// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.Xml
using System;
// Array index to indicate the meaning of the each byte.
internal enum TernaryTreeByte { characterByte = 0, leftTree = 1, rightTree = 2, data = 3 };
// XSL HTML output method properties
// Keep the first four bits in sync, so that the element and attribute mask operation can be combined.
internal enum ElementProperties : uint { DEFAULT = 0, URI_PARENT = 1, BOOL_PARENT = 2, NAME_PARENT = 4, EMPTY = 8, NO_ENTITIES = 16, HEAD = 32, BLOCK_WS = 64, HAS_NS = 128 }
internal enum AttributeProperties : uint { DEFAULT = 0, URI = 1, BOOLEAN = 2, NAME = 4 }
* TernaryTreeRO
* -------------
* Ternary tree implementation used to make fast dictionary lookups in pre-generated
* ternary trees.
* Note: Only strings composed of ASCII characters can exist in the tree.
/// <include file='doc\ReadOnlyTernaryTree.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="TernaryTreeReadOnly"]/*' />
internal class TernaryTreeReadOnly
private byte[] _nodeBuffer;
//define the array positions
/// <include file='doc\ReadOnlyTernaryTree.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="TernaryTreeReadOnly.TernaryTreeReadOnly"]/*' />
public TernaryTreeReadOnly(byte[] nodeBuffer)
_nodeBuffer = nodeBuffer;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Find a Unicode string in the ternary tree and return the data byte it's
mapped to. Find is case-insensitive.
/// <include file='doc\ReadOnlyTernaryTree.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="TernaryTreeReadOnly.FindCaseInsensitiveString"]/*' />
public byte FindCaseInsensitiveString(String stringToFind)
//Debug.Assert(wszFind != null && wszFind.Length != 0);
int stringPos = 0, nodePos = 0;
int charToFind, charInTheTree;
byte[] node = _nodeBuffer;
charToFind = stringToFind[stringPos];
if (charToFind > 'z') return 0; // Ternary tree only stores ASCII strings
if (charToFind >= 'a') charToFind -= ('a' - 'A'); // Normalize to upper case
while (true)
int pos = nodePos * 4;
charInTheTree = node[pos + (int)TernaryTreeByte.characterByte];
//Console.WriteLine("charToFind: {0},charInTheTree: {1}, nodePos: {2}", charToFind, charInTheTree, nodePos);
if (charToFind < charInTheTree)
// If input character is less than the tree character, take the left branch
if (node[pos + (int)TernaryTreeByte.leftTree] == 0x0)
nodePos = nodePos + node[pos + (int)TernaryTreeByte.leftTree];
else if (charToFind > charInTheTree)
// If input character is greater than the tree character, take the right branch
if (node[pos + (int)TernaryTreeByte.rightTree] == 0x0)
nodePos = nodePos + node[pos + (int)TernaryTreeByte.rightTree];
// If input character is equal to the tree character, take the equal branch
if (charToFind == 0)
return node[pos + (int)TernaryTreeByte.data];
// The offset for the equal branch is always one
// Move to the next input character
if (stringPos == stringToFind.Length)
charToFind = 0;
charToFind = stringToFind[stringPos];
if (charToFind > 'z') return 0; // Ternary tree only stores ASCII strings
if (charToFind >= 'a') charToFind -= ('a' - 'A'); // Normalize to upper case
// Return default
return 0;