// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Runtime
public struct TimeoutHelper
public static readonly TimeSpan MaxWait = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Int32.MaxValue);
private static readonly CancellationToken s_precancelledToken = new CancellationToken(true);
private bool _cancellationTokenInitialized;
private bool _deadlineSet;
private CancellationToken _cancellationToken;
private DateTime _deadline;
private TimeSpan _originalTimeout;
public TimeoutHelper(TimeSpan timeout)
Contract.Assert(timeout >= TimeSpan.Zero, "timeout must be non-negative");
_cancellationTokenInitialized = false;
_originalTimeout = timeout;
_deadline = DateTime.MaxValue;
_deadlineSet = (timeout == TimeSpan.MaxValue);
public CancellationToken GetCancellationToken()
return GetCancellationTokenAsync().Result;
public async Task<CancellationToken> GetCancellationTokenAsync()
if (!_cancellationTokenInitialized)
var timeout = RemainingTime();
if (timeout >= MaxWait || timeout == Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan)
_cancellationToken = CancellationToken.None;
else if (timeout > TimeSpan.Zero)
_cancellationToken = await TimeoutTokenSource.FromTimeoutAsync((int)timeout.TotalMilliseconds);
_cancellationToken = s_precancelledToken;
_cancellationTokenInitialized = true;
return _cancellationToken;
public TimeSpan OriginalTimeout
get { return _originalTimeout; }
public static bool IsTooLarge(TimeSpan timeout)
return (timeout > TimeoutHelper.MaxWait) && (timeout != TimeSpan.MaxValue);
public static TimeSpan FromMilliseconds(int milliseconds)
if (milliseconds == Timeout.Infinite)
return TimeSpan.MaxValue;
return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
public static int ToMilliseconds(TimeSpan timeout)
if (timeout == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
return Timeout.Infinite;
long ticks = Ticks.FromTimeSpan(timeout);
if (ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond > int.MaxValue)
return int.MaxValue;
return Ticks.ToMilliseconds(ticks);
public static TimeSpan Min(TimeSpan val1, TimeSpan val2)
if (val1 > val2)
return val2;
return val1;
public static TimeSpan Add(TimeSpan timeout1, TimeSpan timeout2)
return Ticks.ToTimeSpan(Ticks.Add(Ticks.FromTimeSpan(timeout1), Ticks.FromTimeSpan(timeout2)));
public static DateTime Add(DateTime time, TimeSpan timeout)
if (timeout >= TimeSpan.Zero && DateTime.MaxValue - time <= timeout)
return DateTime.MaxValue;
if (timeout <= TimeSpan.Zero && DateTime.MinValue - time >= timeout)
return DateTime.MinValue;
return time + timeout;
public static DateTime Subtract(DateTime time, TimeSpan timeout)
return Add(time, TimeSpan.Zero - timeout);
public static TimeSpan Divide(TimeSpan timeout, int factor)
if (timeout == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
return TimeSpan.MaxValue;
return Ticks.ToTimeSpan((Ticks.FromTimeSpan(timeout) / factor) + 1);
public TimeSpan RemainingTime()
if (!_deadlineSet)
return _originalTimeout;
else if (_deadline == DateTime.MaxValue)
return TimeSpan.MaxValue;
TimeSpan remaining = _deadline - DateTime.UtcNow;
if (remaining <= TimeSpan.Zero)
return TimeSpan.Zero;
return remaining;
public TimeSpan ElapsedTime()
return _originalTimeout - this.RemainingTime();
private void SetDeadline()
Contract.Assert(!_deadlineSet, "TimeoutHelper deadline set twice.");
_deadline = DateTime.UtcNow + _originalTimeout;
_deadlineSet = true;
public static void ThrowIfNegativeArgument(TimeSpan timeout)
ThrowIfNegativeArgument(timeout, "timeout");
public static void ThrowIfNegativeArgument(TimeSpan timeout, string argumentName)
if (timeout < TimeSpan.Zero)
throw Fx.Exception.ArgumentOutOfRange(argumentName, timeout, InternalSR.TimeoutMustBeNonNegative(argumentName, timeout));
public static void ThrowIfNonPositiveArgument(TimeSpan timeout)
ThrowIfNonPositiveArgument(timeout, "timeout");
public static void ThrowIfNonPositiveArgument(TimeSpan timeout, string argumentName)
if (timeout <= TimeSpan.Zero)
throw Fx.Exception.ArgumentOutOfRange(argumentName, timeout, InternalSR.TimeoutMustBePositive(argumentName, timeout));
public static bool WaitOne(WaitHandle waitHandle, TimeSpan timeout)
if (timeout == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
return true;
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/85bbbxt9(v=vs.110).aspx
// with exitContext was used in Desktop which is not supported in Net Native or CoreClr
return waitHandle.WaitOne(timeout);
internal static TimeoutException CreateEnterTimedOutException(TimeSpan timeout)
return new TimeoutException(string.Format(SRServiceModel.LockTimeoutExceptionMessage, timeout));
/// <summary>
/// This class coalesces timeout tokens because cancelation tokens with timeouts are more expensive to expose.
/// Disposing too many such tokens will cause thread contentions in high throughput scenario.
/// Tokens with target cancelation time 15ms apart would resolve to the same instance.
/// </summary>
internal static class TimeoutTokenSource
/// <summary>
/// These are constants use to calculate timeout coalescing, for more description see method FromTimeoutAsync
/// </summary>
private const int CoalescingFactor = 15;
private const int GranularityFactor = 2000;
private const int SegmentationFactor = CoalescingFactor * GranularityFactor;
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<long, Task<CancellationToken>> s_tokenCache =
new ConcurrentDictionary<long, Task<CancellationToken>>();
private static readonly Action<object> s_deregisterToken = (object state) =>
var args = (Tuple<long, CancellationTokenSource>)state;
Task<CancellationToken> ignored;
s_tokenCache.TryRemove(args.Item1, out ignored);
public static CancellationToken FromTimeout(int millisecondsTimeout)
return FromTimeoutAsync(millisecondsTimeout).Result;
public static Task<CancellationToken> FromTimeoutAsync(int millisecondsTimeout)
// Note that CancellationTokenSource constructor requires input to be >= -1,
// restricting millisecondsTimeout to be >= -1 would enforce that
if (millisecondsTimeout < -1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Invalid millisecondsTimeout value " + millisecondsTimeout);
// To prevent s_tokenCache growing too large, we have to adjust the granularity of the our coalesce depending
// on the value of millisecondsTimeout. The coalescing span scales proportionally with millisecondsTimeout which
// would garentee constant s_tokenCache size in the case where similar millisecondsTimeout values are accepted.
// If the method is given a wildly different millisecondsTimeout values all the time, the dictionary would still
// only grow logarithmically with respect to the range of the input values
uint currentTime = (uint)Environment.TickCount;
long targetTime = millisecondsTimeout + currentTime;
// Formula for our coalescing span:
// Divide millisecondsTimeout by SegmentationFactor and take the highest bit and then multiply CoalescingFactor back
var segmentValue = millisecondsTimeout / SegmentationFactor;
var coalescingSpanMs = CoalescingFactor;
while (segmentValue > 0)
segmentValue >>= 1;
coalescingSpanMs <<= 1;
targetTime = ((targetTime + (coalescingSpanMs - 1)) / coalescingSpanMs) * coalescingSpanMs;
Task<CancellationToken> tokenTask;
if (!s_tokenCache.TryGetValue(targetTime, out tokenTask))
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<CancellationToken>();
// only a single thread may succeed adding its task into the cache
if (s_tokenCache.TryAdd(targetTime, tcs.Task))
// Since this thread was successful reserving a spot in the cache, it would be the only thread
// that construct the CancellationTokenSource
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource((int)(targetTime - currentTime));
var token = tokenSource.Token;
// Clean up cache when Token is canceled
token.Register(s_deregisterToken, Tuple.Create(targetTime, tokenSource));
// set the result so other thread may observe the token, and return
tokenTask = tcs.Task;
// for threads that failed when calling TryAdd, there should be one already in the cache
if (!s_tokenCache.TryGetValue(targetTime, out tokenTask))
// In unlikely scenario the token was already cancelled and timed out, we would not find it in cache.
// In this case we would simply create a non-coalsed token
tokenTask = Task.FromResult(new CancellationTokenSource(millisecondsTimeout).Token);
return tokenTask;