// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.Tools.ServiceModel.Svcutil
internal enum SwitchType
internal class CommandSwitch
public const string AbbreviationSwitchIndicator = "-";
public const string FullSwitchIndicator = "--";
public const OperationalContext DefaultSwitchLevel = OperationalContext.Project;
private static List<CommandSwitch> s_allSwitches = new List<CommandSwitch>();
public static IEnumerable<CommandSwitch> All { get { return s_allSwitches; } }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string Abbreviation { get; private set; }
public SwitchType SwitchType { get; private set; }
public OperationalContext SwitchLevel { get; private set; }
internal CommandSwitch(string name, string abbreviation, SwitchType switchType, OperationalContext switchLevel = DefaultSwitchLevel)
// ensure that name doesn't start with the switch indicators.
// also convert to lower-case
if (name.StartsWith(FullSwitchIndicator))
this.Name = name.Substring(FullSwitchIndicator.Length);
this.Name = name;
if (abbreviation.StartsWith(AbbreviationSwitchIndicator))
this.Abbreviation = abbreviation.Substring(AbbreviationSwitchIndicator.Length);
this.Abbreviation = abbreviation;
this.SwitchType = switchType;
this.SwitchLevel = switchLevel;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!s_allSwitches.Any(s => s.Equals(this)), $"A switch with name or abbreviation '{name}+{abbreviation}' has already been crated!");
internal static CommandSwitch FindSwitch(string name)
return CommandSwitch.All.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Equals(name));
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {{{1}, {2}, Type={3}}}", this.GetType().Name, Name, Abbreviation, SwitchType);
internal bool Equals(string other)
string otherName;
bool isAbbreviation = true;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(other))
return false;
// If other starts with a switch indicator, we want to enforce the correct indicator (e.g. "-directory" and "--d" will return false, but "--directory" and "directory" will return true).
bool enforceSwitchType = other.StartsWith(FullSwitchIndicator) || other.StartsWith(AbbreviationSwitchIndicator);
// Take off the switch indicators and figure out if this is an abbreviation or not.
// also convert to lower-case
if (other.StartsWith(FullSwitchIndicator))
isAbbreviation = false;
otherName = other.Substring(FullSwitchIndicator.Length).ToLowerInvariant();
else if (other.StartsWith(AbbreviationSwitchIndicator))
isAbbreviation = true;
otherName = other.Substring(AbbreviationSwitchIndicator.Length).ToLowerInvariant();
otherName = other.ToLowerInvariant();
var thisAbbr = Abbreviation.ToLowerInvariant();
var thisName = Name.ToLowerInvariant();
if (enforceSwitchType)
return isAbbreviation ? thisAbbr == otherName : thisName == otherName;
return thisAbbr == otherName || thisName == otherName;
internal static class CommandParser
// Instead of throwing exceptions we pass the first exception that happens as an out parameter. This lets us parse as many
// arguments as we can correctly so we can respect options like noLogo and verbosity when showing errors.
internal static CommandProcessorOptions ParseCommand(string[] cmd)
var options = new CommandProcessorOptions();
// work around https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/issues/619 to ignore additionalprobingpath
cmd = cmd.Where(c => !c.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("additionalprobingpath")).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Length; i++)
string arg = cmd[i]?.Trim('\"').Trim();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg))
// if argument does not start with switch indicator, place into "default" arguments
if (IsArgumentValue(arg))
SetValue(options, CommandProcessorOptions.InputsKey, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(arg));
// check if this switch exists in the list of possible switches
var argSwitch = CommandSwitch.FindSwitch(arg);
var argValue = cmd.Length > i + 1 ? cmd[i + 1] : null;
if (argSwitch == null)
options.AddError(string.Format(SR.ErrUnknownSwitchFormat, arg));
// we have a valid switch, now validate value.
// make sure there's a value for the parameter.
switch (argSwitch.SwitchType)
case SwitchType.Flag:
argValue = "true";
case SwitchType.FlagOrSingletonValue:
argValue = (argValue == null || !IsArgumentValue(argValue)) ? string.Empty : argValue;
case SwitchType.SingletonValue:
case SwitchType.ValueList:
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argValue) || !IsArgumentValue(argValue))
options.AddError(string.Format(SR.ErrArgumentWithoutValue, argSwitch.Name));
// check if switch is allowed to be specified multiple times
// if not and it has already been specified and a new value has been parsed.
if (argSwitch.SwitchType != SwitchType.ValueList && options.GetValue<object>(argSwitch.Name) != null)
options.AddError(string.Format(SR.ErrSingleUseSwitchFormat, argSwitch.Name));
SetValue(options, argSwitch.Name, argValue.Trim('\"').Trim());
if (argSwitch.SwitchType != SwitchType.Flag && argValue != string.Empty && IsArgumentValue(argValue))
i++; // move to next input.
return options;
private static void SetValue(CommandProcessorOptions options, string optionName, object value)
options.SetValue(optionName, value);
catch (Exception ex)
if (Utils.IsFatalOrUnexpected(ex)) throw;
private static bool IsArgumentValue(string arg)
return !(arg.StartsWith(CommandSwitch.FullSwitchIndicator) || arg.StartsWith(CommandSwitch.AbbreviationSwitchIndicator));