// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools.Internal;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Tools.Internal;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.SecretManager.Tools;
public class CommandLineOptions
public ICommand Command { get; set; }
public string Configuration { get; private set; }
public string Id { get; private set; }
public bool IsHelp { get; private set; }
public bool IsVerbose { get; private set; }
public string Project { get; private set; }
public static CommandLineOptions Parse(string[] args, IConsole console)
var app = new CommandLineApplication(treatUnmatchedOptionsAsArguments: true)
Out = console.Out,
Error = console.Error,
Name = "dotnet user-secrets",
FullName = "User Secrets Manager",
Description = "Manages user secrets"
var optionVerbose = app.VerboseOption();
var optionProject = app.Option("-p|--project <PROJECT>", "Path to project. Defaults to searching the current directory.",
CommandOptionType.SingleValue, inherited: true);
var optionConfig = app.Option("-c|--configuration <CONFIGURATION>", "The project configuration to use. Defaults to 'Debug'.",
CommandOptionType.SingleValue, inherited: true);
// the escape hatch if project evaluation fails, or if users want to alter a secret store other than the one
// in the current project
var optionId = app.Option("--id", "The user secret ID to use.",
CommandOptionType.SingleValue, inherited: true);
var options = new CommandLineOptions();
app.Command("set", c => SetCommand.Configure(c, options, console));
app.Command("remove", c => RemoveCommand.Configure(c, options));
app.Command("list", c => ListCommand.Configure(c, options));
app.Command("clear", c => ClearCommand.Configure(c, options));
app.Command("init", c => InitCommandFactory.Configure(c, options));
// Show help information if no subcommand/option was specified.
app.OnExecute(() => app.ShowHelp());
if (app.Execute(args) != 0)
// when command line parsing error in subcommand
return null;
options.Configuration = optionConfig.Value();
options.Id = optionId.Value();
options.IsHelp = app.IsShowingInformation;
options.IsVerbose = optionVerbose.HasValue();
options.Project = optionProject.Value();
return options;