// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace MS.Internal.Xml.XPath
using System;
using Microsoft.Xml;
using Microsoft.Xml.XPath;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using StackInt = ClonableStack<int>;
using StackNav = ClonableStack<Microsoft.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator>;
// This class implements Children axis on Ancestor & Descendant imputs. (as well as id(), preciding, following)
// The problem here is that is descenant::*/child::* and ancestor::*/child::* can produce duplicates nodes
// The algorithm havily uses the fact that in our implementation of both AncestorQuery and DecsndantQuery return nodes in document order.
// As result first child is always before or equal of next input.
// So we don't need to call DecideNextNode() when needInput == true && stack is empty.
internal sealed class CacheChildrenQuery : ChildrenQuery
private XPathNavigator _nextInput = null;
private StackNav _elementStk;
private StackInt _positionStk;
private bool _needInput;
private XPathNavigator _lastNode = null;
public CacheChildrenQuery(Query qyInput, string name, string prefix, XPathNodeType type) : base(qyInput, name, prefix, type)
_elementStk = new StackNav();
_positionStk = new StackInt();
_needInput = true;
private CacheChildrenQuery(CacheChildrenQuery other) : base(other)
_nextInput = Clone(other._nextInput);
_elementStk = other._elementStk.Clone();
_positionStk = other._positionStk.Clone();
_needInput = other._needInput;
_lastNode = Clone(other._lastNode);
public override void Reset()
_nextInput = null;
_needInput = true;
_lastNode = null;
public override XPathNavigator Advance()
if (_needInput)
if (_elementStk.Count == 0)
currentNode = GetNextInput();
if (currentNode == null)
return null;
if (!currentNode.MoveToFirstChild())
position = 0;
currentNode = _elementStk.Pop();
position = _positionStk.Pop();
if (!DecideNextNode())
_needInput = false;
if (!currentNode.MoveToNext() || !DecideNextNode())
_needInput = true;
if (_lastNode != null)
if (currentNode.GetType().ToString() == "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.StoreNavigator")
XmlNodeOrder order = CompareNodes(_lastNode, currentNode);
Debug.Assert(order == XmlNodeOrder.Before, "Algorith error. Nodes expected to be DocOrderDistinct");
_lastNode = currentNode.Clone();
if (matches(currentNode))
return currentNode;
} while (true);
} // Advance
private bool DecideNextNode()
_nextInput = GetNextInput();
if (_nextInput != null)
if (CompareNodes(currentNode, _nextInput) == XmlNodeOrder.After)
currentNode = _nextInput;
_nextInput = null;
if (!currentNode.MoveToFirstChild())
return false;
position = 0;
return true;
private XPathNavigator GetNextInput()
XPathNavigator result;
if (_nextInput != null)
result = _nextInput;
_nextInput = null;
result = qyInput.Advance();
if (result != null)
result = result.Clone();
return result;
public override XPathNodeIterator Clone() { return new CacheChildrenQuery(this); }
} // Children Query}