1 write to textBox
WinFormsControlsTest (1)
DragDrop.Designer.cs (1)
37textBox = new TextBox();
19 references to textBox
WinFormsControlsTest (19)
DragDrop.cs (10)
73textBox.AllowDrop = true; 74textBox.DragEnter += TextBox_DragEnter; 75textBox.DragOver += TextBox_DragOver; 76textBox.DragDrop += TextBox_DragDrop; 93textBox.Clear(); 215textBox.Text += textBox.Text.Length > 0 220textBox.SelectionStart = textBox.Text.Length; 221textBox.SelectionLength = 0;
DragDrop.Designer.cs (9)
62tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(textBox, 2, 0); 85textBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; 86textBox.Font = new Font("Segoe UI", 14.25F); 87textBox.Location = new Point(735, 3); 88textBox.Multiline = true; 89textBox.Name = "textBox"; 90tableLayoutPanel1.SetRowSpan(textBox, 5); 91textBox.Size = new Size(488, 554); 92textBox.TabIndex = 18;