// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Aspire.Hosting;
using Aspire.Hosting.ApplicationModel;
using Aspire.Hosting.Utils;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Testing;
using SamplesIntegrationTests.Infrastructure;
using Xunit.Sdk;
namespace SamplesIntegrationTests.Infrastructure;
public static partial class DistributedApplicationExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Ensures all parameters in the application configuration have values set.
/// </summary>
public static TBuilder WithRandomParameterValues<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder)
where TBuilder : IDistributedApplicationTestingBuilder
var parameters = builder.Resources.OfType<ParameterResource>().Where(p => !p.IsConnectionString).ToList();
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
builder.Configuration[$"Parameters:{parameter.Name}"] = parameter.Secret
? PasswordGenerator.Generate(16, true, true, true, false, 1, 1, 1, 0)
: Convert.ToHexString(RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(4));
return builder;
/// <summary>
/// Replaces all named volumes with anonymous volumes so they're isolated across test runs and from the volume the app uses during development.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that if multiple resources share a volume, the volume will instead be given a random name so that it's still shared across those resources in the test run.
/// </remarks>
public static TBuilder WithRandomVolumeNames<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder)
where TBuilder : IDistributedApplicationTestingBuilder
// Named volumes that aren't shared across resources should be replaced with anonymous volumes.
// Named volumes shared by mulitple resources need to have their name randomized but kept shared across those resources.
// Find all shared volumes and make a map of their original name to a new randomized name
var allResourceNamedVolumes = builder.Resources.SelectMany(r => r.Annotations
.Where(m => m.Type == ContainerMountType.Volume && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Source))
.Select(m => (Resource: r, Volume: m)))
var seenVolumes = new HashSet<string>();
var renamedVolumes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var resourceVolume in allResourceNamedVolumes)
var name = resourceVolume.Volume.Source!;
if (!seenVolumes.Add(name) && !renamedVolumes.ContainsKey(name))
renamedVolumes[name] = $"{name}-{Convert.ToHexString(RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(4))}";
// Replace all named volumes with randomly named or anonymous volumes
foreach (var resourceVolume in allResourceNamedVolumes)
var resource = resourceVolume.Resource;
var volume = resourceVolume.Volume;
var newName = renamedVolumes.TryGetValue(volume.Source!, out var randomName) ? randomName : null;
var newMount = new ContainerMountAnnotation(newName, volume.Target, ContainerMountType.Volume, volume.IsReadOnly);
return builder;
/// <summary>
/// Waits for the specified resource to reach the specified state.
/// </summary>
public static Task WaitForResource(this DistributedApplication app, string resourceName, string? targetState = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
targetState ??= KnownResourceStates.Running;
return app.ResourceNotifications.WaitForResourceAsync(resourceName, targetState, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Waits for all resources in the application to reach one of the specified states.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If <paramref name="targetStates"/> is null, the default states are <see cref="KnownResourceStates.Running"/> and <see cref="KnownResourceStates.Hidden"/>.
/// </remarks>
public static Task WaitForResources(this DistributedApplication app, IEnumerable<string>? targetStates = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
targetStates ??= [KnownResourceStates.Running, KnownResourceStates.Hidden];
var applicationModel = app.Services.GetRequiredService<DistributedApplicationModel>();
return Task.WhenAll(applicationModel.Resources.Select(r => app.ResourceNotifications.WaitForResourceAsync(r.Name, targetStates, cancellationToken)));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the app host and resource logs from the application.
/// </summary>
public static (IReadOnlyList<FakeLogRecord> AppHostLogs, IReadOnlyList<FakeLogRecord> ResourceLogs) GetLogs(this DistributedApplication app)
var environment = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IHostEnvironment>();
var logCollector = app.Services.GetFakeLogCollector();
var logs = logCollector.GetSnapshot();
var appHostLogs = logs.Where(l => l.Category?.StartsWith($"{environment.ApplicationName}.Resources") == false).ToList();
var resourceLogs = logs.Where(l => l.Category?.StartsWith($"{environment.ApplicationName}.Resources") == true).ToList();
return (appHostLogs, resourceLogs);
/// <summary>
/// Asserts that no errors were logged by the application or any of its resources.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Some resource types are excluded from this check because they tend to write to stderr for various non-error reasons.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="app"></param>
public static void EnsureNoErrorsLogged(this DistributedApplication app)
var environment = app.Services.GetRequiredService<IHostEnvironment>();
var applicationModel = app.Services.GetRequiredService<DistributedApplicationModel>();
var assertableResourceLogNames = applicationModel.Resources.Where(ShouldAssertErrorsForResource).Select(r => $"{environment.ApplicationName}.Resources.{r.Name}").ToList();
var (appHostlogs, resourceLogs) = app.GetLogs();
// Ignoring log entries from DefaultHealthCheckService for now. Once we have dashboard integration for health checks
// we'll filter out these log messages from the apphost completely but its useful for debugging for now.
AssertDoesNotContain(appHostlogs, log => log.Level >= LogLevel.Error && log.Category != "Microsoft.Extensions.Diagnostics.HealthChecks.DefaultHealthCheckService");
AssertDoesNotContain(resourceLogs, log => log.Category is { Length: > 0 } category && assertableResourceLogNames.Contains(category) && log.Level >= LogLevel.Error);
static bool ShouldAssertErrorsForResource(IResource resource)
return resource
// Container resources tend to write to stderr for various reasons so only assert projects and executables
(ProjectResource or ExecutableResource)
// Node resources tend to have npm modules that write to stderr so ignore them
and not NodeAppResource
// Dapr resources write to stderr about deprecated --components-path flag
&& !resource.Name.EndsWith("-dapr-cli");
static void AssertDoesNotContain(IReadOnlyList<FakeLogRecord> logs, Func<FakeLogRecord, bool> predicate)
foreach (var log in logs)
if (predicate(log))
throw new XunitException($"Error found in the logs: {log}");
/// <summary>
/// Creates an <see cref="HttpClient"/> configured to communicate with the specified resource.
/// </summary>
public static HttpClient CreateHttpClient(this DistributedApplication app, string resourceName, bool useHttpClientFactory)
=> app.CreateHttpClient(resourceName, null, useHttpClientFactory);
/// <summary>
/// Creates an <see cref="HttpClient"/> configured to communicate with the specified resource.
/// </summary>
public static HttpClient CreateHttpClient(this DistributedApplication app, string resourceName, string? endpointName, bool useHttpClientFactory)
if (useHttpClientFactory)
return app.CreateHttpClient(resourceName, endpointName);
// Don't use the HttpClientFactory to create the HttpClient so, e.g., no resilience policies are applied
var httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = app.GetEndpoint(resourceName, endpointName)
return httpClient;
/// <summary>
/// Creates an <see cref="HttpClient"/> configured to communicate with the specified resource with custom configuration.
/// </summary>
public static HttpClient CreateHttpClient(this DistributedApplication app, string resourceName, string? endpointName, Action<IHttpClientBuilder> configure)
var services = new ServiceCollection()
var httpClientFactory = services.GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient();
httpClient.BaseAddress = app.GetEndpoint(resourceName, endpointName);
return httpClient;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to apply EF migrations for the specified project by sending a request to the migrations endpoint <c>/ApplyDatabaseMigrations</c>.
/// </summary>
public static async Task<bool> TryApplyEfMigrationsAsync(this DistributedApplication app, ProjectResource project)
var logger = app.Services.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger(nameof(TryApplyEfMigrationsAsync));
var projectName = project.GetName();
// First check if the project has a migration endpoint, if it doesn't it will respond with a 404
logger.LogInformation("Checking if project '{ProjectName}' has a migration endpoint", projectName);
using (var checkHttpClient = app.CreateHttpClient(project.Name))
using var emptyDbContextContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent([new("context", "")]);
using var checkResponse = await checkHttpClient.PostAsync("/ApplyDatabaseMigrations", emptyDbContextContent);
if (checkResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
logger.LogInformation("Project '{ProjectName}' does not have a migration endpoint", projectName);
return false;
logger.LogInformation("Attempting to apply EF migrations for project '{ProjectName}'", projectName);
// Load the project assembly and find all DbContext types
var projectDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.GetProjectMetadata().ProjectPath) ?? throw new UnreachableException();
var configuration = "Debug";
var configuration = "Release";
var projectAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "bin", configuration, "net8.0", $"{projectName}.dll");
var projectAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(projectAssemblyPath);
var dbContextTypes = projectAssembly.GetTypes().Where(DerivesFromDbContext);
logger.LogInformation("Found {DbContextCount} DbContext types in project '{ProjectName}'", dbContextTypes.Count(), projectName);
// Call the migration endpoint for each DbContext type
var migrationsApplied = false;
using var applyMigrationsHttpClient = app.CreateHttpClient(project.Name, useHttpClientFactory: false);
applyMigrationsHttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(240);
foreach (var dbContextType in dbContextTypes)
logger.LogInformation("Applying migrations for DbContext '{DbContextType}' in project '{ProjectName}'", dbContextType.FullName, projectName);
using var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent([new("context", dbContextType.AssemblyQualifiedName)]);
using var response = await applyMigrationsHttpClient.PostAsync("/ApplyDatabaseMigrations", content);
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent)
migrationsApplied = true;
logger.LogInformation("Migrations applied for DbContext '{DbContextType}' in project '{ProjectName}'", dbContextType.FullName, projectName);
return migrationsApplied;
private static bool DerivesFromDbContext(Type type)
var baseType = type.BaseType;
while (baseType is not null)
if (baseType.FullName == "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext" && baseType.Assembly.GetName().Name == "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore")
return true;
baseType = baseType.BaseType;
return false;