File: C\hostedtoolcache\windows\dotnet\sdk\8.0.100\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.props
Project: ..\..\..\src\Package\DevDivPackage\DevDivPackage.csproj (MSBuildFiles)
WARNING:  DO NOT MODIFY this file unless you are knowledgeable about MSBuild and have
          created a backup copy.  Incorrect changes to this file will make it
          impossible to load or build your projects from the command-line or the IDE.
Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
<Project xmlns="">
      Indicate to other targets that Microsoft.NET.Sdk is being used.
      This must be set here (as early as possible, before Microsoft.Common.props)
      so that everything that follows can depend on it.
      In particular, Directory.Build.props and nuget package props need to be able
      to use this flag and they are imported by Microsoft.Common.props.
      Indicate whether the set of SDK defaults that makes SDK style project concise are being used.
      For example: globbing, importing msbuild common targets.
      Similar to the property above, it must be set here.
  <!-- We need to put the UseArtifactsOutput logic after the import of Directory.Build.props, but before the MSBuild Project Extensions .props import.
       However, both of these things happen in Microsoft.Common.props with no opportunity to insert logic in between them.
       So what we do here is duplicate the Directory.Build.props import logic from Microsoft.Common.props, and then set ImportDirectoryBuildProps to
       false so that it doesn't get imported twice.
       Alternatively, we could add a hook in MSBuild to define a file to import at the right location, to avoid duplicating the logic here.
    <ImportDirectoryBuildProps Condition="'$(ImportDirectoryBuildProps)' == ''">true</ImportDirectoryBuildProps>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(ImportDirectoryBuildProps)' == 'true' and '$(DirectoryBuildPropsPath)' == ''">
    <_DirectoryBuildPropsFile Condition="'$(_DirectoryBuildPropsFile)' == ''">Directory.Build.props</_DirectoryBuildPropsFile>
    <_DirectoryBuildPropsBasePath Condition="'$(_DirectoryBuildPropsBasePath)' == ''">$([MSBuild]::GetDirectoryNameOfFileAbove($(MSBuildProjectDirectory), '$(_DirectoryBuildPropsFile)'))</_DirectoryBuildPropsBasePath>
    <DirectoryBuildPropsPath Condition="'$(_DirectoryBuildPropsBasePath)' != '' and '$(_DirectoryBuildPropsFile)' != ''">$([System.IO.Path]::Combine('$(_DirectoryBuildPropsBasePath)', '$(_DirectoryBuildPropsFile)'))</DirectoryBuildPropsPath>
  <Import Project="$(DirectoryBuildPropsPath)" Condition="'$(ImportDirectoryBuildProps)' == 'true' and exists('$(DirectoryBuildPropsPath)')"/>
  <!-- If ArtifactsPath or UseArtifactsOutput are set, then import .props to set ArtifactsPath here, so that BaseIntermediateOutputPath can be
       set in the ArtifactsPath.
       If the .props file is not imported here, it will be imported from Microsoft.NET.DefaultOutputPaths.targets, so that artifacts output
       properties can be set directly in the project file too (only in that case they won't affect the intermediate output). -->
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\targets\Microsoft.NET.DefaultArtifactsPath.props"
          Condition="'$(UseArtifactsOutput)' == 'true' Or '$(ArtifactsPath)' != ''"/>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(UseArtifactsOutput)' == 'true'">
    <UseArtifactsIntermediateOutput Condition="'$(UseArtifactsIntermediateOutput)' == ''">true</UseArtifactsIntermediateOutput>
    <ArtifactsProjectName Condition="'$(ArtifactsProjectName)' == ''">$(MSBuildProjectName)</ArtifactsProjectName>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(UseArtifactsOutput)' == 'true' And '$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)' == '' And '$(UseArtifactsIntermediateOutput)' == 'true'">
    <BaseIntermediateOutputPath Condition="'$(IncludeProjectNameInArtifactsPaths)' == 'true'">$(ArtifactsPath)\obj\$(ArtifactsProjectName)\</BaseIntermediateOutputPath>
    <BaseIntermediateOutputPath Condition="'$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)' == ''">$(ArtifactsPath)\obj\</BaseIntermediateOutputPath>
  <!-- Record whether ArtifactsPath / UseArtifactsOutput was set at this point in evaluation.  We will generate an error if these properties are set
       after this point (ie in the project file). -->
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(UseArtifactsOutput)' == 'true'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)' == '$(ProjectToOverrideProjectExtensionsPath)'">
  <Import Project="$(AlternateCommonProps)" Condition="'$(AlternateCommonProps)' != ''" />
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="'$(AlternateCommonProps)' == ''"/>
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.props"  />