7 writes to charsUsed
dotnet-svcutil-lib (7)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (6)
3033_ps.charsUsed = len; 3381_ps.charsUsed = _ps.charPos; 3461_ps.charsUsed = copyCharsCount; 3522_ps.charsUsed += charsRead; 3567_ps.charsUsed += charsCount; 8992_ps.charsUsed--;
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplHelpers.cs (1)
75charsUsed = 0;
125 references to charsUsed
dotnet-svcutil-lib (125)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (125)
1515if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos == 0) 1536if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos == 0 && !_ps.entity.IsExternal) 2253_stringBuilder.Append(_ps.chars, _ps.charPos, _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos); 2254_ps.charPos = _ps.charsUsed; 2467return _ps.charsUsed; 2479Debug.Assert(value >= 0 && value <= _ps.charsUsed); 2898Debug.Assert(_ps.charPos == 0 && _ps.charsUsed == 0 && _ps.textReader == null); 2991Debug.Assert(_ps.charPos == 0 && _ps.charsUsed == 0 && _ps.stream == null); 3023Debug.Assert(_ps.charPos == 0 && _ps.charsUsed == 0); 3354Debug.Assert(_ps.charsUsed >= _ps.charPos, "The current position must be in the valid character range."); 3362Debug.Assert(_charactersInDocument >= _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos, 3364_charactersInDocument -= _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos; 3370Debug.Assert(_charactersFromEntities >= _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos, 3372_charactersFromEntities -= _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos; 3407if (_ps.charsUsed == _ps.chars.Length - 1) 3434charsRead = _ps.chars.Length - _ps.charsUsed - 1; 3443if (charsLen - _ps.charsUsed <= charsLen / 2) 3452int copyCharsCount = _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos; 3489charsRead = _ps.chars.Length - _ps.charsUsed - 1; 3521charsRead = _ps.textReader.Read(_ps.chars, _ps.charsUsed, _ps.chars.Length - _ps.charsUsed - 1); 3533Debug.Assert(_ps.charsUsed < _ps.chars.Length); 3536_ps.chars[_ps.charsUsed] = (char)0; 3544Debug.Assert(maxCharsCount <= _ps.chars.Length - _ps.charsUsed - 1); 3558_ps.decoder.Convert(_ps.bytes, _ps.bytePos, bytesCount, _ps.chars, _ps.charsUsed, maxCharsCount, false, out bytesCount, out charsCount, out completed); 3583_ps.decoder.Convert(_ps.bytes, _ps.bytePos + bytesDecoded, 1, _ps.chars, _ps.charsUsed + charsDecoded, 1, false, out bDec, out chDec, out completed); 3595Throw(_ps.charsUsed, ResXml.Xml_InvalidCharInThisEncoding); 3634while (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 6) 3723else if (_ps.charPos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 3899else if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 3969if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 4) // minimum "<a/>" 3984if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 2) // minimum characters expected "--" 4009if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 6) 4119else if (pos == _ps.charsUsed || ((_v1Compat || mangoQuirks) && chars[pos] == 0x0)) 4147Debug.Assert(pos == _ps.charsUsed && !_ps.isEof); 4215if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 2) 4238if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 6) 4272if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 4293if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 4312if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos != 0) 4338Throw(_ps.charsUsed, ResXml.Xml_UnexpectedEOF1); 4361Throw(_ps.charsUsed, ResXml.Xml_UnexpectedEOFInElementContent, _stringBuilder.ToString()); 4439else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed) 4504if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 4529Throw(pos, ResXml.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos)); 4628while (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < prefLen + locLen + 1) 4666if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 4701else if (pos == _ps.charsUsed && !_ps.isEof) 4715else if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 4801else if (pos + 1 != _ps.charsUsed) 4846if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 4863else if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 4869Throw(pos, ResXml.Xml_BadStartNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos)); 4956else if (pos + 1 >= _ps.charsUsed) 5274else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed || _ps.isEof) 5403if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 5413if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 5424ThrowInvalidChar(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos); 5434if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos > 0) 5715else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed || _ps.isEof) 5789if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 3 && !_ps.isEof) 5802if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 5812if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 5833ThrowInvalidChar(_ps.chars, _ps.charsUsed, _ps.charPos + offset); 5847if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos > 0) 6033if (_ps.chars[_ps.charPos] == '<' || _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos == 0 || ZeroEndingStream(_ps.charPos)) 6042if (_ps.chars[_ps.charPos] == '<' || _ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos == 0 || ZeroEndingStream(_ps.charPos)) 6060ThrowInvalidChar(_ps.chars, _ps.charsUsed, _ps.charPos); 6078if (_ps.charPos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 6349Debug.Assert(_ps.charPos < _ps.charsUsed); 6352if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 2) 6358Throw(ResXml.Xml_BadNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(_ps.chars, _ps.charsUsed, _ps.charPos)); 6418if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 2) 6422Throw(_ps.charsUsed, ResXml.Xml_UnexpectedEOF, "PI"); 6463else if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 6504else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed || _ps.isEof) 6526if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 6536if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 6547ThrowInvalidChar(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos); 6623if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 3) 6671else if (pos + 2 == _ps.charsUsed) 6680else if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 6723else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed || _ps.isEof) 6745if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 6753if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 6764ThrowInvalidChar(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos); 6795while (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 8) 6875while (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 6) 6912while (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos < 6) 7022else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed || _ps.isEof) 7048if (pos + 3 >= _ps.charsUsed && !_ps.isEof) 7063else if (pos + 1 >= _ps.charsUsed && !_ps.isEof) 7073if (pos + 2 >= _ps.charsUsed && !_ps.isEof) 7091if (pos + 1 >= _ps.charsUsed && !_ps.isEof) 7132if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 7142if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 7153ThrowInvalidChar(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos); 7162if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos > 0) 7212else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed || _ps.isEof) 7231if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 7266if (_ps.charsUsed - _ps.charPos == 0) 7371else if (pos < _ps.charsUsed) 7398if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 7505Debug.Assert(startPos < _ps.charsUsed); 7521if (_ps.charsUsed - pos >= 3) 7538if (_ps.charsUsed - pos >= 4) 7553else if (pos < _ps.charsUsed) 7560if (_ps.charsUsed - pos >= 5) 7577if (_ps.charsUsed - pos >= 3) 7593if (_ps.charsUsed - pos >= 3) 7660if (pos + 1 >= _ps.charsUsed) 7670Throw(pos, ResXml.Xml_BadStartNameChar, XmlException.BuildCharExceptionArgs(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos)); 7718else if (pos == _ps.charsUsed 8457else if (pos + 1 < _ps.charsUsed) 8474if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 2) 8487if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 4) 8497if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 9) 8580if (_ps.charsUsed - pos < 2) 8619if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 8795if (pos == _ps.charsUsed) 8805if (pos + 1 == _ps.charsUsed) 8816ThrowInvalidChar(chars, _ps.charsUsed, pos); 8916if (_ps.charPos == _ps.charsUsed) 8931Debug.Assert(_ps.charPos < _ps.charsUsed); 8990if (_v1Compat && pos == _ps.charsUsed - 1 && _ps.chars[pos] == (char)0 && ReadData() == 0 && _ps.isStreamEof)