2 types derived from CommandLineApplication
dotnet-openapi (2)
Application.cs (1)
14internal sealed class Application : CommandLineApplication
Commands\BaseCommand.cs (1)
18internal abstract class BaseCommand : CommandLineApplication
1 instantiation of CommandLineApplication
dotnet-openapi (1)
src\Shared\CommandLineUtils\CommandLine\CommandLineApplication.cs (1)
83var command = new CommandLineApplication(throwOnUnexpectedArg) { Name = name, Parent = this };
27 references to CommandLineApplication
dotnet-openapi (27)
Commands\BaseCommand.cs (2)
34public BaseCommand(CommandLineApplication parent, string name, IHttpClientWrapper httpClient) 86var parent = Parent;
src\Shared\CommandLineUtils\CommandLine\CommandLineApplication.cs (17)
41Commands = new List<CommandLineApplication>(); 46public CommandLineApplication Parent { get; set; } 62public readonly List<CommandLineApplication> Commands; 70var rootNode = this; 80public CommandLineApplication Command(string name, Action<CommandLineApplication> configuration, 83var command = new CommandLineApplication(throwOnUnexpectedArg) { Name = name, Parent = this }; 144CommandLineApplication command = this; 330var currentCommand = command; 331foreach (var subcommand in command.Commands) 431for (var cmd = this; cmd != null; cmd = cmd.Parent) 442for (var cmd = this; cmd != null; cmd = cmd.Parent) 447CommandLineApplication target; 514foreach (var cmd in commands.OrderBy(c => c.Name)) 549for (var cmd = this; cmd != null; cmd = cmd.Parent) 565var rootCmd = this; 576CommandLineApplication command,
src\Shared\CommandLineUtils\CommandLine\CommandParsingException.cs (2)
10public CommandParsingException(CommandLineApplication command, string message) 16public CommandLineApplication Command { get; }
src\Tools\Shared\CommandLine\CommandLineApplicationExtensions.cs (6)
12public static CommandOption HelpOption(this CommandLineApplication app) 15public static CommandOption VerboseOption(this CommandLineApplication app) 18public static void OnExecute(this CommandLineApplication app, Action action) 25public static CommandOption Option(this CommandLineApplication command, string template, string description) 37public static void VersionOptionFromAssemblyAttributes(this CommandLineApplication app) 40public static void VersionOptionFromAssemblyAttributes(this CommandLineApplication app, Assembly assembly)