File: Linker\DocumentationSignatureParser.cs
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Project: src\src\tools\illink\src\linker\Mono.Linker.csproj (illink)
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Collections.Generic;
namespace Mono.Linker
	/// <summary>
	///  Parses a signature for a member, in the format used for C# Documentation Comments:
	///  Adapted from Roslyn's DocumentationCommentId:
	/// </summary>
	/// Roslyn's API works with ISymbol, which represents a symbol exposed by the compiler.
	/// a Symbol has information about the source language, name, metadata name,
	/// containing scopes, visibility/accessibility, attributes, etc.
	/// This API instead works with the Cecil OM. It can be used to refer to IL definitions
	/// where the signature of a member can contain references to instantiated generics.
	public static class DocumentationSignatureParser
		public enum MemberType
			Method = 0x0001,
			Field = 0x0002,
			Type = 0x0004,
			Property = 0x0008,
			Event = 0x0010,
			All = Method | Field | Type | Property | Event
		public static IEnumerable<IMemberDefinition> GetMembersForDocumentationSignature (string id, ModuleDefinition module, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			var results = new List<IMemberDefinition> ();
			if (id == null || module == null)
				return results;
			ParseDocumentationSignature (id, module, results, resolver);
			return results;
		// Takes a documentation signature (not including the documentation member type prefix) and resolves it to a type
		// in the assembly.
		public static TypeDefinition? GetTypeByDocumentationSignature (AssemblyDefinition assembly, string signature, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			int index = 0;
			var results = new List<IMemberDefinition> ();
			DocumentationSignatureParser.ParseSignaturePart (signature, ref index, assembly.MainModule, DocumentationSignatureParser.MemberType.Type, results, resolver);
			Debug.Assert (results.Count <= 1);
			return results.Count == 0 ? null : (TypeDefinition) results[0];
		// Takes a member signature (not including the declaring type) and returns the matching members on the type.
		public static IEnumerable<IMemberDefinition> GetMembersByDocumentationSignature (TypeDefinition type, string signature, ITryResolveMetadata resolver, bool acceptName = false)
			int index = 0;
			var results = new List<IMemberDefinition> ();
			var nameBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			var (name, arity) = DocumentationSignatureParser.ParseTypeOrNamespaceName (signature, ref index, nameBuilder);
			DocumentationSignatureParser.GetMatchingMembers (signature, ref index, type.Module, type, name, arity, DocumentationSignatureParser.MemberType.All, results, resolver, acceptName);
			return results;
		static string GetSignaturePart (TypeReference type, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			var builder = new StringBuilder ();
			DocumentationSignatureGenerator.PartVisitor.Instance.VisitTypeReference (type, builder, resolver);
			return builder.ToString ();
		static bool ParseDocumentationSignature (string id, ModuleDefinition module, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			if (id == null)
				return false;
			if (id.Length < 2)
				return false;
			int index = 0;
			results.Clear ();
			ParseSignature (id, ref index, module, results, resolver);
			return results.Count > 0;
		static void ParseSignature (string id, ref int index, ModuleDefinition module, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			Debug.Assert (results.Count == 0);
			var memberTypeChar = PeekNextChar (id, index);
			MemberType memberType;
			switch (memberTypeChar) {
			case 'E':
				memberType = MemberType.Event;
			case 'F':
				memberType = MemberType.Field;
			case 'M':
				memberType = MemberType.Method;
			case 'N':
				// We do not support namespaces, which do not exist in IL.
			case 'P':
				memberType = MemberType.Property;
			case 'T':
				memberType = MemberType.Type;
				// Documentation comment id must start with E, F, M, P, or T
			// Note: this allows leaving out the ':'.
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ':')
			ParseSignaturePart (id, ref index, module, memberType, results, resolver);
		// Parses and resolves a fully-qualified (namespace and nested types but no assembly) member signature,
		// without the member type prefix. The results include all members matching the specified member types.
		public static void ParseSignaturePart (string id, ref int index, ModuleDefinition module, MemberType memberTypes, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			// Roslyn resolves types by searching namespaces top-down.
			// We don't have namespace info. Instead try treating each part of a
			// dotted name as a type first, then as a namespace if it fails
			// to resolve to a type.
			TypeDefinition? containingType = null;
			var nameBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			string name;
			int arity;
			// process dotted names
			while (true) {
				(name, arity) = ParseTypeOrNamespaceName (id, ref index, nameBuilder);
				// if we are at the end of the dotted name and still haven't resolved it to
				// a type, there are no results.
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
				// no more dots, so don't loop any more
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) != '.')
				// must be a namespace or type since name continues after dot
				// try to resolve it as a type
				var typeOrNamespaceName = nameBuilder.ToString ();
				GetMatchingTypes (module, declaringType: containingType, name: typeOrNamespaceName, arity: arity, results: results, resolver);
				Debug.Assert (results.Count <= 1);
				if (results.Count > 0) {
					// the name resolved to a type
					var result = results.Single ();
					Debug.Assert (result is TypeDefinition);
					// result becomes the new container
					containingType = result as TypeDefinition;
					nameBuilder.Clear ();
					results.Clear ();
				// it didn't resolve as a type.
				// only types have arity.
				if (arity > 0)
				// treat it as a namespace and continue building up the type name
				nameBuilder.Append ('.');
			var memberName = nameBuilder.ToString ();
			GetMatchingMembers (id, ref index, module, containingType, memberName, arity, memberTypes, results, resolver);
		// Gets all members of the specified member kinds of the containing type, with
		// mathing name, arity, and signature at the current index (for methods and properties).
		// This will also resolve types from the given module if no containing type is given.
		public static void GetMatchingMembers (string id, ref int index, ModuleDefinition module, TypeDefinition? containingType, string memberName, int arity, MemberType memberTypes, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver, bool acceptName = false)
			if (memberTypes.HasFlag (MemberType.Type))
				GetMatchingTypes (module, containingType, memberName, arity, results, resolver);
			if (containingType == null)
			int startIndex = index;
			int endIndex = index;
			if (memberTypes.HasFlag (MemberType.Method)) {
				GetMatchingMethods (id, ref index, containingType, memberName, arity, results, resolver, acceptName);
				endIndex = index;
				index = startIndex;
			if (memberTypes.HasFlag (MemberType.Property)) {
				GetMatchingProperties (id, ref index, containingType, memberName, results, resolver, acceptName);
				endIndex = index;
				index = startIndex;
			index = endIndex;
			if (memberTypes.HasFlag (MemberType.Event))
				GetMatchingEvents (containingType, memberName, results);
			if (memberTypes.HasFlag (MemberType.Field))
				GetMatchingFields (containingType, memberName, results);
		// Parses a part of a dotted declaration name, including generic definitions.
		// Returns the name (either a namespace or the unmangled name of a C# type) and an arity
		// which may be non-zero for generic types.
		public static (string name, int arity) ParseTypeOrNamespaceName (string id, ref int index, StringBuilder nameBuilder)
			var name = ParseName (id, ref index);
			// don't parse ` after an empty name
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
				return (name, 0);
			nameBuilder.Append (name);
			var arity = 0;
			// has type parameters?
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '`') {
				bool genericType = true;
				// method type parameters?
				// note: this allows `` for type parameters
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '`') {
					genericType = false;
				arity = ReadNextInteger (id, ref index);
				if (genericType) {
					// We need to mangle generic type names but not generic method names.
					nameBuilder.Append ('`');
					nameBuilder.Append (arity);
			return (name, arity);
		// Roslyn resolves types in a signature to their declaration by searching through namespaces.
		// To avoid looking for types by name in all referenced assemblies, we just represent types
		// that are part of a signature by their doc comment strings, and we check for matching
		// strings when looking for matching member signatures.
		static string? ParseTypeSymbol (string id, ref int index, IGenericParameterProvider? typeParameterContext)
			var results = new List<string> ();
			ParseTypeSymbol (id, ref index, typeParameterContext, results);
			if (results.Count == 1)
				return results[0];
			Debug.Assert (results.Count == 0);
			return null;
		static void ParseTypeSymbol (string id, ref int index, IGenericParameterProvider? typeParameterContext, List<string> results)
			// Note: Roslyn has a special case that deviates from the language spec, which
			// allows context expressions embedded in a type reference => <context-definition>:<type-parameter>
			// We do not support this special format.
			Debug.Assert (results.Count == 0);
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '`')
				ParseTypeParameterSymbol (id, ref index, typeParameterContext, results);
				ParseNamedTypeSymbol (id, ref index, typeParameterContext, results);
			// apply any array or pointer constructions to results
			var startIndex = index;
			var endIndex = index;
			for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) {
				index = startIndex;
				var typeReference = results[i];
				while (true) {
					if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '[') {
						var boundsStartIndex = index;
						var bounds = ParseArrayBounds (id, ref index);
						var boundsEndIndex = index;
						Debug.Assert (bounds > 0);
						// Instead of constructing a representation of the array bounds, we
						// use the original input to represent the bounds, and later match it
						// against the generated strings for types in signatures.
						// This ensures that we will only resolve members with supported array bounds.
						typeReference += id.Substring (boundsStartIndex, boundsEndIndex - boundsStartIndex);
					if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '*') {
						typeReference += '*';
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '@') {
					typeReference += '@';
				results[i] = typeReference;
				endIndex = index;
			index = endIndex;
		static void ParseTypeParameterSymbol (string id, ref int index, IGenericParameterProvider? typeParameterContext, List<string> results)
			// skip the first `
			Debug.Assert (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '`');
			Debug.Assert (
				typeParameterContext == null ||
				(typeParameterContext is MethodDefinition && typeParameterContext.GenericParameterType == GenericParameterType.Method) ||
				(typeParameterContext is TypeDefinition && typeParameterContext.GenericParameterType == GenericParameterType.Type)
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '`') {
				// `` means this is a method type parameter
				var methodTypeParameterIndex = ReadNextInteger (id, ref index);
				if (typeParameterContext is MethodDefinition methodContext) {
					var count = methodContext.HasGenericParameters ? methodContext.GenericParameters.Count : 0;
					if (count > 0 && methodTypeParameterIndex < count) {
						results.Add ("``" + methodTypeParameterIndex);
			} else {
				// regular type parameter
				var typeParameterIndex = ReadNextInteger (id, ref index);
				var typeContext = typeParameterContext is MethodDefinition methodContext
					? methodContext.DeclaringType
					: typeParameterContext as TypeDefinition;
				if (typeParameterIndex >= 0 ||
					typeParameterIndex < typeContext?.GenericParameters.Count) {
					// No need to look at declaring types like Roslyn, because type parameters are redeclared.
					results.Add ("`" + typeParameterIndex);
		static void ParseNamedTypeSymbol (string id, ref int index, IGenericParameterProvider? typeParameterContext, List<string> results)
			Debug.Assert (results.Count == 0);
			var nameBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
			// loop for dotted names
			while (true) {
				var name = ParseName (id, ref index);
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (name))
				nameBuilder.Append (name);
				List<string>? typeArguments = null;
				int arity = 0;
				// type arguments
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '{') {
					typeArguments = new List<string> ();
					if (!ParseTypeArguments (id, ref index, typeParameterContext, typeArguments)) {
					arity = typeArguments.Count;
				if (arity != 0) {
					Debug.Assert (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.Count != 0);
					nameBuilder.Append ('{');
					bool needsComma = false;
					foreach (var typeArg in typeArguments) {
						if (needsComma) {
							nameBuilder.Append (',');
						nameBuilder.Append (typeArg);
						needsComma = true;
					nameBuilder.Append ('}');
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) != '.')
				nameBuilder.Append ('.');
			results.Add (nameBuilder.ToString ());
		static int ParseArrayBounds (string id, ref int index)
			index++; // skip '['
			int bounds = 0;
			while (true) {
				// note: the actual bounds are ignored.
				// C# only supports arrays with lower bound zero.
				// size is not known.
				if (char.IsDigit (PeekNextChar (id, index)))
					ReadNextInteger (id, ref index);
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ':') {
					// note: the spec says that omitting both the lower bounds and the size
					// should omit the ':' as well, but this allows for it in the input.
					if (char.IsDigit (PeekNextChar (id, index)))
						ReadNextInteger (id, ref index);
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ',') {
			// note: this allows leaving out the closing ']'
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ']')
			return bounds;
		static bool ParseTypeArguments (string id, ref int index, IGenericParameterProvider? typeParameterContext, List<string> typeArguments)
			index++; // skip over {
			while (true) {
				var type = ParseTypeSymbol (id, ref index, typeParameterContext);
				if (type == null) {
					// if a type argument cannot be identified, argument list is no good
					return false;
				// add first one
				typeArguments.Add (type);
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ',') {
			// note: this doesn't require closing }
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '}') {
			return true;
		static void GetMatchingTypes (ModuleDefinition module, TypeDefinition? declaringType, string name, int arity, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			Debug.Assert (module != null);
			if (declaringType == null) {
				var type = module.ResolveType (name, resolver);
				if (type != null) {
					results.Add (type);
			if (!declaringType.HasNestedTypes)
			foreach (var nestedType in declaringType.NestedTypes) {
				Debug.Assert (string.IsNullOrEmpty (nestedType.Namespace));
				if (nestedType.Name != name)
				// Compute arity counting only the newly-introduced generic parameters
				var declaringArity = declaringType.HasGenericParameters ? declaringType.GenericParameters.Count : 0;
				int totalArity = nestedType.HasGenericParameters ? nestedType.GenericParameters.Count : 0;
				var nestedTypeArity = totalArity - declaringArity;
				if (nestedTypeArity != arity)
				results.Add (nestedType);
		static void GetMatchingMethods (string id, ref int index, TypeDefinition? type, string memberName, int arity, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver, bool acceptName = false)
			if (type == null)
			var parameters = new List<string> ();
			var startIndex = index;
			var endIndex = index;
			foreach (var method in type.Methods) {
				index = startIndex;
				if (method.Name != memberName)
				var methodArity = method.HasGenericParameters ? method.GenericParameters.Count : 0;
				if (methodArity != arity)
				parameters.Clear ();
				bool isNameOnly = true;
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '(') {
					isNameOnly = false;
					// if the parameters cannot be identified (some error), then the symbol cannot match, try next method symbol
					if (!ParseParameterList (id, ref index, method, parameters))
				// note: this allows extra characters at the end
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '~') {
					isNameOnly = false;
					string? returnType = ParseTypeSymbol (id, ref index, method);
					if (returnType == null)
					// if return type is specified, then it must match
					if (GetSignaturePart (method.ReturnType, resolver) != returnType)
				if (!isNameOnly || !acceptName) {
					// check parameters unless we are matching a name only
#pragma warning disable RS0030 // Do not used banned APIs
					if (!AllParametersMatch (method.Parameters, parameters, resolver))
#pragma warning restore RS0030 // Do not used banned APIs
				results.Add (method);
				endIndex = index;
			index = endIndex;
		static void GetMatchingProperties (string id, ref int index, TypeDefinition? type, string memberName, List<IMemberDefinition> results, ITryResolveMetadata resolver, bool acceptName = false)
			if (type == null)
			int startIndex = index;
			int endIndex = index;
			List<string>? parameters = null;
			// Unlike Roslyn, we don't need to decode property names because we are working
			// directly with IL.
			foreach (var property in type.Properties) {
				index = startIndex;
				if (property.Name != memberName)
				if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == '(') {
					if (parameters == null) {
						parameters = new List<string> ();
					} else {
						parameters.Clear ();
					if (!ParseParameterList (id, ref index, property.DeclaringType, parameters))
					if (!AllParametersMatch (property.Parameters, parameters, resolver))
				} else {
					if (!acceptName && property.Parameters.Count != 0)
				results.Add (property);
				endIndex = index;
			index = endIndex;
		static void GetMatchingFields (TypeDefinition? type, string memberName, List<IMemberDefinition> results)
			if (type == null)
			foreach (var field in type.Fields) {
				if (field.Name != memberName)
				results.Add (field);
		static void GetMatchingEvents (TypeDefinition? type, string memberName, List<IMemberDefinition> results)
			if (type == null)
			foreach (var evt in type.Events) {
				if (evt.Name != memberName)
				results.Add (evt);
		static bool AllParametersMatch (Collection<ParameterDefinition> methodParameters, List<string> expectedParameters, ITryResolveMetadata resolver)
			if (methodParameters.Count != expectedParameters.Count)
				return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < expectedParameters.Count; i++) {
				if (GetSignaturePart (methodParameters[i].ParameterType, resolver) != expectedParameters[i])
					return false;
			return true;
		static bool ParseParameterList (string id, ref int index, IGenericParameterProvider typeParameterContext, List<string> parameters)
			System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (typeParameterContext != null);
			index++; // skip over '('
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ')') {
				// note: this will match parameterless methods, or methods with only varargs parameters
				return true;
			string? parameter = ParseTypeSymbol (id, ref index, typeParameterContext);
			if (parameter == null)
				return false;
			parameters.Add (parameter);
			while (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ',') {
				parameter = ParseTypeSymbol (id, ref index, typeParameterContext);
				if (parameter == null)
					return false;
				parameters.Add (parameter);
			// note: this doesn't require the trailing ')'
			if (PeekNextChar (id, index) == ')') {
			return true;
		static char PeekNextChar (string id, int index)
			return index >= id.Length ? '\0' : id[index];
		static readonly char[] s_nameDelimiters = { ':', '.', '(', ')', '{', '}', '[', ']', ',', '\'', '@', '*', '`', '~' };
		static string ParseName (string id, ref int index)
			string name;
			int delimiterOffset = id.IndexOfAny (s_nameDelimiters, index);
			if (delimiterOffset >= 0) {
				name = id.Substring (index, delimiterOffset - index);
				index = delimiterOffset;
			} else {
				name = id.Substring (index);
				index = id.Length;
			return DecodeName (name);
		// undoes dot encodings within names...
		static string DecodeName (string name)
			return name.Replace ('#', '.');
		static int ReadNextInteger (string id, ref int index)
			int n = 0;
			// note: this can overflow
			while (index < id.Length && char.IsDigit (id[index])) {
				n = n * 10 + (id[index] - '0');
			return n;