3 implementations of IReporter
dotnet-user-jwts (2)
src\Tools\Shared\CommandLine\ConsoleReporter.cs (1)
13public class ConsoleReporter : IReporter
src\Tools\Shared\CommandLine\NullReporter.cs (1)
10public class NullReporter : IReporter
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.Tools.Tests (1)
src\Tools\Shared\TestHelpers\TestReporter.cs (1)
8public class TestReporter : IReporter
23 references to IReporter
dotnet-user-jwts (23)
Commands\ClearCommand.cs (1)
46private static int Execute(IReporter reporter, string project, string userSecretsId, bool force, string appsettingsFile)
Commands\CreateCommand.cs (2)
103IReporter reporter, 238IReporter reporter,
Commands\KeyCommand.cs (1)
52private static int Execute(IReporter reporter, string projectPath, string scheme, string issuer, bool reset, bool force)
Commands\ListCommand.cs (3)
32private static int Execute(IReporter reporter, string projectPath, bool showTokens, string outputFormat) 53private static void PrintJwtsJson(IReporter reporter, JwtStore jwtStore) 65private static void PrintJwtsDefault(IReporter reporter, string project, string userSecretsId, JwtStore jwtStore, bool showTokens)
Commands\PrintCommand.cs (1)
39private static int Execute(IReporter reporter, string projectPath, string id, bool showAll, string outputFormat)
Commands\ProjectCommandLineApplication.cs (2)
15public IReporter Reporter { get; private set; } 17public ProjectCommandLineApplication(IReporter reporter, bool throwOnUnexpectedArg = true, bool continueAfterUnexpectedArg = false, bool treatUnmatchedOptionsAsArguments = false)
Commands\RemoveCommand.cs (1)
49private static int Execute(IReporter reporter, string project, string userSecretsId, string id, string appsettingsFile)
Helpers\ConsoleTable.cs (2)
16private readonly IReporter _reporter; 18public ConsoleTable(IReporter reporter)
Helpers\DevJwtCliHelpers.cs (5)
27public static bool GetProjectAndSecretsId(string projectPath, IReporter reporter, out string project, out string userSecretsId) 47public static bool GetAppSettingsFile(string projectPath, string appsettingsFileOption, IReporter reporter, out string appsettingsFile) 150public static void PrintJwt(IReporter reporter, Jwt jwt, bool showAll, string outputFormat, JwtSecurityToken fullToken = null) 165static void PrintJwtJson(IReporter reporter, Jwt jwt, bool showAll, JwtSecurityToken fullToken) 170static void PrintJwtDefault(IReporter reporter, Jwt jwt, bool showAll, JwtSecurityToken fullToken)
Program.cs (1)
12private readonly IReporter _reporter;
src\Tools\Shared\CommandLine\NullReporter.cs (1)
15public static IReporter Singleton { get; } = new NullReporter();
src\Tools\Shared\SecretsHelpers\ProjectIdResolver.cs (2)
20private readonly IReporter _reporter; 24public ProjectIdResolver(IReporter reporter, string workingDirectory)
src\Tools\Shared\SecretsHelpers\UserSecretsCreator.cs (1)
13public static string CreateUserSecretsId(IReporter reporter, string project, string workingDirectory, string overrideId = null)