// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace Microsoft.Xml.Serialization
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Xml.Schema;
using Microsoft.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.CodeDom;
using Microsoft.CodeDom.Compiler;
using Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.Advanced;
using System.Globalization;
//using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Diagnostics;
// These classes provide a higher level view on reflection specific to
// Xml serialization, for example:
// - allowing one to talk about types w/o having them compiled yet
// - abstracting collections & arrays
// - abstracting classes, structs, interfaces
// - knowing about XSD primitives
// - dealing with Serializable and xmlelement
// and lots of other little details
internal enum TypeKind
internal enum TypeFlags
None = 0x0,
Abstract = 0x1,
Reference = 0x2,
Special = 0x4,
CanBeAttributeValue = 0x8,
CanBeTextValue = 0x10,
CanBeElementValue = 0x20,
HasCustomFormatter = 0x40,
AmbiguousDataType = 0x80,
IgnoreDefault = 0x200,
HasIsEmpty = 0x400,
HasDefaultConstructor = 0x800,
XmlEncodingNotRequired = 0x1000,
UseReflection = 0x4000,
CollapseWhitespace = 0x8000,
OptionalValue = 0x10000,
CtorInaccessible = 0x20000,
UsePrivateImplementation = 0x40000,
GenericInterface = 0x80000,
Unsupported = 0x100000,
internal class TypeDesc
private string _name;
private string _fullName;
private string _cSharpName;
private TypeDesc _arrayElementTypeDesc;
private TypeDesc _arrayTypeDesc;
private TypeDesc _nullableTypeDesc;
private TypeKind _kind;
private XmlSchemaType _dataType;
private Type _type;
private TypeDesc _baseTypeDesc;
private TypeFlags _flags;
private string _formatterName;
private bool _isXsdType;
private bool _isMixed;
private MappedTypeDesc _extendedType;
private int _weight;
private Exception _exception;
internal TypeDesc(string name, string fullName, XmlSchemaType dataType, TypeKind kind, TypeDesc baseTypeDesc, TypeFlags flags, string formatterName)
_name = name.Replace('+', '.');
_fullName = fullName.Replace('+', '.');
_kind = kind;
_baseTypeDesc = baseTypeDesc;
_flags = flags;
_isXsdType = kind == TypeKind.Primitive;
if (_isXsdType)
_weight = 1;
else if (kind == TypeKind.Enum)
_weight = 2;
else if (_kind == TypeKind.Root)
_weight = -1;
_weight = baseTypeDesc == null ? 0 : baseTypeDesc.Weight + 1;
_dataType = dataType;
_formatterName = formatterName;
internal TypeDesc(string name, string fullName, XmlSchemaType dataType, TypeKind kind, TypeDesc baseTypeDesc, TypeFlags flags)
: this(name, fullName, dataType, kind, baseTypeDesc, flags, null) { }
internal TypeDesc(string name, string fullName, TypeKind kind, TypeDesc baseTypeDesc, TypeFlags flags)
: this(name, fullName, (XmlSchemaType)null, kind, baseTypeDesc, flags, null) { }
internal TypeDesc(Type type, bool isXsdType, XmlSchemaType dataType, string formatterName, TypeFlags flags)
: this(type.Name, type.FullName, dataType, TypeKind.Primitive, (TypeDesc)null, flags, formatterName)
_isXsdType = isXsdType;
_type = type;
internal TypeDesc(Type type, string name, string fullName, TypeKind kind, TypeDesc baseTypeDesc, TypeFlags flags, TypeDesc arrayElementTypeDesc)
: this(name, fullName, null, kind, baseTypeDesc, flags, null)
_arrayElementTypeDesc = arrayElementTypeDesc;
_type = type;
public override string ToString()
return _fullName;
internal TypeFlags Flags
get { return _flags; }
internal bool IsXsdType
get { return _isXsdType; }
internal bool IsMappedType
get { return _extendedType != null; }
internal MappedTypeDesc ExtendedType
get { return _extendedType; }
internal string Name
get { return _name; }
internal string FullName
get { return _fullName; }
internal string CSharpName
if (_cSharpName == null)
_cSharpName = _type == null ? CodeIdentifier.GetCSharpName(_fullName) : CodeIdentifier.GetCSharpName(_type);
return _cSharpName;
internal XmlSchemaType DataType
get { return _dataType; }
internal Type Type
get { return _type; }
internal string FormatterName
get { return _formatterName; }
internal TypeKind Kind
get { return _kind; }
internal bool IsValueType
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.Reference) == 0; }
internal bool CanBeAttributeValue
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue) != 0; }
internal bool XmlEncodingNotRequired
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired) != 0; }
internal bool CanBeElementValue
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue) != 0; }
internal bool CanBeTextValue
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue) != 0; }
internal bool IsMixed
get { return _isMixed || CanBeTextValue; }
set { _isMixed = value; }
internal bool IsSpecial
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.Special) != 0; }
internal bool IsAmbiguousDataType
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType) != 0; }
internal bool HasCustomFormatter
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter) != 0; }
internal bool HasDefaultSupport
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault) == 0; }
internal bool HasIsEmpty
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.HasIsEmpty) != 0; }
internal bool CollapseWhitespace
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.CollapseWhitespace) != 0; }
internal bool HasDefaultConstructor
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor) != 0; }
internal bool IsUnsupported
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.Unsupported) != 0; }
internal bool IsGenericInterface
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.GenericInterface) != 0; }
internal bool IsPrivateImplementation
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.UsePrivateImplementation) != 0; }
internal bool CannotNew
get { return !HasDefaultConstructor || ConstructorInaccessible; }
internal bool IsAbstract
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.Abstract) != 0; }
internal bool IsOptionalValue
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.OptionalValue) != 0; }
internal bool UseReflection
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.UseReflection) != 0; }
internal bool IsVoid
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Void; }
internal bool IsClass
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Class; }
internal bool IsStructLike
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Struct || _kind == TypeKind.Class; }
internal bool IsArrayLike
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Array || _kind == TypeKind.Collection || _kind == TypeKind.Enumerable; }
internal bool IsCollection
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Collection; }
internal bool IsEnumerable
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Enumerable; }
internal bool IsArray
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Array; }
internal bool IsPrimitive
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Primitive; }
internal bool IsEnum
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Enum; }
internal bool IsNullable
get { return !IsValueType; }
internal bool IsRoot
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Root; }
internal bool ConstructorInaccessible
get { return (_flags & TypeFlags.CtorInaccessible) != 0; }
internal Exception Exception
get { return _exception; }
set { _exception = value; }
internal TypeDesc GetNullableTypeDesc(Type type)
if (IsOptionalValue)
return this;
if (_nullableTypeDesc == null)
_nullableTypeDesc = new TypeDesc("NullableOf" + _name, "System.Nullable`1[" + _fullName + "]", null, TypeKind.Struct, this, _flags | TypeFlags.OptionalValue, _formatterName);
_nullableTypeDesc._type = type;
return _nullableTypeDesc;
internal void CheckSupported()
if (IsUnsupported)
if (Exception != null)
throw Exception;
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlSerializerUnsupportedType, FullName));
if (_baseTypeDesc != null)
if (_arrayElementTypeDesc != null)
internal void CheckNeedConstructor()
if (!IsValueType && !IsAbstract && !HasDefaultConstructor)
_flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
_exception = new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlConstructorInaccessible, FullName));
internal string ArrayLengthName
get { return _kind == TypeKind.Array ? "Length" : "Count"; }
internal TypeDesc ArrayElementTypeDesc
get { return _arrayElementTypeDesc; }
set { _arrayElementTypeDesc = value; }
internal int Weight
get { return _weight; }
internal TypeDesc CreateArrayTypeDesc()
if (_arrayTypeDesc == null)
_arrayTypeDesc = new TypeDesc(null, _name + "[]", _fullName + "[]", TypeKind.Array, null, TypeFlags.Reference | (_flags & TypeFlags.UseReflection), this);
return _arrayTypeDesc;
internal TypeDesc CreateMappedTypeDesc(MappedTypeDesc extension)
TypeDesc newTypeDesc = new TypeDesc(extension.Name, extension.Name, null, _kind, _baseTypeDesc, _flags, null);
newTypeDesc._isXsdType = _isXsdType;
newTypeDesc._isMixed = _isMixed;
newTypeDesc._extendedType = extension;
newTypeDesc._dataType = _dataType;
return newTypeDesc;
internal TypeDesc BaseTypeDesc
get { return _baseTypeDesc; }
_baseTypeDesc = value;
_weight = _baseTypeDesc == null ? 0 : _baseTypeDesc.Weight + 1;
internal bool IsDerivedFrom(TypeDesc baseTypeDesc)
TypeDesc typeDesc = this;
while (typeDesc != null)
if (typeDesc == baseTypeDesc) return true;
typeDesc = typeDesc.BaseTypeDesc;
return baseTypeDesc.IsRoot;
internal static TypeDesc FindCommonBaseTypeDesc(TypeDesc[] typeDescs)
if (typeDescs.Length == 0) return null;
TypeDesc leastDerivedTypeDesc = null;
int leastDerivedLevel = int.MaxValue;
for (int i = 0; i < typeDescs.Length; i++)
int derivationLevel = typeDescs[i].Weight;
if (derivationLevel < leastDerivedLevel)
leastDerivedLevel = derivationLevel;
leastDerivedTypeDesc = typeDescs[i];
while (leastDerivedTypeDesc != null)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < typeDescs.Length; i++)
if (!typeDescs[i].IsDerivedFrom(leastDerivedTypeDesc)) break;
if (i == typeDescs.Length) break;
leastDerivedTypeDesc = leastDerivedTypeDesc.BaseTypeDesc;
return leastDerivedTypeDesc;
internal class TypeScope
private Hashtable _typeDescs = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable _arrayTypeDescs = new Hashtable();
private ArrayList _typeMappings = new ArrayList();
private static Hashtable s_primitiveTypes = new Hashtable();
private static Hashtable s_primitiveDataTypes = new Hashtable();
private static NameTable s_primitiveNames = new NameTable();
private static string[] s_unsupportedTypes = new string[] {
static TypeScope()
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), "string", "String", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor);
AddPrimitive(typeof(int), "int", "Int32", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(bool), "boolean", "Boolean", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(short), "short", "Int16", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(long), "long", "Int64", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(float), "float", "Single", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(double), "double", "Double", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(decimal), "decimal", "Decimal", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(DateTime), "dateTime", "DateTime", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(XmlQualifiedName), "QName", "XmlQualifiedName", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.HasIsEmpty | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddPrimitive(typeof(byte), "unsignedByte", "Byte", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(SByte), "byte", "SByte", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(UInt16), "unsignedShort", "UInt16", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(UInt32), "unsignedInt", "UInt32", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(UInt64), "unsignedLong", "UInt64", TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
// Types without direct mapping (ambigous)
AddPrimitive(typeof(DateTime), "date", "Date", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(DateTime), "time", "Time", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), "Name", "XmlName", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), "NCName", "XmlNCName", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), "NMTOKEN", "XmlNmToken", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), "NMTOKENS", "XmlNmTokens", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddPrimitive(typeof(byte[]), "base64Binary", "ByteArrayBase64", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired | TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor);
AddPrimitive(typeof(byte[]), "hexBinary", "ByteArrayHex", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired | TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor);
// NOTE, stefanph: byte[] can also be used to mean array of bytes. That datatype is not a primitive, so we
// can't use the AmbiguousDataType mechanism. To get an array of bytes in literal XML, apply [XmlArray] or
// [XmlArrayItem].
XmlSchemaPatternFacet guidPattern = new XmlSchemaPatternFacet();
guidPattern.Value = "[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}";
AddNonXsdPrimitive(typeof(Guid), "guid", UrtTypes.Namespace, "Guid", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), new XmlSchemaFacet[] { guidPattern }, TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault);
AddNonXsdPrimitive(typeof(char), "char", UrtTypes.Namespace, "Char", new XmlQualifiedName("unsignedShort", XmlSchema.Namespace), new XmlSchemaFacet[0], TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault);
// Unsuppoted types that we map to string, if in the future we decide
// to add support for them we would need to create custom formatters for them
// normalizedString is the only one unsuported type that suppose to preserve whitesapce
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), "normalizedString", "String", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor);
for (int i = 0; i < s_unsupportedTypes.Length; i++)
AddPrimitive(typeof(string), s_unsupportedTypes[i], "String", TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.CollapseWhitespace);
internal static bool IsKnownType(Type type)
if (type == typeof(object))
return true;
if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
return false;
switch (Type.GetTypeCode(type))
case TypeCode.String: return true;
case TypeCode.Int32: return true;
case TypeCode.Boolean: return true;
case TypeCode.Int16: return true;
case TypeCode.Int64: return true;
case TypeCode.Single: return true;
case TypeCode.Double: return true;
case TypeCode.Decimal: return true;
case TypeCode.DateTime: return true;
case TypeCode.Byte: return true;
case TypeCode.SByte: return true;
case TypeCode.UInt16: return true;
case TypeCode.UInt32: return true;
case TypeCode.UInt64: return true;
case TypeCode.Char: return true;
if (type == typeof(XmlQualifiedName))
return true;
else if (type == typeof(byte[]))
return true;
else if (type == typeof(Guid))
return true;
else if (type == typeof(XmlNode[]))
return true;
return false;
private static void AddSoapEncodedTypes(string ns)
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "normalizedString", ns, "String", new XmlQualifiedName("normalizedString", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor);
for (int i = 0; i < s_unsupportedTypes.Length; i++)
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), s_unsupportedTypes[i], ns, "String", new XmlQualifiedName(s_unsupportedTypes[i], XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.CollapseWhitespace);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "string", ns, "String", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(int), "int", ns, "Int32", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(bool), "boolean", ns, "Boolean", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(short), "short", ns, "Int16", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(long), "long", ns, "Int64", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(float), "float", ns, "Single", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(double), "double", ns, "Double", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(decimal), "decimal", ns, "Decimal", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(DateTime), "dateTime", ns, "DateTime", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(XmlQualifiedName), "QName", ns, "XmlQualifiedName", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.HasIsEmpty | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(byte), "unsignedByte", ns, "Byte", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(SByte), "byte", ns, "SByte", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(UInt16), "unsignedShort", ns, "UInt16", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(UInt32), "unsignedInt", ns, "UInt32", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(UInt64), "unsignedLong", ns, "UInt64", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
// Types without direct mapping (ambigous)
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(DateTime), "date", ns, "Date", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(DateTime), "time", ns, "Time", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "Name", ns, "XmlName", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "NCName", ns, "XmlNCName", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "NMTOKEN", ns, "XmlNmToken", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "NMTOKENS", ns, "XmlNmTokens", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(byte[]), "base64Binary", ns, "ByteArrayBase64", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(byte[]), "hexBinary", ns, "ByteArrayHex", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.AmbiguousDataType | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.HasCustomFormatter | TypeFlags.Reference | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault | TypeFlags.XmlEncodingNotRequired);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(string), "arrayCoordinate", ns, "String", new XmlQualifiedName("string", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue);
AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(typeof(byte[]), "base64", ns, "ByteArrayBase64", new XmlQualifiedName("base64Binary", XmlSchema.Namespace), TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.IgnoreDefault | TypeFlags.Reference);
private static void AddPrimitive(Type type, string dataTypeName, string formatterName, TypeFlags flags)
XmlSchemaSimpleType dataType = new XmlSchemaSimpleType();
dataType.Name = dataTypeName;
TypeDesc typeDesc = new TypeDesc(type, true, dataType, formatterName, flags);
if (s_primitiveTypes[type] == null)
s_primitiveTypes.Add(type, typeDesc);
s_primitiveDataTypes.Add(dataType, typeDesc);
s_primitiveNames.Add(dataTypeName, XmlSchema.Namespace, typeDesc);
private static void AddNonXsdPrimitive(Type type, string dataTypeName, string ns, string formatterName, XmlQualifiedName baseTypeName, XmlSchemaFacet[] facets, TypeFlags flags)
XmlSchemaSimpleType dataType = new XmlSchemaSimpleType();
dataType.Name = dataTypeName;
XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction restriction = new XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction();
restriction.BaseTypeName = baseTypeName;
foreach (XmlSchemaFacet facet in facets)
dataType.Content = restriction;
TypeDesc typeDesc = new TypeDesc(type, false, dataType, formatterName, flags);
if (s_primitiveTypes[type] == null)
s_primitiveTypes.Add(type, typeDesc);
s_primitiveDataTypes.Add(dataType, typeDesc);
s_primitiveNames.Add(dataTypeName, ns, typeDesc);
private static void AddSoapEncodedPrimitive(Type type, string dataTypeName, string ns, string formatterName, XmlQualifiedName baseTypeName, TypeFlags flags)
AddNonXsdPrimitive(type, dataTypeName, ns, formatterName, baseTypeName, new XmlSchemaFacet[0], flags);
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(string name, string ns)
return GetTypeDesc(name, ns, TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue);
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(string name, string ns, TypeFlags flags)
TypeDesc typeDesc = (TypeDesc)s_primitiveNames[name, ns];
if (typeDesc != null)
if ((typeDesc.Flags & flags) != 0)
return typeDesc;
return null;
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(XmlSchemaSimpleType dataType)
return (TypeDesc)s_primitiveDataTypes[dataType];
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(Type type)
return GetTypeDesc(type, null, true, true);
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(Type type, MemberInfo source)
return GetTypeDesc(type, source, true, true);
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(Type type, MemberInfo source, bool directReference)
return GetTypeDesc(type, source, directReference, true);
internal TypeDesc GetTypeDesc(Type type, MemberInfo source, bool directReference, bool throwOnError)
if (type.GetTypeInfo().ContainsGenericParameters)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlUnsupportedOpenGenericType, type.ToString()));
TypeDesc typeDesc = (TypeDesc)s_primitiveTypes[type];
if (typeDesc == null)
typeDesc = (TypeDesc)_typeDescs[type];
if (typeDesc == null)
typeDesc = ImportTypeDesc(type, source, directReference);
if (throwOnError)
return typeDesc;
internal TypeDesc GetArrayTypeDesc(Type type)
TypeDesc typeDesc = (TypeDesc)_arrayTypeDescs[type];
if (typeDesc == null)
typeDesc = GetTypeDesc(type);
if (!typeDesc.IsArrayLike)
typeDesc = ImportTypeDesc(type, null, false);
_arrayTypeDescs.Add(type, typeDesc);
return typeDesc;
internal TypeMapping GetTypeMappingFromTypeDesc(TypeDesc typeDesc)
foreach (TypeMapping typeMapping in TypeMappings)
if (typeMapping.TypeDesc == typeDesc)
return typeMapping;
return null;
internal Type GetTypeFromTypeDesc(TypeDesc typeDesc)
if (typeDesc.Type != null)
return typeDesc.Type;
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in _typeDescs)
if (de.Value == typeDesc)
return de.Key as Type;
return null;
private TypeDesc ImportTypeDesc(Type type, MemberInfo memberInfo, bool directReference)
TypeDesc typeDesc = null;
TypeKind kind;
Type arrayElementType = null;
Type baseType = null;
TypeFlags flags = 0;
Exception exception = null;
TypeInfo info = type.GetTypeInfo();
if (!info.IsPublic && !info.IsNestedPublic)
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
exception = new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlTypeInaccessible, type.FullName));
else if (directReference && (info.IsAbstract && info.IsSealed))
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
exception = new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlTypeStatic, type.FullName));
if (DynamicAssemblies.IsTypeDynamic(type))
flags |= TypeFlags.UseReflection;
if (!info.IsValueType)
flags |= TypeFlags.Reference;
if (type == typeof(object))
kind = TypeKind.Root;
flags |= TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor;
else if (type == typeof(ValueType))
kind = TypeKind.Enum;
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
if (exception == null)
exception = new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlSerializerUnsupportedType, type.FullName));
else if (type == typeof(void))
kind = TypeKind.Void;
else if (typeof(IXmlSerializable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
// CONSIDER, just because it's typed, doesn't mean it has schema?
kind = TypeKind.Serializable;
flags |= TypeFlags.Special | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue;
flags |= GetConstructorFlags(type, ref exception);
else if (type.IsArray)
kind = TypeKind.Array;
if (type.GetArrayRank() > 1)
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
if (exception == null)
exception = new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlUnsupportedRank, type.FullName));
arrayElementType = type.GetElementType();
flags |= TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor;
else if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !IsArraySegment(type))
kind = TypeKind.Collection;
arrayElementType = GetCollectionElementType(type, memberInfo == null ? null : memberInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + memberInfo.Name);
flags |= GetConstructorFlags(type, ref exception);
else if (type == typeof(XmlQualifiedName))
kind = TypeKind.Primitive;
else if (info.IsPrimitive)
kind = TypeKind.Primitive;
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
if (exception == null)
exception = new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlSerializerUnsupportedType, type.FullName));
else if (info.IsEnum)
kind = TypeKind.Enum;
else if (info.IsValueType)
kind = TypeKind.Struct;
if (IsOptionalValue(type))
baseType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
flags |= TypeFlags.OptionalValue;
baseType = info.BaseType;
if (info.IsAbstract) flags |= TypeFlags.Abstract;
else if (info.IsClass)
if (type == typeof(XmlAttribute))
kind = TypeKind.Attribute;
flags |= TypeFlags.Special | TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue;
else if (typeof(XmlNode).IsAssignableFrom(type))
kind = TypeKind.Node;
baseType = info.BaseType;
flags |= TypeFlags.Special | TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue | TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue;
if (typeof(XmlText).IsAssignableFrom(type))
flags &= ~TypeFlags.CanBeElementValue;
else if (typeof(XmlElement).IsAssignableFrom(type))
flags &= ~TypeFlags.CanBeTextValue;
else if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(XmlAttribute)))
flags |= TypeFlags.CanBeAttributeValue;
kind = TypeKind.Class;
baseType = info.BaseType;
if (info.IsAbstract)
flags |= TypeFlags.Abstract;
else if (info.IsInterface)
kind = TypeKind.Void;
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
if (exception == null)
if (memberInfo == null)
exception = new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlUnsupportedInterface, type.FullName));
exception = new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlUnsupportedInterfaceDetails, memberInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + memberInfo.Name, type.FullName));
kind = TypeKind.Void;
flags |= TypeFlags.Unsupported;
if (exception == null)
exception = new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlSerializerUnsupportedType, type.FullName));
// check to see if the type has public default constructor for classes
if (kind == TypeKind.Class && !info.IsAbstract)
flags |= GetConstructorFlags(type, ref exception);
// check if a struct-like type is enumerable
if (kind == TypeKind.Struct || kind == TypeKind.Class)
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type) && !IsArraySegment(type))
arrayElementType = GetEnumeratorElementType(type, ref flags);
kind = TypeKind.Enumerable;
// GetEnumeratorElementType checks for the security attributes on the GetEnumerator(), Add() methods and Current property,
// we need to check the MoveNext() and ctor methods for the security attribues
flags |= GetConstructorFlags(type, ref exception);
// UNDONE: need to replace FullTypeName(type) with language undependent type.ToString()
typeDesc = new TypeDesc(type, CodeIdentifier.MakeValid(TypeName(type)), type.ToString(), kind, null, flags, null);
typeDesc.Exception = exception;
if (directReference && (typeDesc.IsClass || kind == TypeKind.Serializable))
if (typeDesc.IsUnsupported)
// return right away, do not check anything else
return typeDesc;
_typeDescs.Add(type, typeDesc);
if (arrayElementType != null)
TypeDesc td = GetTypeDesc(arrayElementType, memberInfo, true, false);
// explicitly disallow read-only elements, even if they are collections
if (directReference && (td.IsCollection || td.IsEnumerable) && !td.IsPrimitive)
typeDesc.ArrayElementTypeDesc = td;
if (baseType != null && baseType != typeof(object) && baseType != typeof(ValueType))
typeDesc.BaseTypeDesc = GetTypeDesc(baseType, memberInfo, false, false);
if (info.IsNestedPublic)
//for (Type t = type.DeclaringType; t != null && !t.ContainsGenericParameters && !(t.IsAbstract && t.IsSealed); t = t.DeclaringType)
Type t = type.DeclaringType;
for (TypeInfo tinfo = t != null ? t.GetTypeInfo() : null; tinfo != null && !tinfo.ContainsGenericParameters && !(tinfo.IsAbstract && tinfo.IsSealed); t = t.DeclaringType)
GetTypeDesc(t, null, false);
return typeDesc;
private static bool IsArraySegment(Type t)
return t.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType && (t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ArraySegment<>));
internal static bool IsOptionalValue(Type type)
if (type.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType)
if (type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>).GetGenericTypeDefinition())
return true;
return false;
// UNDONE: remove the code if we agree not to include the namespace hash, or uncomment it.
static string GetHash(string str) {
MD5 md5 = MD5.Create();
string hash = Convert.ToBase64String(md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str)), 0, 6).Replace("+", "_P").Replace("/", "_S");
return hash;
// UNDONE: this code is c# specific and should be switched to using CodeDom
internal static string TypeName(Type t)
if (t.IsArray)
return "ArrayOf" + TypeName(t.GetElementType());
else if (t.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType)
StringBuilder typeName = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder ns = new StringBuilder();
string name = t.Name;
int arity = name.IndexOf("`", StringComparison.Ordinal);
if (arity >= 0)
name = name.Substring(0, arity);
Type[] arguments = t.GetGenericArguments();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
// UNDONE: remove the code if we agree not to include the namespace hash, or uncomment it.
if (ns.Length > 0) {
return typeName.ToString();
return t.Name;
internal static Type GetArrayElementType(Type type, string memberInfo)
if (type.IsArray)
return type.GetElementType();
else if (IsArraySegment(type))
return null;
else if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(type))
return GetCollectionElementType(type, memberInfo);
else if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
TypeFlags flags = TypeFlags.None;
return GetEnumeratorElementType(type, ref flags);
return null;
internal static MemberMapping[] GetAllMembers(StructMapping mapping)
if (mapping.BaseMapping == null)
return mapping.Members;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
GetAllMembers(mapping, list);
return (MemberMapping[])list.ToArray(typeof(MemberMapping));
internal static void GetAllMembers(StructMapping mapping, ArrayList list)
if (mapping.BaseMapping != null)
GetAllMembers(mapping.BaseMapping, list);
for (int i = 0; i < mapping.Members.Length; i++)
internal static MemberMapping[] GetAllMembers(StructMapping mapping, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> memberInfos)
MemberMapping[] mappings = GetAllMembers(mapping);
PopulateMemberInfos(mapping, mappings, memberInfos);
return mappings;
internal static MemberMapping[] GetSettableMembers(StructMapping structMapping)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
GetSettableMembers(structMapping, list);
return (MemberMapping[])list.ToArray(typeof(MemberMapping));
private static void GetSettableMembers(StructMapping mapping, ArrayList list)
if (mapping.BaseMapping != null)
GetSettableMembers(mapping.BaseMapping, list);
if (mapping.Members != null)
foreach (MemberMapping memberMapping in mapping.Members)
MemberInfo memberInfo = memberMapping.MemberInfo;
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
if (propertyInfo != null && !CanWriteProperty(propertyInfo, memberMapping.TypeDesc))
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlReadOnlyPropertyError, propertyInfo.DeclaringType, propertyInfo.Name));
private static bool CanWriteProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, TypeDesc typeDesc)
Debug.Assert(propertyInfo != null);
Debug.Assert(typeDesc != null);
// If the property is a collection, we don't need a setter.
if (typeDesc.Kind == TypeKind.Collection || typeDesc.Kind == TypeKind.Enumerable)
return true;
// Else the property needs a public setter.
return propertyInfo.SetMethod != null && propertyInfo.SetMethod.IsPublic;
internal static MemberMapping[] GetSettableMembers(StructMapping mapping, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> memberInfos)
MemberMapping[] mappings = GetSettableMembers(mapping);
PopulateMemberInfos(mapping, mappings, memberInfos);
return mappings;
private static void PopulateMemberInfos(StructMapping structMapping, MemberMapping[] mappings, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> memberInfos)
for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; ++i)
memberInfos[mappings[i].Name] = mappings[i].MemberInfo;
if (mappings[i].ChoiceIdentifier != null)
memberInfos[mappings[i].ChoiceIdentifier.MemberName] = mappings[i].ChoiceIdentifier.MemberInfo;
if (mappings[i].CheckSpecifiedMemberInfo != null)
memberInfos[mappings[i].Name + "Specified"] = mappings[i].CheckSpecifiedMemberInfo;
// The scenario here is that user has one base class A and one derived class B and wants to serialize/deserialize an object of B.
// There's one virtual property defined in A and overrided by B. Without the replacing logic below, the code generated will always
// try to access the property defined in A, rather than B.
// The logic here is to:
// 1) Check current members inside memberInfos dictionary and figure out whether there's any override or new properties defined in the derived class.
// If so, replace the one on the base class with the one on the derived class.
// 2) Do the same thing for the memberMapping array. Note that we need to create a new copy of MemberMapping object since the old one could still be referenced
// by the StructMapping of the baseclass, so updating it directly could lead to other issues.
Dictionary<string, MemberInfo> replaceList = null;
MemberInfo replacedInfo = null;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MemberInfo> pair in memberInfos)
if (ShouldBeReplaced(pair.Value, structMapping.TypeDesc.Type, out replacedInfo))
if (replaceList == null)
replaceList = new Dictionary<string, MemberInfo>();
replaceList.Add(pair.Key, replacedInfo);
if (replaceList != null)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MemberInfo> pair in replaceList)
memberInfos[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
for (int i = 0; i < mappings.Length; i++)
MemberInfo mi;
if (replaceList.TryGetValue(mappings[i].Name, out mi))
MemberMapping newMapping = mappings[i].Clone();
newMapping.MemberInfo = mi;
mappings[i] = newMapping;
private static bool ShouldBeReplaced(MemberInfo memberInfoToBeReplaced, Type derivedType, out MemberInfo replacedInfo)
replacedInfo = memberInfoToBeReplaced;
Type currentType = derivedType;
Type typeToBeReplaced = memberInfoToBeReplaced.DeclaringType;
if (typeToBeReplaced.IsAssignableFrom(currentType))
while (currentType != typeToBeReplaced)
TypeInfo currentInfo = currentType.GetTypeInfo();
foreach (PropertyInfo info in currentInfo.DeclaredProperties)
if (info.Name == memberInfoToBeReplaced.Name)
// we have a new modifier situation: property names are the same but the declaring types are different
replacedInfo = info;
if (replacedInfo != memberInfoToBeReplaced)
return true;
foreach (FieldInfo info in currentInfo.DeclaredFields)
if (info.Name == memberInfoToBeReplaced.Name)
// we have a new modifier situation: field names are the same but the declaring types are different
replacedInfo = info;
if (replacedInfo != memberInfoToBeReplaced)
return true;
// we go one level down and try again
currentType = currentType.GetTypeInfo().BaseType;
return false;
private static TypeFlags GetConstructorFlags(Type type, ref Exception exception)
ConstructorInfo ctor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
if (ctor != null)
TypeFlags flags = TypeFlags.HasDefaultConstructor;
if (!ctor.IsPublic)
flags |= TypeFlags.CtorInaccessible;
foreach (var obsolete in ctor.GetCustomAttributes<ObsoleteAttribute>(false))
if (obsolete.IsError)
flags |= TypeFlags.CtorInaccessible;
return flags;
return 0;
private static Type GetEnumeratorElementType(Type type, ref TypeFlags flags)
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
MethodInfo enumerator = type.GetMethod("GetEnumerator", new Type[0]);
if (enumerator == null || !typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(enumerator.ReturnType))
// try generic implementation
enumerator = null;
foreach (MemberInfo member in type.GetMember("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<*", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
enumerator = member as MethodInfo;
if (enumerator != null && typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(enumerator.ReturnType))
// use the first one we find
flags |= TypeFlags.GenericInterface;
enumerator = null;
if (enumerator == null)
// and finally private interface implementation
flags |= TypeFlags.UsePrivateImplementation;
enumerator = type.GetMethod("System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new Type[0], null);
if (enumerator == null || !typeof(IEnumerator).IsAssignableFrom(enumerator.ReturnType))
return null;
var customAttribs = enumerator.GetCustomAttributes(false) as Attribute[];
if (customAttribs != null)
XmlAttributes methodAttrs = new XmlAttributes(customAttribs);
if (methodAttrs.XmlIgnore) return null;
PropertyInfo p = enumerator.ReturnType.GetProperty("Current");
Type currentType = (p == null ? typeof(object) : p.PropertyType);
MethodInfo addMethod = type.GetMethod("Add", new Type[] { currentType });
if (addMethod == null && currentType != typeof(object))
currentType = typeof(object);
addMethod = type.GetMethod("Add", new Type[] { currentType });
if (addMethod == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlNoAddMethod, type.FullName, currentType, "IEnumerable"));
return currentType;
return null;
internal static PropertyInfo GetDefaultIndexer(Type type, string memberInfo)
if (typeof(IDictionary).IsAssignableFrom(type))
if (memberInfo == null)
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlUnsupportedIDictionary, type.FullName));
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlUnsupportedIDictionaryDetails, memberInfo, type.FullName));
MemberInfo[] defaultMembers = type.GetDefaultMembers();
PropertyInfo indexer = null;
if (defaultMembers != null && defaultMembers.Length > 0)
for (Type t = type; t != null; t = t.GetTypeInfo().BaseType)
for (int i = 0; i < defaultMembers.Length; i++)
if (defaultMembers[i] is PropertyInfo)
PropertyInfo defaultProp = (PropertyInfo)defaultMembers[i];
if (defaultProp.DeclaringType != t) continue;
if (!defaultProp.CanRead) continue;
MethodInfo getMethod = defaultProp.GetGetMethod();
ParameterInfo[] parameters = getMethod.GetParameters();
if (parameters.Length == 1 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(int))
indexer = defaultProp;
if (indexer != null) break;
if (indexer == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlNoDefaultAccessors, type.FullName));
MethodInfo addMethod = type.GetMethod("Add", new Type[] { indexer.PropertyType });
if (addMethod == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlNoAddMethod, type.FullName, indexer.PropertyType, "ICollection"));
return indexer;
private static Type GetCollectionElementType(Type type, string memberInfo)
return GetDefaultIndexer(type, memberInfo).PropertyType;
static internal XmlQualifiedName ParseWsdlArrayType(string type, out string dims, XmlSchemaObject parent)
string ns;
string name;
int nsLen = type.LastIndexOf(':');
if (nsLen <= 0)
ns = "";
ns = type.Substring(0, nsLen);
int nameLen = type.IndexOf('[', nsLen + 1);
if (nameLen <= nsLen)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ResXml.XmlInvalidArrayTypeSyntax, type));
name = type.Substring(nsLen + 1, nameLen - nsLen - 1);
dims = type.Substring(nameLen);
// parent is not null only in the case when we used XmlSchema.Read(),
// in which case we need to fixup the wsdl:arayType attribute value
while (parent != null)
if (parent.Namespaces != null)
string wsdlNs = (string)parent.Namespaces.Namespaces[ns];
if (wsdlNs != null)
ns = wsdlNs;
parent = parent.Parent;
return new XmlQualifiedName(name, ns);
internal ICollection Types
get { return _typeDescs.Keys; }
internal void AddTypeMapping(TypeMapping typeMapping)
internal ICollection TypeMappings
get { return _typeMappings; }
internal static Hashtable PrimtiveTypes { get { return s_primitiveTypes; } }
internal class Soap
private Soap() { }
internal const string Encoding = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/";
internal const string UrType = "anyType";
internal const string Array = "Array";
internal const string ArrayType = "arrayType";
internal class Soap12
private Soap12() { }
internal const string Encoding = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding";
internal const string RpcNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-rpc";
internal const string RpcResult = "result";
internal class Wsdl
private Wsdl() { }
internal const string Namespace = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
internal const string ArrayType = "arrayType";
internal class UrtTypes
private UrtTypes() { }
internal const string Namespace = "http://microsoft.com/wsdl/types/";