// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Certificates.Generation;
using Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Tools.Internal;
namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.DeveloperCertificates.Tools;
internal sealed class Program
// NOTE: Exercise caution when touching these exit codes, since existing tooling
// might depend on some of these values.
private const int CriticalError = -1;
private const int Success = 0;
private const int ErrorCreatingTheCertificate = 1;
private const int ErrorSavingTheCertificate = 2;
private const int ErrorExportingTheCertificate = 3;
private const int ErrorTrustingTheCertificate = 4;
private const int ErrorUserCancelledTrustPrompt = 5;
private const int ErrorNoValidCertificateFound = 6;
private const int ErrorCertificateNotTrusted = 7;
private const int ErrorCleaningUpCertificates = 8;
private const int InvalidCertificateState = 9;
private const int InvalidKeyExportFormat = 10;
private const int ErrorImportingCertificate = 11;
private const int MissingCertificateFile = 12;
private const int FailedToLoadCertificate = 13;
private const int NoDevelopmentHttpsCertificate = 14;
private const int ExistingCertificatesPresent = 15;
private const string InvalidUsageErrorMessage = @"Incompatible set of flags. Sample usages
'dotnet dev-certs https'
'dotnet dev-certs https --clean'
'dotnet dev-certs https --clean --import ./certificate.pfx -p password'
'dotnet dev-certs https --check --trust'
'dotnet dev-certs https -ep ./certificate.pfx -p password --trust'
'dotnet dev-certs https -ep ./certificate.crt --trust --format Pem'
'dotnet dev-certs https -ep ./certificate.crt -p password --trust --format Pem'";
public static readonly TimeSpan HttpsCertificateValidity = TimeSpan.FromDays(365);
public static int Main(string[] args)
if (args.Contains("--debug"))
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
_ = Console.ReadKey();
var newArgs = new List<string>(args);
args = newArgs.ToArray();
var app = new CommandLineApplication
Name = "dotnet dev-certs"
app.Command("https", c =>
var exportPath = c.Option("-ep|--export-path",
"Full path to the exported certificate",
var password = c.Option("-p|--password",
"Password to use when exporting the certificate with the private key into a pfx file or to encrypt the Pem exported key",
// We want to force generating a key without a password to not be an accident.
var noPassword = c.Option("-np|--no-password",
"Explicitly request that you don't use a password for the key when exporting a certificate to a PEM format",
var check = c.Option(
"Check for the existence of the certificate but do not perform any action",
var clean = c.Option(
"Cleans all HTTPS development certificates from the machine.",
var import = c.Option(
"Imports the provided HTTPS development certificate into the machine. All other HTTPS developer certificates will be cleared out",
var format = c.Option(
"Export the certificate in the given format. Valid values are Pfx and Pem. Pfx is the default.",
CommandOption trust = null;
trust = c.Option("-t|--trust",
"When not combined with the --check option, trusts the certificate on the current platform, creating one if necessary.\n" +
" When combined with the --check option, validates that there is a certificate and it is trusted.",
var verbose = c.Option("-v|--verbose",
"Display more debug information.",
var quiet = c.Option("-q|--quiet",
"Display warnings and errors only.",
c.OnExecute(() =>
var reporter = new ConsoleReporter(PhysicalConsole.Singleton, verbose.HasValue(), quiet.HasValue());
if (verbose.HasValue())
var listener = new ReporterEventListener(reporter);
listener.EnableEvents(CertificateManager.Log, System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel.Verbose);
if (clean.HasValue())
if (exportPath.HasValue() || trust?.HasValue() == true || format.HasValue() || noPassword.HasValue() || check.HasValue() ||
(!import.HasValue() && password.HasValue()) ||
(import.HasValue() && !password.HasValue()))
return CriticalError;
if (check.HasValue())
if (exportPath.HasValue() || password.HasValue() || noPassword.HasValue() || clean.HasValue() || format.HasValue() || import.HasValue())
return CriticalError;
if (!clean.HasValue() && !check.HasValue())
if (password.HasValue() && noPassword.HasValue())
return CriticalError;
if (noPassword.HasValue() && !(format.HasValue() && string.Equals(format.Value(), "PEM", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return CriticalError;
if (import.HasValue())
return CriticalError;
if (check.HasValue())
return CheckHttpsCertificate(trust, verbose, reporter);
if (clean.HasValue())
var cleanResult = CleanHttpsCertificates(reporter);
if (cleanResult != Success || !import.HasValue())
return cleanResult;
return ImportCertificate(import, password, reporter);
return EnsureHttpsCertificate(exportPath, password, noPassword, trust, format, reporter);
app.OnExecute(() =>
return Success;
return app.Execute(args);
return CriticalError;
private static int ImportCertificate(CommandOption import, CommandOption password, ConsoleReporter reporter)
var manager = CertificateManager.Instance;
var result = manager.ImportCertificate(import.Value(), password.Value());
switch (result)
case ImportCertificateResult.Succeeded:
reporter.Output("The certificate was successfully imported.");
case ImportCertificateResult.CertificateFileMissing:
reporter.Error($"The certificate file '{import.Value()}' does not exist.");
return MissingCertificateFile;
case ImportCertificateResult.InvalidCertificate:
reporter.Error($"The provided certificate file '{import.Value()}' is not a valid PFX file or the password is incorrect.");
return FailedToLoadCertificate;
case ImportCertificateResult.NoDevelopmentHttpsCertificate:
reporter.Error($"The certificate at '{import.Value()}' is not a valid ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate.");
return NoDevelopmentHttpsCertificate;
case ImportCertificateResult.ExistingCertificatesPresent:
reporter.Error($"There are one or more ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificates present in the environment. Remove them before importing the given certificate.");
return ExistingCertificatesPresent;
case ImportCertificateResult.ErrorSavingTheCertificateIntoTheCurrentUserPersonalStore:
reporter.Error("There was an error saving the HTTPS developer certificate to the current user personal certificate store.");
return ErrorSavingTheCertificate;
catch (Exception exception)
reporter.Error($"An unexpected error occurred: {exception}");
return ErrorImportingCertificate;
return Success;
private static int CleanHttpsCertificates(IReporter reporter)
var manager = CertificateManager.Instance;
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
reporter.Output("Cleaning HTTPS development certificates from the machine. A prompt might get " +
"displayed to confirm the removal of some of the certificates.");
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
reporter.Output("Cleaning HTTPS development certificates from the machine. This operation might " +
"require elevated privileges. If that is the case, a prompt for credentials will be displayed.");
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
reporter.Output("Cleaning HTTPS development certificates from the machine. You may wish to update the " +
"SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable. " +
"See https://aka.ms/dev-certs-trust for more information.");
reporter.Output("HTTPS development certificates successfully removed from the machine.");
return Success;
catch (Exception e)
reporter.Error("There was an error trying to clean HTTPS development certificates on this machine.");
return ErrorCleaningUpCertificates;
private static int CheckHttpsCertificate(CommandOption trust, CommandOption verbose, IReporter reporter)
var certificateManager = CertificateManager.Instance;
var certificates = certificateManager.ListCertificates(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, isValid: true);
var validCertificates = new List<X509Certificate2>();
if (certificates.Count == 0)
reporter.Output("No valid certificate found.");
return ErrorNoValidCertificateFound;
foreach (var certificate in certificates)
// We never want check to require interaction.
// When IDEs run dotnet dev-certs https after calling --check, we will try to access the key and
// that will trigger a prompt if necessary.
var status = certificateManager.CheckCertificateState(certificate);
if (!status.Success)
return InvalidCertificateState;
if (trust != null && trust.HasValue())
var trustedCertificates = certificates.Where(cert => certificateManager.GetTrustLevel(cert) == CertificateManager.TrustLevel.Full).ToList();
if (trustedCertificates.Count == 0)
reporter.Output($@"The following certificates were found, but none of them is trusted: {CertificateManager.ToCertificateDescription(certificates)}");
if (verbose == null || !verbose.HasValue())
reporter.Output($@"Run the command with --verbose for more details.");
return ErrorCertificateNotTrusted;
ReportCertificates(reporter, trustedCertificates, "trusted");
ReportCertificates(reporter, validCertificates, "valid");
reporter.Output("Run the command with both --check and --trust options to ensure that the certificate is not only valid but also trusted.");
return Success;
private static void ReportCertificates(IReporter reporter, IReadOnlyList<X509Certificate2> certificates, string certificateState)
reporter.Output(certificates.Count switch
1 => $"A {certificateState} certificate was found: {CertificateManager.GetDescription(certificates[0])}",
_ => $"{certificates.Count} {certificateState} certificates were found: {CertificateManager.ToCertificateDescription(certificates)}"
private static int EnsureHttpsCertificate(CommandOption exportPath, CommandOption password, CommandOption noPassword, CommandOption trust, CommandOption exportFormat, IReporter reporter)
var now = DateTimeOffset.Now;
var manager = CertificateManager.Instance;
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
var certificates = manager.ListCertificates(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser, isValid: true, exportPath.HasValue());
foreach (var certificate in certificates)
var status = manager.CheckCertificateState(certificate);
if (!status.Success)
reporter.Warn("One or more certificates might be in an invalid state. We will try to access the certificate key " +
"for each certificate and as a result you might be prompted one or more times to enter " +
"your password to access the user keychain. " +
"When that happens, select 'Always Allow' to grant 'dotnet' access to the certificate key in the future.");
var isTrustOptionSet = trust?.HasValue() == true;
if (isTrustOptionSet)
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX))
reporter.Warn("Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. If the certificate is not " +
"already trusted we will run the following command:" + Environment.NewLine +
"'security add-trusted-cert -p basic -p ssl -k <<login-keychain>> <<certificate>>'" +
Environment.NewLine + "This command might prompt you for your password to install the certificate " +
"on the keychain. To undo these changes: 'security remove-trusted-cert <<certificate>>'" + Environment.NewLine);
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows))
reporter.Warn("Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. A confirmation prompt will be displayed " +
"if the certificate was not previously trusted. Click yes on the prompt to trust the certificate.");
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux))
reporter.Warn("Trusting the HTTPS development certificate was requested. " +
"Trust is per-user and may require additional configuration. " +
"See https://aka.ms/dev-certs-trust for more information.");
var format = CertificateKeyExportFormat.Pfx;
if (exportFormat.HasValue() && !Enum.TryParse(exportFormat.Value(), ignoreCase: true, out format))
reporter.Error($"Unknown key format '{exportFormat.Value()}'.");
return InvalidKeyExportFormat;
var result = manager.EnsureAspNetCoreHttpsDevelopmentCertificate(
password.HasValue() || (noPassword.HasValue() && format == CertificateKeyExportFormat.Pem),
exportFormat.HasValue() ? format : CertificateKeyExportFormat.Pfx);
switch (result)
case EnsureCertificateResult.Succeeded:
reporter.Output("The HTTPS developer certificate was generated successfully.");
if (exportPath.Value() != null)
reporter.Verbose($"The certificate was exported to {Path.GetFullPath(exportPath.Value())}");
return Success;
case EnsureCertificateResult.ValidCertificatePresent:
reporter.Output("A valid HTTPS certificate is already present.");
if (exportPath.Value() != null)
reporter.Verbose($"The certificate was exported to {Path.GetFullPath(exportPath.Value())}");
return Success;
case EnsureCertificateResult.ErrorCreatingTheCertificate:
reporter.Error("There was an error creating the HTTPS developer certificate.");
return ErrorCreatingTheCertificate;
case EnsureCertificateResult.ErrorSavingTheCertificateIntoTheCurrentUserPersonalStore:
reporter.Error("There was an error saving the HTTPS developer certificate to the current user personal certificate store.");
return ErrorSavingTheCertificate;
case EnsureCertificateResult.ErrorExportingTheCertificate:
reporter.Warn("There was an error exporting the HTTPS developer certificate to a file.");
return ErrorExportingTheCertificate;
case EnsureCertificateResult.ErrorExportingTheCertificateToNonExistentDirectory:
// A distinct warning is useful, but a distinct error code is probably not.
reporter.Warn("There was an error exporting the HTTPS developer certificate to a file. Please create the target directory before exporting. Choose permissions carefully when creating it.");
return ErrorExportingTheCertificate;
case EnsureCertificateResult.PartiallyFailedToTrustTheCertificate:
// A distinct warning is useful, but a distinct error code is probably not.
reporter.Warn("There was an error trusting the HTTPS developer certificate. It will be trusted by some clients but not by others.");
return ErrorTrustingTheCertificate;
case EnsureCertificateResult.FailedToTrustTheCertificate:
reporter.Warn("There was an error trusting the HTTPS developer certificate.");
return ErrorTrustingTheCertificate;
case EnsureCertificateResult.UserCancelledTrustStep:
reporter.Warn("The user cancelled the trust step.");
return ErrorUserCancelledTrustPrompt;
case EnsureCertificateResult.ExistingHttpsCertificateTrusted:
reporter.Output("Successfully trusted the existing HTTPS certificate.");
return Success;
case EnsureCertificateResult.NewHttpsCertificateTrusted:
reporter.Output("Successfully created and trusted a new HTTPS certificate.");
return Success;
reporter.Error("Something went wrong. The HTTPS developer certificate could not be created.");
return CriticalError;