File: Linker.Steps\ProcessLinkerXmlBase.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\tools\illink\src\linker\Mono.Linker.csproj (illink)
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using ILLink.Shared;
using Mono.Cecil;
namespace Mono.Linker.Steps
	public enum AllowedAssemblies
		ContainingAssembly = 0x1,
		AnyAssembly = 0x2 | ContainingAssembly,
		AllAssemblies = 0x4 | AnyAssembly
	public abstract class ProcessLinkerXmlBase
		const string FullNameAttributeName = "fullname";
		const string LinkerElementName = "linker";
		const string TypeElementName = "type";
		const string SignatureAttributeName = "signature";
		const string NameAttributeName = "name";
		const string FieldElementName = "field";
		const string MethodElementName = "method";
		const string EventElementName = "event";
		const string PropertyElementName = "property";
		const string AllAssembliesFullName = "*";
		protected const string XmlNamespace = "";
		protected readonly string _xmlDocumentLocation;
		readonly XPathNavigator _document;
		protected readonly (EmbeddedResource Resource, AssemblyDefinition Assembly)? _resource;
		protected readonly LinkContext _context;
		protected ProcessLinkerXmlBase (LinkContext context, Stream documentStream, string xmlDocumentLocation)
			_context = context;
			using (documentStream) {
				_document = XDocument.Load (documentStream, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo).CreateNavigator ();
			_xmlDocumentLocation = xmlDocumentLocation;
		protected ProcessLinkerXmlBase (LinkContext context, Stream documentStream, EmbeddedResource resource, AssemblyDefinition resourceAssembly, string xmlDocumentLocation)
			: this (context, documentStream, xmlDocumentLocation)
			_resource = (
				resource ?? throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (resource)),
				resourceAssembly ?? throw new ArgumentNullException (nameof (resourceAssembly))
		protected virtual bool ShouldProcessElement (XPathNavigator nav) => FeatureSettings.ShouldProcessElement (nav, _context, _xmlDocumentLocation);
		protected virtual void ProcessXml (bool stripResource, bool ignoreResource)
			if (!AllowedAssemblySelector.HasFlag (AllowedAssemblies.AnyAssembly) && _resource == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException ("The containing assembly must be specified for XML which is restricted to modifying that assembly only.");
			try {
				XPathNavigator nav = _document.CreateNavigator ();
				// Initial structure check - ignore XML document which don't look like ILLink XML format
				if (!nav.MoveToChild (LinkerElementName, XmlNamespace))
				if (_resource != null) {
					if (stripResource)
						_context.Annotations.AddResourceToRemove (_resource.Value.Assembly, _resource.Value.Resource);
					if (ignoreResource)
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (nav))
				ProcessAssemblies (nav);
				// For embedded XML, allow not specifying the assembly explicitly in XML.
				if (_resource != null)
					ProcessAssembly (_resource.Value.Assembly, nav, warnOnUnresolvedTypes: true);
			} catch (Exception ex) when (!(ex is LinkerFatalErrorException)) {
				throw new LinkerFatalErrorException (MessageContainer.CreateErrorMessage (null, DiagnosticId.ErrorProcessingXmlLocation, _xmlDocumentLocation), ex);
		protected virtual AllowedAssemblies AllowedAssemblySelector { get => _resource != null ? AllowedAssemblies.ContainingAssembly : AllowedAssemblies.AnyAssembly; }
		bool ShouldProcessAllAssemblies (XPathNavigator nav, [NotNullWhen (false)] out AssemblyNameReference? assemblyName)
			assemblyName = null;
			if (GetFullName (nav) == AllAssembliesFullName)
				return true;
			assemblyName = GetAssemblyName (nav);
			return false;
		protected virtual void ProcessAssemblies (XPathNavigator nav)
			foreach (XPathNavigator assemblyNav in nav.SelectChildren ("assembly", "")) {
				// Errors for invalid assembly names should show up even if this element will be
				// skipped due to feature conditions.
				bool processAllAssemblies = ShouldProcessAllAssemblies (assemblyNav, out AssemblyNameReference? name);
				if (processAllAssemblies && AllowedAssemblySelector != AllowedAssemblies.AllAssemblies) {
					LogWarning (assemblyNav, DiagnosticId.XmlUnsuportedWildcard);
				AssemblyDefinition? assemblyToProcess = null;
				if (!AllowedAssemblySelector.HasFlag (AllowedAssemblies.AnyAssembly)) {
					Debug.Assert (!processAllAssemblies);
					Debug.Assert (_resource != null);
					if (_resource.Value.Assembly.Name.Name != name!.Name) {
						LogWarning (assemblyNav, DiagnosticId.AssemblyWithEmbeddedXmlApplyToAnotherAssembly, _resource.Value.Assembly.Name.Name, name.ToString ());
					assemblyToProcess = _resource.Value.Assembly;
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (assemblyNav))
				if (processAllAssemblies) {
					// We could avoid loading all references in this case:
					foreach (AssemblyDefinition assembly in _context.GetReferencedAssemblies ())
						ProcessAssembly (assembly, assemblyNav, warnOnUnresolvedTypes: false);
				} else {
					Debug.Assert (!processAllAssemblies);
					AssemblyDefinition? assembly = assemblyToProcess ?? _context.TryResolve (name!);
					if (assembly == null) {
						LogWarning (assemblyNav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotResolveAssembly, name!.Name);
					ProcessAssembly (assembly, assemblyNav, warnOnUnresolvedTypes: true);
		protected abstract void ProcessAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly, XPathNavigator nav, bool warnOnUnresolvedTypes);
		protected virtual void ProcessTypes (AssemblyDefinition assembly, XPathNavigator nav, bool warnOnUnresolvedTypes)
			foreach (XPathNavigator typeNav in nav.SelectChildren (TypeElementName, XmlNamespace)) {
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (typeNav))
				string fullname = GetFullName (typeNav);
				if (fullname.Contains ('*')) {
					if (ProcessTypePattern (fullname, assembly, typeNav))
				TypeDefinition type = assembly.MainModule.GetType (fullname);
				if (type == null && assembly.MainModule.HasExportedTypes) {
					foreach (var exported in assembly.MainModule.ExportedTypes) {
						if (fullname == exported.FullName) {
							var resolvedExternal = ProcessExportedType (exported, assembly, typeNav);
							if (resolvedExternal != null) {
								type = resolvedExternal;
				if (type == null) {
					if (warnOnUnresolvedTypes)
						LogWarning (typeNav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotResolveType, fullname);
				ProcessType (type, typeNav);
		protected virtual TypeDefinition? ProcessExportedType (ExportedType exported, AssemblyDefinition assembly, XPathNavigator nav) => _context.TryResolve (exported);
		void MatchType (TypeDefinition type, Regex regex, XPathNavigator nav)
			if (regex.Match (type.FullName).Success)
				ProcessType (type, nav);
			if (!type.HasNestedTypes)
			foreach (var nt in type.NestedTypes)
				MatchType (nt, regex, nav);
		protected virtual bool ProcessTypePattern (string fullname, AssemblyDefinition assembly, XPathNavigator nav)
			Regex regex = new Regex (fullname.Replace (".", @"\.").Replace ("*", "(.*)"));
			foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.MainModule.Types) {
				MatchType (type, regex, nav);
			if (assembly.MainModule.HasExportedTypes) {
				foreach (var exported in assembly.MainModule.ExportedTypes) {
					if (regex.Match (exported.FullName).Success) {
						var type = ProcessExportedType (exported, assembly, nav);
						if (type != null) {
							ProcessType (type, nav);
			return true;
		protected abstract void ProcessType (TypeDefinition type, XPathNavigator nav);
		protected void ProcessTypeChildren (TypeDefinition type, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData = null)
			if (nav.HasChildren) {
				ProcessSelectedFields (nav, type);
				ProcessSelectedMethods (nav, type, customData);
				ProcessSelectedEvents (nav, type, customData);
				ProcessSelectedProperties (nav, type, customData);
		void ProcessSelectedFields (XPathNavigator nav, TypeDefinition type)
			foreach (XPathNavigator fieldNav in nav.SelectChildren (FieldElementName, XmlNamespace)) {
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (fieldNav))
				ProcessField (type, fieldNav);
		protected virtual void ProcessField (TypeDefinition type, XPathNavigator nav)
			string signature = GetSignature (nav);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (signature)) {
				FieldDefinition? field = GetField (type, signature);
				if (field == null) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindFieldOnType, signature, type.GetDisplayName ());
				ProcessField (type, field, nav);
			string name = GetName (nav);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) {
				bool foundMatch = false;
				if (type.HasFields) {
					foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
						if (field.Name == name) {
							foundMatch = true;
							ProcessField (type, field, nav);
				if (!foundMatch) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindFieldOnType, name, type.GetDisplayName ());
		protected static FieldDefinition? GetField (TypeDefinition type, string signature)
			if (!type.HasFields)
				return null;
			foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields)
				if (signature == field.FieldType.FullName + " " + field.Name)
					return field;
			return null;
		protected virtual void ProcessField (TypeDefinition type, FieldDefinition field, XPathNavigator nav) { }
		void ProcessSelectedMethods (XPathNavigator nav, TypeDefinition type, object? customData)
			foreach (XPathNavigator methodNav in nav.SelectChildren (MethodElementName, XmlNamespace)) {
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (methodNav))
				ProcessMethod (type, methodNav, customData);
		protected virtual void ProcessMethod (TypeDefinition type, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData)
			string signature = GetSignature (nav);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (signature)) {
				MethodDefinition? method = GetMethod (type, signature);
				if (method == null) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindMethodOnType, signature, type.GetDisplayName ());
				ProcessMethod (type, method, nav, customData);
			string name = GetAttribute (nav, NameAttributeName);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) {
				bool foundMatch = false;
				if (type.HasMethods) {
					foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods) {
						if (name == method.Name) {
							foundMatch = true;
							ProcessMethod (type, method, nav, customData);
				if (!foundMatch) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindMethodOnType, name, type.GetDisplayName ());
		protected virtual MethodDefinition? GetMethod (TypeDefinition type, string signature) => null;
		protected virtual void ProcessMethod (TypeDefinition type, MethodDefinition method, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData) { }
		void ProcessSelectedEvents (XPathNavigator nav, TypeDefinition type, object? customData)
			foreach (XPathNavigator eventNav in nav.SelectChildren (EventElementName, XmlNamespace)) {
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (eventNav))
				ProcessEvent (type, eventNav, customData);
		protected virtual void ProcessEvent (TypeDefinition type, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData)
			string signature = GetSignature (nav);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (signature)) {
				EventDefinition? @event = GetEvent (type, signature);
				if (@event == null) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindEventOnType, signature, type.GetDisplayName ());
				ProcessEvent (type, @event, nav, customData);
			string name = GetAttribute (nav, NameAttributeName);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) {
				bool foundMatch = false;
				foreach (EventDefinition @event in type.Events) {
					if (@event.Name == name) {
						foundMatch = true;
						ProcessEvent (type, @event, nav, customData);
				if (!foundMatch) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindEventOnType, name, type.GetDisplayName ());
		protected static EventDefinition? GetEvent (TypeDefinition type, string signature)
			if (!type.HasEvents)
				return null;
			foreach (EventDefinition @event in type.Events)
				if (signature == @event.EventType.FullName + " " + @event.Name)
					return @event;
			return null;
		protected virtual void ProcessEvent (TypeDefinition type, EventDefinition @event, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData) { }
		void ProcessSelectedProperties (XPathNavigator nav, TypeDefinition type, object? customData)
			foreach (XPathNavigator propertyNav in nav.SelectChildren (PropertyElementName, XmlNamespace)) {
				if (!ShouldProcessElement (propertyNav))
				ProcessProperty (type, propertyNav, customData);
		protected virtual void ProcessProperty (TypeDefinition type, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData)
			string signature = GetSignature (nav);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (signature)) {
				PropertyDefinition? property = GetProperty (type, signature);
				if (property == null) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindPropertyOnType, signature, type.GetDisplayName ());
				ProcessProperty (type, property, nav, customData, true);
			string name = GetAttribute (nav, NameAttributeName);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (name)) {
				bool foundMatch = false;
				foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties) {
					if (property.Name == name) {
						foundMatch = true;
						ProcessProperty (type, property, nav, customData, false);
				if (!foundMatch) {
					LogWarning (nav, DiagnosticId.XmlCouldNotFindPropertyOnType, name, type.GetDisplayName ());
		protected static PropertyDefinition? GetProperty (TypeDefinition type, string signature)
			if (!type.HasProperties)
				return null;
			foreach (PropertyDefinition property in type.Properties)
				if (signature == property.PropertyType.FullName + " " + property.Name)
					return property;
			return null;
		protected virtual void ProcessProperty (TypeDefinition type, PropertyDefinition property, XPathNavigator nav, object? customData, bool fromSignature) { }
		protected virtual AssemblyNameReference GetAssemblyName (XPathNavigator nav)
			return AssemblyNameReference.Parse (GetFullName (nav));
		protected static string GetFullName (XPathNavigator nav)
			return GetAttribute (nav, FullNameAttributeName);
		protected static string GetName (XPathNavigator nav)
			return GetAttribute (nav, NameAttributeName);
		protected static string GetSignature (XPathNavigator nav)
			return GetAttribute (nav, SignatureAttributeName);
		protected static string GetAttribute (XPathNavigator nav, string attribute)
			return nav.GetAttribute (attribute, XmlNamespace);
		protected MessageOrigin GetMessageOriginForPosition (XPathNavigator position)
			return (position is IXmlLineInfo lineInfo)
					? new MessageOrigin (_xmlDocumentLocation, lineInfo.LineNumber, lineInfo.LinePosition, _resource?.Assembly)
					: new MessageOrigin (_xmlDocumentLocation, 0, 0, _resource?.Assembly);
		protected void LogWarning (string message, int warningCode, XPathNavigator position)
			_context.LogWarning (message, warningCode, GetMessageOriginForPosition (position));
		protected void LogWarning (XPathNavigator position, DiagnosticId id, params string[] args)
			_context.LogWarning (GetMessageOriginForPosition (position), id, args);
		public override string ToString () => GetType ().Name + ": " + _xmlDocumentLocation;
		public bool TryConvertValue (string value, TypeReference target, out object? result)
			switch (target.MetadataType) {
			case MetadataType.Boolean:
				if (bool.TryParse (value, out bool bvalue)) {
					result = bvalue ? 1 : 0;
					return true;
				goto case MetadataType.Int32;
			case MetadataType.Byte:
				if (!byte.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out byte byteresult))
				result = (int) byteresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.SByte:
				if (!sbyte.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out sbyte sbyteresult))
				result = (int) sbyteresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.Int16:
				if (!short.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out short shortresult))
				result = (int) shortresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.UInt16:
				if (!ushort.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ushort ushortresult))
				result = (int) ushortresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.Int32:
				if (!int.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int iresult))
				result = iresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.UInt32:
				if (!uint.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out uint uresult))
				result = (int) uresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.Double:
				if (!double.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double dresult))
				result = dresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.Single:
				if (!float.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out float fresult))
				result = fresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.Int64:
				if (!long.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out long lresult))
				result = lresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.UInt64:
				if (!ulong.TryParse (value, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ulong ulresult))
				result = (long) ulresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.Char:
				if (!char.TryParse (value, out char chresult))
				result = (int) chresult;
				return true;
			case MetadataType.String:
				if (value is string || value == null) {
					result = value;
					return true;
			case MetadataType.ValueType:
				if (value is string &&
					_context.TryResolve (target) is TypeDefinition typeDefinition &&
					typeDefinition.IsEnum) {
					var enumField = typeDefinition.Fields.Where (f => f.IsStatic && f.Name == value).FirstOrDefault ();
					if (enumField != null) {
						result = Convert.ToInt32 (enumField.Constant);
						return true;
			result = null;
			return false;