1 instantiation of CommandArgument
dotnet-user-secrets (1)
src\Shared\CommandLineUtils\CommandLine\CommandLineApplication.cs (1)
127var argument = new CommandArgument { Name = name, Description = description, MultipleValues = multipleValues };
16 references to CommandArgument
dotnet-user-secrets (16)
Internal\RemoveCommand.cs (1)
17var keyArg = command.Argument("[name]", "Name of the secret");
Internal\SetCommand.cs (2)
33var nameArg = command.Argument("[name]", "Name of the secret"); 34var valueArg = command.Argument("[value]", "Value of the secret");
src\Shared\CommandLineUtils\CommandLine\CommandLineApplication.cs (13)
40Arguments = new List<CommandArgument>(); 56public readonly List<CommandArgument> Arguments; 110public CommandArgument Argument(string name, string description, bool multipleValues = false) 115public CommandArgument Argument(string name, string description, Action<CommandArgument> configuration, bool multipleValues = false) 117var lastArg = Arguments.LastOrDefault(); 127var argument = new CommandArgument { Name = name, Description = description, MultipleValues = multipleValues }; 146IEnumerator<CommandArgument> arguments = null; 482foreach (var arg in arguments) 601private sealed class CommandArgumentEnumerator : IEnumerator<CommandArgument> 603private readonly IEnumerator<CommandArgument> _enumerator; 605public CommandArgumentEnumerator(IEnumerator<CommandArgument> enumerator) 610public CommandArgument Current