// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using SourceGenerators;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.SourceGeneration
[DebuggerDisplay("Name={DisplayString}, Kind={SpecKind}")]
public abstract record TypeSpec
public TypeSpec(ITypeSymbol type)
TypeRef = new TypeRef(type);
EffectiveTypeRef = TypeRef; // Overridden by NullableSpec.
(DisplayString, FullName) = type.GetTypeNames();
IdentifierCompatibleSubstring = type.ToIdentifierCompatibleSubstring();
IsValueType = type.IsValueType;
public TypeRef TypeRef { get; }
public TypeRef EffectiveTypeRef { get; protected init; }
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="System.Type.FullName"/> like rendering of the type name.
/// </summary>
public string FullName { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Display name excluding the namespace.
/// </summary>
public string DisplayString { get; }
public string IdentifierCompatibleSubstring { get; }
public bool IsValueType { get; }
public abstract record ComplexTypeSpec : TypeSpec
protected ComplexTypeSpec(ITypeSymbol type) : base(type) { }
internal sealed record NullableSpec : TypeSpec
public NullableSpec(ITypeSymbol type, TypeRef underlyingTypeRef) : base(type) =>
EffectiveTypeRef = underlyingTypeRef;
internal sealed record UnsupportedTypeSpec : TypeSpec
public UnsupportedTypeSpec(ITypeSymbol type) : base(type) { }
public required NotSupportedReason NotSupportedReason { get; init; }
public enum NotSupportedReason
UnknownType = 1,
MissingPublicInstanceConstructor = 2,
CollectionNotSupported = 3,
DictionaryKeyNotSupported = 4,
ElementTypeNotSupported = 5,
MultipleParameterizedConstructors = 6,
MultiDimArraysNotSupported = 7,
NullableUnderlyingTypeNotSupported = 8,