// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Configuration;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Otlp.Model;
using Aspire.Dashboard.Otlp.Model.MetricValues;
using Google.Protobuf.Collections;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Microsoft.FluentUI.AspNetCore.Components;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Common.V1;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Logs.V1;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Metrics.V1;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Resource.V1;
using OpenTelemetry.Proto.Trace.V1;
using static OpenTelemetry.Proto.Trace.V1.Span.Types;
namespace Aspire.Dashboard.Otlp.Storage;
public sealed class TelemetryRepository
private readonly object _lock = new();
internal TimeSpan _subscriptionMinExecuteInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
private readonly List<Subscription> _applicationSubscriptions = new();
private readonly List<Subscription> _logSubscriptions = new();
private readonly List<Subscription> _metricsSubscriptions = new();
private readonly List<Subscription> _tracesSubscriptions = new();
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ApplicationKey, OtlpApplication> _applications = new();
private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _logsLock = new();
private readonly Dictionary<string, OtlpScope> _logScopes = new();
private readonly CircularBuffer<OtlpLogEntry> _logs;
private readonly HashSet<(OtlpApplication Application, string PropertyKey)> _logPropertyKeys = new();
private readonly HashSet<(OtlpApplication Application, string PropertyKey)> _tracePropertyKeys = new();
private readonly Dictionary<ApplicationKey, int> _applicationUnviewedErrorLogs = new();
private readonly ReaderWriterLockSlim _tracesLock = new();
private readonly Dictionary<string, OtlpScope> _traceScopes = new();
private readonly CircularBuffer<OtlpTrace> _traces;
private readonly List<OtlpSpanLink> _spanLinks = new();
internal readonly OtlpContext _otlpContext;
public bool HasDisplayedMaxLogLimitMessage { get; set; }
public Message? MaxLogLimitMessage { get; set; }
public bool HasDisplayedMaxTraceLimitMessage { get; set; }
public Message? MaxTraceLimitMessage { get; set; }
// For testing.
internal List<OtlpSpanLink> SpanLinks => _spanLinks;
internal List<Subscription> TracesSubscriptions => _tracesSubscriptions;
public TelemetryRepository(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IOptions<DashboardOptions> dashboardOptions)
var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(typeof(TelemetryRepository));
_otlpContext = new OtlpContext
Logger = logger,
Options = dashboardOptions.Value.TelemetryLimits
_logs = new(_otlpContext.Options.MaxLogCount);
_traces = new(_otlpContext.Options.MaxTraceCount);
_traces.ItemRemovedForCapacity += TracesItemRemovedForCapacity;
private void TracesItemRemovedForCapacity(OtlpTrace trace)
// Remove links from central collection when the span is removed.
foreach (var span in trace.Spans)
foreach (var link in span.Links)
public List<OtlpApplication> GetApplications()
return GetApplicationsCore(name: null);
public List<OtlpApplication> GetApplicationsByName(string name)
return GetApplicationsCore(name);
private List<OtlpApplication> GetApplicationsCore(string? name)
IEnumerable<OtlpApplication> results = _applications.Values;
if (name != null)
results = results.Where(a => string.Equals(a.ApplicationKey.Name, name, StringComparisons.ResourceName));
var applications = results.OrderBy(a => a.ApplicationKey).ToList();
return applications;
public OtlpApplication? GetApplicationByCompositeName(string compositeName)
foreach (var kvp in _applications)
if (kvp.Key.EqualsCompositeName(compositeName))
return kvp.Value;
return null;
public OtlpApplication? GetApplication(ApplicationKey key)
if (key.InstanceId == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(ApplicationKey)} must have an instance ID.");
_applications.TryGetValue(key, out var application);
return application;
public List<OtlpApplication> GetApplications(ApplicationKey key)
if (key.InstanceId == null)
return GetApplicationsByName(key.Name);
return [GetApplication(key)];
public Dictionary<ApplicationKey, int> GetApplicationUnviewedErrorLogsCount()
return _applicationUnviewedErrorLogs.ToDictionary();
internal void MarkViewedErrorLogs(ApplicationKey? key)
if (key == null)
// Mark all logs as viewed.
if (_applicationUnviewedErrorLogs.Count > 0)
var applications = GetApplications(key.Value);
foreach (var application in applications)
// Mark one application logs as viewed.
if (_applicationUnviewedErrorLogs.Remove(application.ApplicationKey))
private OtlpApplicationView GetOrAddApplicationView(Resource resource)
var key = resource.GetApplicationKey();
// Fast path.
if (_applications.TryGetValue(key, out var application))
return application.GetView(resource.Attributes);
// Slower get or add path.
(application, var isNew) = GetOrAddApplication(key, resource);
if (isNew)
return application.GetView(resource.Attributes);
(OtlpApplication, bool) GetOrAddApplication(ApplicationKey key, Resource resource)
// This GetOrAdd allocates a closure, so we avoid it if possible.
var newApplication = false;
var application = _applications.GetOrAdd(key, _ =>
newApplication = true;
return new OtlpApplication(key.Name, key.InstanceId!, _otlpContext);
return (application, newApplication);
public Subscription OnNewApplications(Func<Task> callback)
return AddSubscription(nameof(OnNewApplications), null, SubscriptionType.Read, callback, _applicationSubscriptions);
public Subscription OnNewLogs(ApplicationKey? applicationKey, SubscriptionType subscriptionType, Func<Task> callback)
return AddSubscription(nameof(OnNewLogs), applicationKey, subscriptionType, callback, _logSubscriptions);
public Subscription OnNewMetrics(ApplicationKey? applicationKey, SubscriptionType subscriptionType, Func<Task> callback)
return AddSubscription(nameof(OnNewMetrics), applicationKey, subscriptionType, callback, _metricsSubscriptions);
public Subscription OnNewTraces(ApplicationKey? applicationKey, SubscriptionType subscriptionType, Func<Task> callback)
return AddSubscription(nameof(OnNewTraces), applicationKey, subscriptionType, callback, _tracesSubscriptions);
private Subscription AddSubscription(string name, ApplicationKey? applicationKey, SubscriptionType subscriptionType, Func<Task> callback, List<Subscription> subscriptions)
Subscription? subscription = null;
subscription = new Subscription(name, applicationKey, subscriptionType, callback, () =>
lock (_lock)
}, ExecutionContext.Capture(), this);
lock (_lock)
return subscription;
private void RaiseSubscriptionChanged(List<Subscription> subscriptions)
lock (_lock)
foreach (var subscription in subscriptions)
public void AddLogs(AddContext context, RepeatedField<ResourceLogs> resourceLogs)
foreach (var rl in resourceLogs)
OtlpApplicationView applicationView;
applicationView = GetOrAddApplicationView(rl.Resource);
catch (Exception ex)
context.FailureCount += rl.ScopeLogs.Count;
_otlpContext.Logger.LogInformation(ex, "Error adding application.");
AddLogsCore(context, applicationView, rl.ScopeLogs);
private bool TryAddScope(Dictionary<string, OtlpScope> scopes, InstrumentationScope? scope, [NotNullWhen(true)] out OtlpScope? s)
// The instrumentation scope information for the spans in this message.
// Semantically when InstrumentationScope isn't set, it is equivalent with
// an empty instrumentation scope name (unknown).
var name = scope?.Name ?? string.Empty;
ref var scopeRef = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(scopes, name, out _);
// Adds to dictionary if not present.
scopeRef ??= (scope != null) ? new OtlpScope(scope, _otlpContext) : OtlpScope.Empty;
s = scopeRef;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
_otlpContext.Logger.LogInformation(ex, "Error adding scope.");
s = null;
return false;
public void AddLogsCore(AddContext context, OtlpApplicationView applicationView, RepeatedField<ScopeLogs> scopeLogs)
foreach (var sl in scopeLogs)
if (!TryAddScope(_logScopes, sl.Scope, out var scope))
context.FailureCount += sl.LogRecords.Count;
foreach (var record in sl.LogRecords)
var logEntry = new OtlpLogEntry(record, applicationView, scope, _otlpContext);
// Insert log entry in the correct position based on timestamp.
// Logs can be added out of order by different services.
var added = false;
for (var i = _logs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (logEntry.TimeStamp > _logs[i].TimeStamp)
_logs.Insert(i + 1, logEntry);
added = true;
if (!added)
_logs.Insert(0, logEntry);
// For log entries error and above, increment the unviewed count if there are no read log subscriptions for the application.
// We don't increment the count if there are active read subscriptions because the count will be quickly decremented when the subscription callback is run.
// Notifying the user there are errors and then immediately clearing the notification is confusing.
if (logEntry.Severity >= LogLevel.Error)
if (!_logSubscriptions.Any(s => s.SubscriptionType == SubscriptionType.Read && (s.ApplicationKey == applicationView.ApplicationKey || s.ApplicationKey == null)))
ref var count = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(_applicationUnviewedErrorLogs, applicationView.ApplicationKey, out _);
// Adds to dictionary if not present.
foreach (var kvp in logEntry.Attributes)
_logPropertyKeys.Add((applicationView.Application, kvp.Key));
catch (Exception ex)
_otlpContext.Logger.LogInformation(ex, "Error adding log entry.");
public PagedResult<OtlpLogEntry> GetLogs(GetLogsContext context)
List<OtlpApplication>? applications = null;
if (context.ApplicationKey is { } key)
applications = GetApplications(key);
if (applications.Count == 0)
return PagedResult<OtlpLogEntry>.Empty;
var results = _logs.AsEnumerable();
if (applications?.Count > 0)
results = results.Where(l => MatchApplications(l.ApplicationView.ApplicationKey, applications));
foreach (var filter in context.Filters)
results = filter.Apply(results);
return OtlpHelpers.GetItems(results, context.StartIndex, context.Count, _logs.IsFull);
public List<string> GetLogPropertyKeys(ApplicationKey? applicationKey)
List<OtlpApplication>? applications = null;
if (applicationKey != null)
applications = GetApplications(applicationKey.Value);
var applicationKeys = _logPropertyKeys.AsEnumerable();
if (applications?.Count > 0)
applicationKeys = applicationKeys.Where(keys => MatchApplications(keys.Application.ApplicationKey, applications));
var keys = applicationKeys.Select(keys => keys.PropertyKey).Distinct();
return keys.OrderBy(k => k).ToList();
public List<string> GetTracePropertyKeys(ApplicationKey? applicationKey)
List<OtlpApplication>? applications = null;
if (applicationKey != null)
applications = GetApplications(applicationKey.Value);
var applicationKeys = _tracePropertyKeys.AsEnumerable();
if (applications?.Count > 0)
applicationKeys = applicationKeys.Where(keys => MatchApplications(keys.Application.ApplicationKey, applications));
var keys = applicationKeys.Select(keys => keys.PropertyKey).Distinct();
return keys.OrderBy(k => k).ToList();
public GetTracesResponse GetTraces(GetTracesRequest context)
List<OtlpApplication>? applications = null;
if (context.ApplicationKey is { } key)
applications = GetApplications(key);
if (applications.Count == 0)
return new GetTracesResponse
PagedResult = PagedResult<OtlpTrace>.Empty,
MaxDuration = TimeSpan.Zero
var results = _traces.AsEnumerable();
if (applications?.Count > 0)
results = results.Where(t =>
return MatchApplications(t, applications);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.FilterText))
results = results.Where(t => t.FullName.Contains(context.FilterText, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (context.Filters.Count > 0)
results = results.Where(t =>
// A trace matches when one of its span matches all filters.
foreach (var span in t.Spans)
var match = true;
foreach (var filter in context.Filters)
if (!filter.Apply(span))
match = false;
if (match)
return true;
return false;
// Traces can be modified as new spans are added. Copy traces before returning results to avoid concurrency issues.
var copyFunc = static (OtlpTrace t) => OtlpTrace.Clone(t);
var pagedResults = OtlpHelpers.GetItems(results, context.StartIndex, context.Count, _traces.IsFull, copyFunc);
var maxDuration = pagedResults.TotalItemCount > 0 ? results.Max(r => r.Duration) : default;
return new GetTracesResponse
PagedResult = pagedResults,
MaxDuration = maxDuration
private static bool MatchApplications(ApplicationKey applicationKey, List<OtlpApplication> applications)
foreach (var application in applications)
if (applicationKey == application.ApplicationKey)
return true;
return false;
private static bool MatchApplications(OtlpTrace t, List<OtlpApplication> applications)
for (var i = 0; i < applications.Count; i++)
// Spans collection type returns a struct enumerator so it's ok to foreach inside another loop.
foreach (var span in t.Spans)
if (span.Source.ApplicationKey == applications[i].ApplicationKey)
return true;
return false;
public void ClearAllSignals()
public void ClearTraces(ApplicationKey? applicationKey = null)
List<OtlpApplication>? applications = null;
if (applicationKey.HasValue)
applications = GetApplications(applicationKey.Value);
if (applications is null || applications.Count == 0)
// Nothing selected, clear everything.
for (var i = _traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Remove trace if any span matches one of the applications. This matches filter behavior.
if (MatchApplications(_traces[i], applications))
public void ClearStructuredLogs(ApplicationKey? applicationKey = null)
List<OtlpApplication>? applications = null;
if (applicationKey.HasValue)
applications = GetApplications(applicationKey.Value);
if (applications is null || applications.Count == 0)
// Nothing selected, clear everything.
for (var i = _logs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (MatchApplications(_logs[i].ApplicationView.ApplicationKey, applications))
public void ClearMetrics(ApplicationKey? applicationKey = null)
List<OtlpApplication> applications;
if (applicationKey.HasValue)
applications = GetApplications(applicationKey.Value);
applications = _applications.Values.ToList();
foreach (var app in applications)
public Dictionary<string, int> GetTraceFieldValues(string attributeName)
var attributesValues = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparers.OtlpAttribute);
foreach (var trace in _traces)
foreach (var span in trace.Spans)
var value = OtlpSpan.GetFieldValue(span, attributeName);
if (value != null)
ref var count = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(attributesValues, value, out _);
// Adds to dictionary if not present.
return attributesValues;
public Dictionary<string, int> GetLogsFieldValues(string attributeName)
var attributesValues = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparers.OtlpAttribute);
foreach (var log in _logs)
var value = OtlpLogEntry.GetFieldValue(log, attributeName);
if (value != null)
ref var count = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(attributesValues, value, out _);
// Adds to dictionary if not present.
return attributesValues;
public OtlpTrace? GetTrace(string traceId)
return GetTraceUnsynchronized(traceId);
private OtlpTrace? GetTraceUnsynchronized(string traceId)
Debug.Assert(_tracesLock.IsReadLockHeld || _tracesLock.IsWriteLockHeld, $"Must get lock before calling {nameof(GetTraceUnsynchronized)}.");
var results = _traces.Where(t => t.TraceId.StartsWith(traceId, StringComparison.Ordinal));
var trace = results.SingleOrDefault();
return trace is not null ? OtlpTrace.Clone(trace) : null;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Multiple traces found with trace id '{traceId}'.", ex);
private OtlpSpan? GetSpanUnsynchronized(string traceId, string spanId)
Debug.Assert(_tracesLock.IsReadLockHeld || _tracesLock.IsWriteLockHeld, $"Must get lock before calling {nameof(GetSpanUnsynchronized)}.");
var trace = GetTraceUnsynchronized(traceId);
if (trace != null)
foreach (var span in trace.Spans)
if (span.SpanId == spanId)
return span;
return null;
public OtlpSpan? GetSpan(string traceId, string spanId)
return GetSpanUnsynchronized(traceId, spanId);
public void AddMetrics(AddContext context, RepeatedField<ResourceMetrics> resourceMetrics)
foreach (var rm in resourceMetrics)
OtlpApplicationView applicationView;
applicationView = GetOrAddApplicationView(rm.Resource);
catch (Exception ex)
context.FailureCount += rm.ScopeMetrics.Sum(s => s.Metrics.Count);
_otlpContext.Logger.LogInformation(ex, "Error adding application.");
applicationView.Application.AddMetrics(context, rm.ScopeMetrics);
public void AddTraces(AddContext context, RepeatedField<ResourceSpans> resourceSpans)
foreach (var rs in resourceSpans)
OtlpApplicationView applicationView;
applicationView = GetOrAddApplicationView(rs.Resource);
catch (Exception ex)
context.FailureCount += rs.ScopeSpans.Sum(s => s.Spans.Count);
_otlpContext.Logger.LogInformation(ex, "Error adding application.");
AddTracesCore(context, applicationView, rs.ScopeSpans);
private static OtlpSpanStatusCode ConvertStatus(Status? status)
return status?.Code switch
Status.Types.StatusCode.Ok => OtlpSpanStatusCode.Ok,
Status.Types.StatusCode.Error => OtlpSpanStatusCode.Error,
Status.Types.StatusCode.Unset => OtlpSpanStatusCode.Unset,
_ => OtlpSpanStatusCode.Unset
internal static OtlpSpanKind ConvertSpanKind(SpanKind? kind)
return kind switch
// Unspecified to Internal is intentional.
// "Implementations MAY assume SpanKind to be INTERNAL when receiving UNSPECIFIED."
SpanKind.Unspecified => OtlpSpanKind.Internal,
SpanKind.Internal => OtlpSpanKind.Internal,
SpanKind.Client => OtlpSpanKind.Client,
SpanKind.Server => OtlpSpanKind.Server,
SpanKind.Producer => OtlpSpanKind.Producer,
SpanKind.Consumer => OtlpSpanKind.Consumer,
_ => OtlpSpanKind.Unspecified
internal void AddTracesCore(AddContext context, OtlpApplicationView applicationView, RepeatedField<ScopeSpans> scopeSpans)
foreach (var scopeSpan in scopeSpans)
if (!TryAddScope(_traceScopes, scopeSpan.Scope, out var scope))
context.FailureCount += scopeSpan.Spans.Count;
OtlpTrace? lastTrace = null;
foreach (var span in scopeSpan.Spans)
OtlpTrace? trace;
bool newTrace = false;
// Fast path to check if the span is in the same trace as the last span.
if (lastTrace != null && span.TraceId.Span.SequenceEqual(lastTrace.Key.Span))
trace = lastTrace;
else if (!TryGetTraceById(_traces, span.TraceId.Memory, out trace))
trace = new OtlpTrace(span.TraceId.Memory);
newTrace = true;
var newSpan = CreateSpan(applicationView, span, trace, scope, _otlpContext);
// The new span might be linked to by an existing span.
// Check current links to see if a backlink should be created.
foreach (var existingLink in _spanLinks)
if (existingLink.SpanId == newSpan.SpanId && existingLink.TraceId == newSpan.TraceId)
// Add links to central collection. Add backlinks to existing spans.
foreach (var link in newSpan.Links)
var linkedSpan = GetSpanUnsynchronized(link.TraceId, link.SpanId);
// Traces are sorted by the start time of the first span.
// We need to ensure traces are in the correct order if we're:
// 1. Adding a new trace.
// 2. The first span of the trace has changed.
if (newTrace)
var added = false;
for (var i = _traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var currentTrace = _traces[i];
if (trace.FirstSpan.StartTime > currentTrace.FirstSpan.StartTime)
_traces.Insert(i + 1, trace);
added = true;
if (!added)
_traces.Insert(0, trace);
if (trace.FirstSpan == newSpan)
var moved = false;
var index = _traces.IndexOf(trace);
for (var i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var currentTrace = _traces[i];
if (trace.FirstSpan.StartTime > currentTrace.FirstSpan.StartTime)
var insertPosition = i + 1;
if (index != insertPosition)
_traces.Insert(insertPosition, trace);
moved = true;
if (!moved)
if (index != 0)
_traces.Insert(0, trace);
foreach (var kvp in newSpan.Attributes)
_tracePropertyKeys.Add((applicationView.Application, kvp.Key));
lastTrace = trace;
catch (Exception ex)
_otlpContext.Logger.LogInformation(ex, "Error adding span.");
static bool TryGetTraceById(CircularBuffer<OtlpTrace> traces, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> traceId, [NotNullWhen(true)] out OtlpTrace? trace)
var s = traceId.Span;
for (var i = traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (traces[i].Key.Span.SequenceEqual(s))
trace = traces[i];
return true;
trace = null;
return false;
private void AssertTraceOrder()
DateTime current = default;
for (var i = 0; i < _traces.Count; i++)
var trace = _traces[i];
if (trace.FirstSpan.StartTime < current)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Traces not in order at index {i}.");
current = trace.FirstSpan.StartTime;
private void AssertSpanLinks()
// Create a local copy of span links.
var currentSpanLinks = _spanLinks.ToList();
// Remove span links that match span links on spans.
// Throw an error if an expected span link doesn't exist.
foreach (var trace in _traces)
foreach (var span in trace.Spans)
foreach (var link in span.Links)
if (!currentSpanLinks.Remove(link))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Couldn't find expected link from span {span.SpanId} to span {link.SpanId}.");
// Throw error if there are orphaned span links.
if (currentSpanLinks.Count > 0)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"There are {currentSpanLinks.Count} orphaned span links.");
foreach (var link in currentSpanLinks)
sb.AppendLine(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"\tSource span ID: {link.SourceSpanId}, Target span ID: {link.SpanId}");
throw new InvalidOperationException(sb.ToString());
private static OtlpSpan CreateSpan(OtlpApplicationView applicationView, Span span, OtlpTrace trace, OtlpScope scope, OtlpContext context)
var id = span.SpanId?.ToHexString();
if (id is null)
throw new ArgumentException("Span has no SpanId");
var events = new List<OtlpSpanEvent>();
var links = new List<OtlpSpanLink>();
foreach (var e in span.Links)
links.Add(new OtlpSpanLink
SourceSpanId = id,
SourceTraceId = trace.TraceId,
TraceState = e.TraceState,
SpanId = e.SpanId.ToHexString(),
TraceId = e.TraceId.ToHexString(),
Attributes = e.Attributes.ToKeyValuePairs(context)
var newSpan = new OtlpSpan(applicationView, trace, scope)
SpanId = id,
ParentSpanId = span.ParentSpanId?.ToHexString(),
Name = span.Name,
Kind = ConvertSpanKind(span.Kind),
StartTime = OtlpHelpers.UnixNanoSecondsToDateTime(span.StartTimeUnixNano),
EndTime = OtlpHelpers.UnixNanoSecondsToDateTime(span.EndTimeUnixNano),
Status = ConvertStatus(span.Status),
StatusMessage = span.Status?.Message,
Attributes = span.Attributes.ToKeyValuePairs(context),
State = span.TraceState,
Events = events,
Links = links,
BackLinks = new()
foreach (var e in span.Events.OrderBy(e => e.TimeUnixNano))
events.Add(new OtlpSpanEvent(newSpan)
InternalId = Guid.NewGuid(),
Name = e.Name,
Time = OtlpHelpers.UnixNanoSecondsToDateTime(e.TimeUnixNano),
Attributes = e.Attributes.ToKeyValuePairs(context)
if (events.Count >= context.Options.MaxSpanEventCount)
return newSpan;
public List<OtlpInstrumentSummary> GetInstrumentsSummaries(ApplicationKey key)
var applications = GetApplications(key);
if (applications.Count == 0)
return new List<OtlpInstrumentSummary>();
else if (applications.Count == 1)
return applications[0].GetInstrumentsSummary();
var allApplicationSummaries = applications
.SelectMany(a => a.GetInstrumentsSummary())
.DistinctBy(s => s.GetKey())
return allApplicationSummaries;
public OtlpInstrumentData? GetInstrument(GetInstrumentRequest request)
var applications = GetApplications(request.ApplicationKey);
var instruments = applications
.Select(a => a.GetInstrument(request.MeterName, request.InstrumentName, request.StartTime, request.EndTime))
if (instruments.Count == 0)
return null;
else if (instruments.Count == 1)
var instrument = instruments[0];
return new OtlpInstrumentData
Summary = instrument.Summary,
KnownAttributeValues = instrument.KnownAttributeValues,
Dimensions = instrument.Dimensions.Values.ToList(),
HasOverflow = instrument.HasOverflow
var allDimensions = new List<DimensionScope>();
var allKnownAttributes = new Dictionary<string, List<string?>>();
var hasOverflow = false;
foreach (var instrument in instruments)
foreach (var knownAttributeValues in instrument.KnownAttributeValues)
ref var values = ref CollectionsMarshal.GetValueRefOrAddDefault(allKnownAttributes, knownAttributeValues.Key, out _);
// Adds to dictionary if not present.
if (values != null)
values = values.Union(knownAttributeValues.Value).ToList();
values = knownAttributeValues.Value.ToList();
hasOverflow = hasOverflow || instrument.HasOverflow;
return new OtlpInstrumentData
Summary = instruments[0].Summary,
Dimensions = allDimensions,
KnownAttributeValues = allKnownAttributes,
HasOverflow = hasOverflow