File: Linker.Dataflow\CompilerGeneratedState.cs
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Project: src\src\tools\illink\src\linker\Mono.Linker.csproj (illink)
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using ILLink.Shared;
using ILLink.Shared.DataFlow;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
namespace Mono.Linker.Dataflow
	// Currently this is implemented using heuristics
	public class CompilerGeneratedState
		readonly LinkContext _context;
		readonly Dictionary<TypeDefinition, MethodDefinition> _compilerGeneratedTypeToUserCodeMethod;
		readonly Dictionary<TypeDefinition, TypeArgumentInfo> _generatedTypeToTypeArgumentInfo;
		readonly record struct TypeArgumentInfo (
			/// <summary>The method which calls the ctor for the given type</summary>
			MethodDefinition CreatingMethod,
			/// <summary>Attributes for the type, pulled from the creators type arguments</summary>
			IReadOnlyList<ICustomAttributeProvider>? OriginalAttributes);
		readonly Dictionary<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition> _compilerGeneratedMethodToUserCodeMethod;
		// For each type that has had its cache populated, stores a map of methods which have corresponding
		// compiler-generated members (either methods or state machine types) to those compiler-generated members,
		// or null if the type has no methods with compiler-generated members.
		readonly Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<IMemberDefinition>>?> _cachedTypeToCompilerGeneratedMembers;
		public CompilerGeneratedState (LinkContext context)
			_context = context;
			_compilerGeneratedTypeToUserCodeMethod = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, MethodDefinition> ();
			_generatedTypeToTypeArgumentInfo = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, TypeArgumentInfo> ();
			_compilerGeneratedMethodToUserCodeMethod = new Dictionary<MethodDefinition, MethodDefinition> ();
			_cachedTypeToCompilerGeneratedMembers = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<IMemberDefinition>>?> ();
		static IEnumerable<TypeDefinition> GetCompilerGeneratedNestedTypes (TypeDefinition type)
			foreach (var nestedType in type.NestedTypes) {
				if (!CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineOrDisplayClass (nestedType.Name))
				yield return nestedType;
				foreach (var recursiveNestedType in GetCompilerGeneratedNestedTypes (nestedType))
					yield return recursiveNestedType;
		public static bool IsHoistedLocal (FieldReference field)
			if (CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaDisplayClass (field.DeclaringType.Name))
				return true;
			if (CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineType (field.DeclaringType.Name)) {
				// Don't track the "current" field which is used for state machine return values,
				// because this can be expensive to track.
				return !CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineCurrentField (field.Name);
			return false;
		// "Nested function" refers to lambdas and local functions.
		public static bool IsNestedFunctionOrStateMachineMember (IMemberDefinition member)
			if (member is MethodDefinition method && CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaOrLocalFunction (method.Name))
				return true;
			if (member.DeclaringType is not TypeDefinition declaringType)
				return false;
			return CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineType (declaringType.Name);
		public static bool TryGetStateMachineType (MethodDefinition method, [NotNullWhen (true)] out TypeDefinition? stateMachineType)
			stateMachineType = null;
			// Discover state machine methods.
			if (!method.HasCustomAttributes)
				return false;
			foreach (var attribute in method.CustomAttributes) {
				if (attribute.AttributeType.Namespace != "System.Runtime.CompilerServices")
				switch (attribute.AttributeType.Name) {
				case "AsyncIteratorStateMachineAttribute":
				case "AsyncStateMachineAttribute":
				case "IteratorStateMachineAttribute":
					stateMachineType = GetFirstConstructorArgumentAsType (attribute);
					return stateMachineType != null;
			return false;
		/// <summary>
		/// Walks the type and its descendents to find Roslyn-compiler generated
		/// code and gather information to map it back to original user code. If
		/// a compiler-generated type is passed in directly, this method will walk
		/// up and find the nearest containing user type. Returns the nearest user type,
		/// or null if none was found.
		/// </summary>
		TypeDefinition? GetCompilerGeneratedStateForType (TypeDefinition type)
			// Look in the declaring type if this is a compiler-generated type (state machine or display class).
			// State machines can be emitted into display classes, so we may also need to go one more level up.
			// To avoid depending on implementation details, we go up until we see a non-compiler-generated type.
			// This is the counterpart to GetCompilerGeneratedNestedTypes.
			while (type != null && CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineOrDisplayClass (type.Name))
				type = type.DeclaringType;
			if (type is null)
				return null;
			// Avoid repeat scans of the same type
			if (_cachedTypeToCompilerGeneratedMembers.ContainsKey (type))
				return type;
			var callGraph = new CompilerGeneratedCallGraph ();
			var userDefinedMethods = new HashSet<MethodDefinition> ();
			var generatedTypeToTypeArgs = new Dictionary<TypeDefinition, TypeArgumentInfo> ();
			List<(MessageOrigin, DiagnosticId, string[])>? _warnings = null;
			// We delay actually logging the warnings until the compiler-generated type info is
			// populated for this type, because the type info is needed to determine whether a warning
			// is suppressed.
			void AddWarning (MessageOrigin origin, DiagnosticId id, params string[] messageArgs)
				_warnings ??= new List<(MessageOrigin, DiagnosticId, string[])> ();
				_warnings.Add ((origin, id, messageArgs));
			void ProcessMethod (MethodDefinition method)
				bool isStateMachineMember = CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineType (method.DeclaringType.Name);
				if (!CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaOrLocalFunction (method.Name)) {
					if (!isStateMachineMember) {
						// If it's not a nested function, track as an entry point to the call graph.
						var added = userDefinedMethods.Add (method);
						Debug.Assert (added);
				} else {
					// We don't expect lambdas or local functions to be emitted directly into
					// state machine types.
					Debug.Assert (!isStateMachineMember);
				// Discover calls or references to lambdas or local functions. This includes
				// calls to local functions, and lambda assignments (which use ldftn).
				if (method.Body != null) {
					foreach (var instruction in method.Body.Instructions (_context)) {
						switch (instruction.OpCode.OperandType) {
						case OperandType.InlineMethod: {
								MethodDefinition? referencedMethod = _context.TryResolve ((MethodReference) instruction.Operand);
								if (referencedMethod == null)
								// Find calls to state machine constructors that occur outside the type
								if (referencedMethod.IsConstructor &&
									referencedMethod.DeclaringType is var generatedType &&
									// Don't consider calls in the same type, like inside a static constructor
									method.DeclaringType != generatedType &&
									CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaDisplayClass (generatedType.Name)) {
									// fill in null for now, attribute providers will be filled in later
									if (!generatedTypeToTypeArgs.TryAdd (generatedType, new TypeArgumentInfo (method, null))) {
										var alreadyAssociatedMethod = generatedTypeToTypeArgs[generatedType].CreatingMethod;
										AddWarning (new MessageOrigin (method), DiagnosticId.MethodsAreAssociatedWithUserMethod, method.GetDisplayName (), alreadyAssociatedMethod.GetDisplayName (), generatedType.GetDisplayName ());
								if (!CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaOrLocalFunction (referencedMethod.Name))
								if (isStateMachineMember) {
									callGraph.TrackCall (method.DeclaringType, referencedMethod);
								} else {
									callGraph.TrackCall (method, referencedMethod);
						case OperandType.InlineField: {
								// Same as above, but stsfld instead of a call to the constructor
								// Ldsfld may also trigger a cctor that creates a closure environment
								if (instruction.OpCode.Code is not (Code.Stsfld or Code.Ldsfld))
								FieldDefinition? field = _context.TryResolve ((FieldReference) instruction.Operand);
								if (field == null)
								if (field.DeclaringType is var generatedType &&
									// Don't consider field accesses in the same type, like inside a static constructor
									method.DeclaringType != generatedType &&
									CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaDisplayClass (generatedType.Name)) {
									if (!generatedTypeToTypeArgs.TryAdd (generatedType, new TypeArgumentInfo (method, null))) {
										// It's expected that there may be multiple methods associated with the same static closure environment.
										// All of these methods will substitute the same type arguments into the closure environment
										// (if it is generic). Don't warn.
				if (TryGetStateMachineType (method, out TypeDefinition? stateMachineType)) {
					Debug.Assert (stateMachineType.DeclaringType == type ||
						CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineOrDisplayClass (stateMachineType.DeclaringType.Name) &&
						 stateMachineType.DeclaringType.DeclaringType == type);
					callGraph.TrackCall (method, stateMachineType);
					if (!_compilerGeneratedTypeToUserCodeMethod.TryAdd (stateMachineType, method)) {
						var alreadyAssociatedMethod = _compilerGeneratedTypeToUserCodeMethod[stateMachineType];
						AddWarning (new MessageOrigin (method), DiagnosticId.MethodsAreAssociatedWithStateMachine, method.GetDisplayName (), alreadyAssociatedMethod.GetDisplayName (), stateMachineType.GetDisplayName ());
					// Already warned above if multiple methods map to the same type
					// Fill in null for argument providers now, the real providers will be filled in later
					generatedTypeToTypeArgs[stateMachineType] = new TypeArgumentInfo (method, null);
			// Look for state machine methods, and methods which call local functions.
			foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods)
				ProcessMethod (method);
			// Also scan compiler-generated state machine methods (in case they have calls to nested functions),
			// and nested functions inside compiler-generated closures (in case they call other nested functions).
			// State machines can be emitted into lambda display classes, so we need to go down at least two
			// levels to find calls from iterator nested functions to other nested functions. We just recurse into
			// all compiler-generated nested types to avoid depending on implementation details.
			foreach (var nestedType in GetCompilerGeneratedNestedTypes (type)) {
				foreach (var method in nestedType.Methods)
					ProcessMethod (method);
			// Now we've discovered the call graphs for calls to nested functions.
			// Use this to map back from nested functions to the declaring user methods.
			// Note: This maps all nested functions back to the user code, not to the immediately
			// declaring local function. The IL doesn't contain enough information in general for
			// us to determine the nesting of local functions and lambdas.
			// Note: this only discovers nested functions which are referenced from the user
			// code or its referenced nested functions. There is no reliable way to determine from
			// IL which user code an unused nested function belongs to.
			Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<IMemberDefinition>>? compilerGeneratedCallees = null;
			foreach (var userDefinedMethod in userDefinedMethods) {
				var callees = callGraph.GetReachableMembers (userDefinedMethod);
				if (!callees.Any ())
				compilerGeneratedCallees ??= new Dictionary<MethodDefinition, List<IMemberDefinition>> ();
				compilerGeneratedCallees.Add (userDefinedMethod, new List<IMemberDefinition> (callees));
				foreach (var compilerGeneratedMember in callees) {
					switch (compilerGeneratedMember) {
					case MethodDefinition nestedFunction:
						Debug.Assert (CompilerGeneratedNames.IsLambdaOrLocalFunction (nestedFunction.Name));
						// Nested functions get suppressions from the user method only.
						if (!_compilerGeneratedMethodToUserCodeMethod.TryAdd (nestedFunction, userDefinedMethod)) {
							var alreadyAssociatedMethod = _compilerGeneratedMethodToUserCodeMethod[nestedFunction];
							AddWarning (new MessageOrigin (userDefinedMethod), DiagnosticId.MethodsAreAssociatedWithUserMethod, userDefinedMethod.GetDisplayName (), alreadyAssociatedMethod.GetDisplayName (), nestedFunction.GetDisplayName ());
					case TypeDefinition stateMachineType:
						// Types in the call graph are always state machine types
						// For those all their methods are not tracked explicitly in the call graph; instead, they
						// are represented by the state machine type itself.
						// We are already tracking the association of the state machine type to the user code method
						// above, so no need to track it here.
						Debug.Assert (CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineType (stateMachineType.Name));
						throw new InvalidOperationException ();
			// Now that we have instantiating methods fully filled out, walk the generated types and fill in the attribute
			// providers
			foreach (var generatedType in generatedTypeToTypeArgs.Keys) {
				if (generatedType.HasGenericParameters) {
					MapGeneratedTypeTypeParameters (generatedType, generatedTypeToTypeArgs, _context);
					// Finally, add resolved type arguments to the cache
					var info = generatedTypeToTypeArgs[generatedType];
					if (!_generatedTypeToTypeArgumentInfo.TryAdd (generatedType, info)) {
						var method = info.CreatingMethod;
						var alreadyAssociatedMethod = _generatedTypeToTypeArgumentInfo[generatedType].CreatingMethod;
						AddWarning (new MessageOrigin (method), DiagnosticId.MethodsAreAssociatedWithUserMethod, method.GetDisplayName (), alreadyAssociatedMethod.GetDisplayName (), generatedType.GetDisplayName ());
			_cachedTypeToCompilerGeneratedMembers.Add (type, compilerGeneratedCallees);
			if (_warnings != null) {
				foreach (var (origin, id, messageArgs) in _warnings) {
					_context.LogWarning (origin, id, messageArgs);
			return type;
			/// <summary>
			/// Attempts to reverse the process of the compiler's alpha renaming. So if the original code was
			/// something like this:
			/// <code>
			/// void M&lt;T&gt; () {
			///     Action a = () => { Console.WriteLine (typeof (T)); };
			/// }
			/// </code>
			/// The compiler will generate a nested class like this:
			/// <code>
			/// class &lt;&gt;c__DisplayClass0&lt;T&gt; {
			///     public void &lt;M&gt;b__0 () {
			///         Console.WriteLine (typeof (T));
			///     }
			/// }
			/// </code>
			/// The task of this method is to figure out that the type parameter T in the nested class is the same
			/// as the type parameter T in the parent method M.
			/// <paramref name="generatedTypeToTypeArgs"/> acts as a memoization table to avoid recalculating the
			/// mapping multiple times.
			/// </summary>
			static void MapGeneratedTypeTypeParameters (
				TypeDefinition generatedType,
				Dictionary<TypeDefinition, TypeArgumentInfo> generatedTypeToTypeArgs,
				LinkContext context)
				Debug.Assert (CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineOrDisplayClass (generatedType.Name));
				var typeInfo = generatedTypeToTypeArgs[generatedType];
				if (typeInfo.OriginalAttributes is not null) {
				var method = typeInfo.CreatingMethod;
				if (method.Body is { } body) {
					var typeArgs = new ICustomAttributeProvider[generatedType.GenericParameters.Count];
					var typeRef = ScanForInit (generatedType, body, context);
					if (typeRef is null) {
					for (int i = 0; i < typeRef.GenericArguments.Count; i++) {
						var typeArg = typeRef.GenericArguments[i];
						// Start with the existing parameters, in case we can't find the mapped one
						ICustomAttributeProvider userAttrs = generatedType.GenericParameters[i];
						// The type parameters of the state machine types are alpha renames of the
						// the method parameters, so the type ref should always be a GenericParameter. However,
						// in the case of nesting, there may be multiple renames, so if the parameter is a method
						// we know we're done, but if it's another state machine, we have to keep looking to find
						// the original owner of that state machine.
						if (typeArg is GenericParameter { Owner: { } owner } param) {
							if (owner is MethodReference) {
								userAttrs = param;
							} else {
								// Must be a type ref
								var owningRef = (TypeReference) owner;
								if (!CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineOrDisplayClass (owningRef.Name)) {
									userAttrs = param;
								} else if (context.TryResolve ((TypeReference) param.Owner) is { } owningType) {
									MapGeneratedTypeTypeParameters (owningType, generatedTypeToTypeArgs, context);
									if (generatedTypeToTypeArgs[owningType].OriginalAttributes is { } owningAttrs) {
										userAttrs = owningAttrs[param.Position];
									} else {
										Debug.Assert (false, "This should be impossible in valid code");
						typeArgs[i] = userAttrs;
					generatedTypeToTypeArgs[generatedType] = typeInfo with { OriginalAttributes = typeArgs };
			static GenericInstanceType? ScanForInit (
				TypeDefinition compilerGeneratedType,
				MethodBody body,
				LinkContext context)
				foreach (var instr in context.GetMethodIL (body).Instructions) {
					bool handled = false;
					switch (instr.OpCode.Code) {
					case Code.Initobj:
					case Code.Newobj: {
							if (instr.Operand is MethodReference { DeclaringType: GenericInstanceType typeRef }
								&& compilerGeneratedType == context.TryResolve (typeRef)) {
								return typeRef;
							handled = true;
					case Code.Stsfld:
					case Code.Ldsfld: {
							if (instr.Operand is FieldReference { DeclaringType: GenericInstanceType typeRef }
								&& compilerGeneratedType == context.TryResolve (typeRef)) {
								return typeRef;
							handled = true;
					// Also look for type substitutions into generic methods
					// (such as AsyncTaskMethodBuilder::Start<TStateMachine>).
					if (!handled && instr.OpCode.OperandType is OperandType.InlineMethod) {
						if (instr.Operand is GenericInstanceMethod gim) {
							foreach (var tr in gim.GenericArguments) {
								if (tr is GenericInstanceType git && compilerGeneratedType == context.TryResolve (git)) {
									return git;
				return null;
		static TypeDefinition? GetFirstConstructorArgumentAsType (CustomAttribute attribute)
			if (!attribute.HasConstructorArguments)
				return null;
			return attribute.ConstructorArguments[0].Value as TypeDefinition;
		public bool TryGetCompilerGeneratedCalleesForUserMethod (MethodDefinition method, [NotNullWhen (true)] out List<IMemberDefinition>? callees)
			callees = null;
			if (IsNestedFunctionOrStateMachineMember (method))
				return false;
			var typeToCache = GetCompilerGeneratedStateForType (method.DeclaringType);
			if (typeToCache is null)
				return false;
			return _cachedTypeToCompilerGeneratedMembers[typeToCache]?.TryGetValue (method, out callees) == true;
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the attributes on the "original" method of a generated type, i.e. the
		/// attributes on the corresponding type parameters from the owning method.
		/// </summary>
		public IReadOnlyList<ICustomAttributeProvider>? GetGeneratedTypeAttributes (TypeDefinition generatedType)
			Debug.Assert (CompilerGeneratedNames.IsStateMachineOrDisplayClass (generatedType.Name));
			var typeToCache = GetCompilerGeneratedStateForType (generatedType);
			if (typeToCache is null)
				return null;
			if (_generatedTypeToTypeArgumentInfo.TryGetValue (generatedType, out var typeInfo)) {
				return typeInfo.OriginalAttributes;
			return null;
		// For state machine types/members, maps back to the state machine method.
		// For local functions and lambdas, maps back to the owning method in user code (not the declaring
		// lambda or local function, because the IL doesn't contain enough information to figure this out).
		public bool TryGetOwningMethodForCompilerGeneratedMember (IMemberDefinition sourceMember, [NotNullWhen (true)] out MethodDefinition? owningMethod)
			owningMethod = null;
			if (sourceMember == null)
				return false;
			MethodDefinition? compilerGeneratedMethod = sourceMember as MethodDefinition;
			if (compilerGeneratedMethod != null) {
				if (_compilerGeneratedMethodToUserCodeMethod.TryGetValue (compilerGeneratedMethod, out owningMethod))
					return true;
			TypeDefinition sourceType = sourceMember as TypeDefinition ?? sourceMember.DeclaringType;
			if (_compilerGeneratedTypeToUserCodeMethod.TryGetValue (sourceType, out owningMethod))
				return true;
			if (!IsNestedFunctionOrStateMachineMember (sourceMember))
				return false;
			// sourceType is a state machine type, or the type containing a lambda or local function.
			// Search all methods to find the one which points to the type as its
			// state machine implementation.
			var typeToCache = GetCompilerGeneratedStateForType (sourceType);
			if (typeToCache is null)
				return false;
			if (compilerGeneratedMethod != null) {
				if (_compilerGeneratedMethodToUserCodeMethod.TryGetValue (compilerGeneratedMethod, out owningMethod))
					return true;
			if (_compilerGeneratedTypeToUserCodeMethod.TryGetValue (sourceType, out owningMethod))
				return true;
			return false;