File: src\tools\illink\external\corert\src\System.Private.CoreLib\src\System\Reflection\Runtime\TypeParsing\TypeParser.cs
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Project: src\src\tools\illink\src\linker\Mono.Linker.csproj (illink)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
#pragma warning disable CA2208
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace System.Reflection.Runtime.TypeParsing
	// Parser for type names passed to GetType() apis.
	public sealed class TypeParser
		// Parses a typename. The typename may be optionally postpended with a "," followed by a legal assembly name.
		public static TypeName? ParseTypeName(string s)
				return ParseAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(s);
			catch (ArgumentException)
				return null;
		// Parses a typename. The typename may be optionally postpended with a "," followed by a legal assembly name.
		private static TypeName? ParseAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(string s)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
				return null;
			// Desktop compat: a whitespace-only "typename" qualified by an assembly name throws an ArgumentException rather than
			// a TypeLoadException.
			int idx = 0;
			while (idx < s.Length && char.IsWhiteSpace(s[idx]))
			if (idx < s.Length && s[idx] == ',')
				throw new ArgumentException();
				TypeParser parser = new TypeParser(s);
				NonQualifiedTypeName typeName = parser.ParseNonQualifiedTypeName();
				TokenType token = parser._lexer.GetNextToken();
				if (token == TokenType.End)
					return typeName;
				if (token == TokenType.Comma)
					RuntimeAssemblyName assemblyName = parser._lexer.GetNextAssemblyName();
					token = parser._lexer.Peek;
					if (token != TokenType.End)
						throw new ArgumentException();
					return new AssemblyQualifiedTypeName(typeName, assemblyName);
				throw new ArgumentException();
			catch (TypeLexer.IllegalEscapeSequenceException)
				// Emulates a CLR4.5 bug that causes any string that contains an illegal escape sequence to be parsed as the empty string.
				return ParseAssemblyQualifiedTypeName(string.Empty);
		private TypeParser(string s)
			_lexer = new TypeLexer(s);
		// Parses a type name without any assembly name qualification.
		private NonQualifiedTypeName ParseNonQualifiedTypeName()
			// Parse the named type or constructed generic type part first.
			NonQualifiedTypeName typeName = ParseNamedOrConstructedGenericTypeName();
			// Iterate through any "has-element" qualifiers ([], &, *).
			for (;;)
				TokenType token = _lexer.Peek;
				if (token == TokenType.End)
				if (token == TokenType.Asterisk)
					typeName = new PointerTypeName(typeName);
				else if (token == TokenType.Ampersand)
					typeName = new ByRefTypeName(typeName);
				else if (token == TokenType.OpenSqBracket)
					token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
					if (token == TokenType.Asterisk)
						typeName = new MultiDimArrayTypeName(typeName, 1);
						token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
						int rank = 1;
						while (token == TokenType.Comma)
							token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
						if (rank == 1)
							typeName = new ArrayTypeName(typeName);
							typeName = new MultiDimArrayTypeName(typeName, rank);
					if (token != TokenType.CloseSqBracket)
						throw new ArgumentException();
			return typeName;
		// Foo or Foo+Inner or Foo[String] or Foo+Inner[String]
		private NonQualifiedTypeName ParseNamedOrConstructedGenericTypeName()
			NamedTypeName namedType = ParseNamedTypeName();
			// Because "[" is used both for generic arguments and array indexes, we must peek two characters deep.
			if (!(_lexer.Peek == TokenType.OpenSqBracket && (_lexer.PeekSecond == TokenType.Other || _lexer.PeekSecond == TokenType.OpenSqBracket)))
				return namedType;
				List<TypeName> genericTypeArguments = new List<TypeName>();
				for (;;)
					TypeName genericTypeArgument = ParseGenericTypeArgument();
					TokenType token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
					if (token == TokenType.CloseSqBracket)
					if (token != TokenType.Comma)
						throw new ArgumentException();
				return new ConstructedGenericTypeName(namedType, genericTypeArguments);
		// Foo or Foo+Inner
		private NamedTypeName ParseNamedTypeName()
			NamedTypeName namedType = ParseNamespaceTypeName();
			while (_lexer.Peek == TokenType.Plus)
				string nestedTypeName = _lexer.GetNextIdentifier();
				namedType = new NestedTypeName(nestedTypeName, namedType);
			return namedType;
		// Non-nested named type.
		private NamespaceTypeName ParseNamespaceTypeName()
			string fullName = _lexer.GetNextIdentifier();
			string[] parts = fullName.Split('.');
			int numNamespaceParts = parts.Length - 1;
			string[] namespaceParts = new string[numNamespaceParts];
			for (int i = 0; i < numNamespaceParts; i++)
				namespaceParts[numNamespaceParts - i - 1] = parts[i];
			string name = parts[numNamespaceParts];
			return new NamespaceTypeName(namespaceParts, name);
		// Parse a generic argument. In particular, generic arguments can take the special form [<typename>,<assemblyname>].
		private TypeName ParseGenericTypeArgument()
			TokenType token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
			if (token == TokenType.Other)
				NonQualifiedTypeName nonQualifiedTypeName = ParseNonQualifiedTypeName();
				return nonQualifiedTypeName;
			else if (token == TokenType.OpenSqBracket)
				RuntimeAssemblyName? assemblyName = null;
				NonQualifiedTypeName typeName = ParseNonQualifiedTypeName();
				token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
				if (token == TokenType.Comma)
					assemblyName = _lexer.GetNextEmbeddedAssemblyName();
					token = _lexer.GetNextToken();
				if (token != TokenType.CloseSqBracket)
					throw new ArgumentException();
				if (assemblyName == null)
					return typeName;
					return new AssemblyQualifiedTypeName(typeName, assemblyName);
				throw new ArgumentException();
		private readonly TypeLexer _lexer;