5 instantiations of Person
XmlFormattersWebSite (5)
Controllers\IEnumerableController.cs (2)
29new Person() { Id = 10, Name = "Mike" }, 30new Person() { Id = 11, Name = "Jimmy" }
Controllers\IQueryableController.cs (2)
24new Person() { Id = 10, Name = "Mike" }, 25new Person() { Id = 11, Name = "Jimmy" }
PersonWrapper.cs (1)
34return new Person() { Id = this.Id, Name = this.Name };
16 references to Person
XmlFormattersWebSite (16)
Controllers\IEnumerableController.cs (4)
26public IEnumerable<Person> WrappedTypes() 34public IEnumerable<Person> WrappedTypes_Empty() 36return new Person[] { }; 44public IEnumerable<Person> WrappedTypes_NullInstance()
Controllers\IQueryableController.cs (4)
21public IQueryable<Person> WrappedTypes() 29public IQueryable<Person> WrappedTypes_Empty() 31return (new Person[] { }).AsQueryable(); 44public IQueryable<Person> WrappedTypes_NullInstance()
Controllers\XmlApiControllerBase.cs (4)
14public ActionResult<Person> ActionReturningClientErrorStatusCodeResult() 18public ActionResult<Person> ActionReturningProblemDetails() 33public ActionResult<Person> ActionReturningValidationProblem([FromQuery] Address address) 37public ActionResult<Person> ActionReturningValidationDetailsWithMetadata()
PersonWrapper.cs (1)
14public PersonWrapper(Person person)
PersonWrapperProvider.cs (2)
13var person = obj as Person;
PersonWrapperProviderFactory.cs (1)
13if (context.DeclaredType == typeof(Person))