File: ProjectSpecificTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\tests\Aspire.Playground.Tests\Aspire.Playground.Tests.csproj (Aspire.Playground.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Aspire.Hosting;
using Aspire.Hosting.Tests.Utils;
using Aspire.Components.Common.Tests;
using SamplesIntegrationTests;
using SamplesIntegrationTests.Infrastructure;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Aspire.Playground.Tests;
public class ProjectSpecificTests(ITestOutputHelper _testOutput)
    public async Task WithDockerfileTest()
        var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestFactory.CreateAsync(typeof(Projects.WithDockerfile_AppHost), _testOutput);
        await using var app = await appHost.BuildAsync();
        await app.StartAsync();
        await app.WaitForResources().WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
        await app.WaitForTextAsync($"I'm Batman. - Batman")
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task KafkaTest()
        var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestFactory.CreateAsync(typeof(Projects.KafkaBasic_AppHost), _testOutput);
        await using var app = await appHost.BuildAsync();
        await app.StartAsync();
        await app.WaitForResources().WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
        // Wait for the producer to start sending messages
        await app.WaitForTextAsync("Hello, World!").WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
        // Wait for the consumer to receive some messages
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Hello, World! 343",
                "Received 1000 messages."
            timeoutSecs: 120);
        await app.StopAsync();
    public async Task AzureFunctionsTest()
        var appHost = await DistributedApplicationTestFactory.CreateAsync(typeof(Projects.AzureFunctionsEndToEnd_AppHost), _testOutput);
        await using var app = await appHost.BuildAsync();
        await app.StartAsync();
        await app.WaitForResources().WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2));
        // Wait for the 'Job host started' message as an indication
        // that the Functions host has initialized correctly
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Worker process started and initialized."
            resourceName: "funcapp",
            timeoutSecs: 160);
        // Assert that HTTP triggers work correctly
        await AppHostTests.CreateHttpClientWithResilience(app, "funcapp").GetAsync("/api/injected-resources");
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Executed 'Functions.injected-resources'"
            resourceName: "funcapp",
            timeoutSecs: 160);
        using var apiServiceClient = AppHostTests.CreateHttpClientWithResilience(app, "apiservice");
        // Assert that Azure Storage Queue triggers work correctly
        await apiServiceClient.GetAsync("/publish/asq");
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Executed 'Functions.MyAzureQueueTrigger'"
            resourceName: "funcapp",
            timeoutSecs: 160);
        // Assert that Azure Storage Blob triggers work correctly
        await apiServiceClient.GetAsync("/publish/blob");
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Executed 'Functions.MyAzureBlobTrigger'"
            resourceName: "funcapp",
            timeoutSecs: 160);
        // Assert that EventHubs triggers work correctly
        await apiServiceClient.GetAsync("/publish/eventhubs");
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Executed 'Functions.MyEventHubTrigger'"
            resourceName: "funcapp",
            timeoutSecs: 160);
        // Assert that ServiceBus triggers work correctly
        await apiServiceClient.GetAsync("/publish/asb");
        await WaitForAllTextAsync(app,
                "Executed 'Functions.MyServiceBusTrigger'"
            resourceName: "funcapp",
            timeoutSecs: 160);
        // TODO: The following line is commented out because the test fails due to an erroneous log in the Functions App
        // resource that happens after the Functions host has been built. The error log shows up after the Functions
        // worker extension has been built and before the host has launched.
        // app.EnsureNoErrorsLogged();
        await app.StopAsync();
    internal static Task WaitForAllTextAsync(DistributedApplication app, IEnumerable<string> logTexts, string? resourceName = null, int timeoutSecs = -1)
        CancellationTokenSource cts = new();
        if (timeoutSecs > 0)
        return app.WaitForAllTextAsync(logTexts, resourceName, cts.Token);