File: RegenerateDownloadTable.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\tasks\installer.tasks\installer.tasks.csproj (installer.tasks)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks
    public class RegenerateDownloadTable : BuildTask
        private const string TableComment = "generated table";
        private const string LinksComment = "links to include in table";
        /// <summary>
        /// A file that contains a Markdown table and a list of links. This task reads the
        /// "links to include in table" section to find available links, then updates the
        /// "generated table" section to include a Markdown table. Cells in the table are generated
        /// by looking for links that apply to the current combination of platform and branch.
        /// The sections are marked by one-line html comments:
        /// <!-- BEGIN <section name> -->
        /// ...
        /// <!-- END <section name> -->
        /// </summary>
        public string ReadmeFile { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// %(Identity): Name of this branch, as appears in the column header.
        /// %(Abbr): Abbreviation of this branch, used to match up with link names.
        /// </summary>
        public ITaskItem[] Branches { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// %(Identity): Name of this platform, as appears in bold as the first column of the row.
        /// %(Parenthetical): An extra non-bold string to add after the platform name.
        /// %(Abbr): Abbreviation of this platform, used to match up with link names.
        /// </summary>
        public ITaskItem[] Platforms { get; set; }
        private string Begin(string marker) => $"<!-- BEGIN {marker} -->";
        private string End(string marker) => $"<!-- END {marker} -->";
        public override bool Execute()
            string[] readmeLines = File.ReadAllLines(ReadmeFile);
            if (readmeLines.Contains(Begin(LinksComment)) &&
                // In the links section, extract the name of each reference-style Markdown link.
                // For example, grabs 'win-x86-badge-2.1.X' from
                // [win-x86-badge-2.1.X]:
                string[] links = readmeLines
                    .SkipWhile(line => line != Begin(LinksComment))
                    .TakeWhile(line => line != End(LinksComment))
                    .Where(line => line.StartsWith("[") && line.Contains("]:"))
                    .Select(line => line.Substring(
                        line.IndexOf("]:", StringComparison.Ordinal) - 1))
                string[] rows = Platforms.Select(p => CreateRow(p, links)).ToArray();
                // Final table to write to the file, with a newline before and after.
                string[] table = new[]
                    $"| Platform |{string.Concat(Branches.Select(p => $" {p.ItemSpec} |"))}",
                    $"| --- | {string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(" :---: |", Branches.Length))}"
                if (readmeLines.Contains(Begin(TableComment)) &&
                    string[] beforeTable = readmeLines
                        .TakeWhile(line => line != Begin(TableComment))
                        .Concat(new[] { Begin(TableComment) })
                    string[] afterTable = readmeLines
                        .SkipWhile(line => line != End(TableComment))
                    Log.LogError($"Readme '{ReadmeFile}' has no '{TableComment}' section.");
                Log.LogError($"Readme '{ReadmeFile}' has no '{LinksComment}' section.");
            return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;
        private string CreateRow(ITaskItem platform, string[] links)
            string parenthetical = platform.GetMetadata("Parenthetical");
            string cells = string.Concat(
                Branches.Select(branch => $" {CreateCell(platform, branch, links)} |"));
            return $"| **{platform.ItemSpec}**{parenthetical} |{cells}";
        private string CreateCell(ITaskItem platform, ITaskItem branch, string[] links)
            string branchAbbr = branch.GetMetadata("Abbr");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchAbbr))
                Log.LogError($"Branch '{branch.ItemSpec}' has no Abbr metadata.");
            string platformAbbr = platform.GetMetadata("Abbr");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(platformAbbr))
                Log.LogError($"Platform '{platform.ItemSpec}' has no Abbr metadata.");
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            string Link(string type) => $"{platformAbbr}-{type}-{branchAbbr}";
            void AddLink(string name, string type)
                string link = Link(type);
                string checksum = Link($"{type}-checksum");
                if (links.Contains(link))
                    if (links.Contains(checksum))
                        sb.Append($" ([Checksum][{checksum}])");
            string badge = Link("badge");
            string version = Link("version");
            // if (links.Contains(badge) && links.Contains(version))
            // {
            //     sb.Append($"[![][{badge}]][{version}]");
            // }
            // Look for various types of links. The first parameter is the name of the link as it
            // appears in the table cell. The second parameter is how this type of link is
            // abbreviated in the link section. A generic checksum link is added for any of these
            // that also have a '<type>-checksum' link.
            AddLink("Installer", "installer");
            AddLink("Runtime-Deps", "runtime-deps");
            AddLink("Host", "host");
            AddLink("App Hosts", "apphost-pack");
            AddLink("Host FX Resolver", "hostfxr");
            AddLink("Targeting Pack", "targeting-pack");
            AddLink("Shared Framework", "sharedfx");
            AddLink("zip", "zip");
            AddLink("tar.gz", "targz");
            // AddLink("NetHost (zip)", "nethost-zip");
            // AddLink("NetHost (tar.gz)", "nethost-targz");
            // AddLink("Symbols (zip)", "symbols-zip");
            // AddLink("Symbols (tar.gz)", "symbols-targz");
            if (sb.Length == 0)
            return sb.ToString();