4 writes to _items
dotnet-svcutil-lib (4)
FrameworkFork\System.ServiceModel\System\ServiceModel\SynchronizedCollection.cs (4)
18_items = new List<T>(); 27_items = new List<T>(); 38_items = new List<T>(list); 49_items = new List<T>(list.Length);
22 references to _items
dotnet-svcutil-lib (22)
FrameworkFork\System.ServiceModel\System\ServiceModel\SynchronizedCollection.cs (22)
51_items.Add(list[i]); 58get { lock (_sync) { return _items.Count; } } 63get { return _items; } 77return _items[index]; 84if (index < 0 || index >= _items.Count) 86string.Format(SRServiceModel.ValueMustBeInRange, 0, _items.Count - 1))); 97int index = _items.Count; 114_items.CopyTo(array, index); 122return _items.Contains(item); 130return _items.GetEnumerator(); 146if (index < 0 || index > _items.Count) 148string.Format(SRServiceModel.ValueMustBeInRange, 0, _items.Count))); 156int count = _items.Count; 160if (object.Equals(_items[i], item)) 185if (index < 0 || index >= _items.Count) 187string.Format(SRServiceModel.ValueMustBeInRange, 0, _items.Count - 1))); 196_items.Clear(); 201_items.Insert(index, item); 206_items.RemoveAt(index); 211_items[index] = item; 221return ((IList)_items).GetEnumerator(); 238((IList)_items).CopyTo(array, index);