File: FrameworkFork\System.ServiceModel\System\ServiceModel\Channels\ITransportFactorySettings.cs
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Project: src\src\dotnet-svcutil\lib\src\dotnet-svcutil-lib.csproj (dotnet-svcutil-lib)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace System.ServiceModel.Channels
    public interface IConnectionOrientedConnectionSettings
        int ConnectionBufferSize { get; }
        TimeSpan MaxOutputDelay { get; }
        TimeSpan IdleTimeout { get; }
    internal interface IConnectionOrientedListenerSettings : IConnectionOrientedConnectionSettings
        TimeSpan ChannelInitializationTimeout { get; }
        int MaxPendingConnections { get; }
        int MaxPendingAccepts { get; }
        int MaxPooledConnections { get; }
    public interface ITransportFactorySettings : IDefaultCommunicationTimeouts
        bool ManualAddressing { get; }
        BufferManager BufferManager { get; }
        long MaxReceivedMessageSize { get; }
        MessageEncoderFactory MessageEncoderFactory { get; }
        MessageVersion MessageVersion { get; }
    public interface IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings : ITransportFactorySettings, IConnectionOrientedConnectionSettings
        int MaxBufferSize { get; }
        StreamUpgradeProvider Upgrade { get; }
        TransferMode TransferMode { get; }
        // Audit
        //ServiceSecurityAuditBehavior AuditBehavior { get; }
    public interface IConnectionOrientedTransportChannelFactorySettings : IConnectionOrientedTransportFactorySettings
        string ConnectionPoolGroupName { get; }
        int MaxOutboundConnectionsPerEndpoint { get; }
    public interface ITcpChannelFactorySettings : IConnectionOrientedTransportChannelFactorySettings
        TimeSpan LeaseTimeout { get; }
    internal interface IHttpTransportFactorySettings : ITransportFactorySettings
        int MaxBufferSize { get; }
        TransferMode TransferMode { get; }
    internal interface IPipeTransportFactorySettings : IConnectionOrientedTransportChannelFactorySettings
        NamedPipeSettings PipeSettings { get; }