOrNull = marker.ToEndMarker();
if (!_httpContext.Response.HasStarted && marker.Type is ComponentMarker.ServerMarkerType or ComponentMarker.AutoMarkerType)
_httpContext.Response.Headers.CacheControl = "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0";
var serializedStartRecord = JsonSerializer.Serialize(marker, ServerComponentSerializationSettings.JsonSerializationOptions);
if (renderBoundaryMarkers)
base.WriteComponentHtml(componentId, output);
if (renderBoundaryMarkers)
if (endMarkerOrNull is { } endMarker)
var serializedEndRecord = JsonSerializer.Serialize(endMarker, ServerComponentSerializationSettings.JsonSerializationOptions);
private static bool IsProgressivelyEnhancedNavigation(HttpRequest request)
// For enhanced nav, the Blazor JS code controls the "accept" header precisely, so we can be very specific about the format
var accept = request.Headers.Accept;
return accept.Count == 1 && string.Equals(accept[0]!, "text/html; blazor-enhanced-nav=on", StringComparison.Ordinal);
private readonly struct ComponentIdAndDepth
public int ComponentId { get; }
public int Depth { get; }
public ComponentIdAndDepth(int componentId, int depth)
ComponentId = componentId;
Depth = depth;
private readonly struct SequenceAndKey
public int Sequence { get; }
public object? Key { get; }
public SequenceAndKey(int sequence, object? key)
Sequence = sequence;
Key = key;