' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
'Code the generate a dumper class for a given parse tree. Reads the parse tree and outputs
'a dumper utility class.
Imports System.IO
Friend Class WriteDumper
Inherits WriteUtils
Private ReadOnly _checksum As String
Private _writer As TextWriter 'output is sent here.
Public Sub New(parseTree As ParseTree, checksum As String)
_checksum = checksum
End Sub
' Write the dumper utility function to the given file.
Public Sub WriteDumper(filename As String)
_writer = New StreamWriter(New FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
Using _writer
End Using
End Sub
' Write the whole contents of the file.
Private Sub GenerateFile()
_writer.WriteLine("' Definition of parse trees dumper.")
_writer.WriteLine("' DO NOT HAND EDIT")
End Sub
' Create imports and the namespace declaration around the whole file
Private Sub GenerateNamespace()
_writer.WriteLine("Imports System.Collections.Generic")
_writer.WriteLine("Imports System.IO")
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.NamespaceName) Then
_writer.WriteLine("Namespace {0}", _parseTree.NamespaceName)
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_parseTree.NamespaceName) Then
_writer.WriteLine("End Namespace")
End If
End Sub
' Generate the partial part of the utilities class with the DumpTree function in it.
Private Sub GenerateDumperClass()
_writer.WriteLine(" Public Partial Class NodeInfo")
' Create the nested visitor class that does all the real work.
_writer.WriteLine(" End Class")
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateDumpVisitor()
' Write out the first boilerplate part of the visitor
_writer.WriteLine(" Private Class Visitor")
_writer.WriteLine(" Inherits VisualBasicSyntaxVisitor(Of NodeInfo)")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Class")
End Sub
' Generate the Visitor class definition
Private Sub GenerateDumpVisitorMethods()
For Each nodeStructure In _parseTree.NodeStructures.Values
End Sub
' Generate a method in the Visitor class that dumps the given node type.
Private Sub GenerateDumpVisitorMethod(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure)
_writer.WriteLine(" Public Overrides Function {0}(ByVal node As {1}) As NodeInfo",
' Node, and name of the node structure
_writer.WriteLine(" Return New NodeInfo(")
_writer.WriteLine(" ""{0}"",", StructureTypeName(nodeStructure))
' Fields of the node structure
Dim fieldList = GetAllFieldsOfStructure(nodeStructure)
If fieldList.Count > 0 Then
_writer.WriteLine(" { ")
For i = 0 To fieldList.Count - 1
GenerateFieldInfo(fieldList(i), i = fieldList.Count - 1)
_writer.WriteLine(" },")
_writer.WriteLine(" Nothing,")
End If
' Children (including child lists)
Dim childList = GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure)
_writer.WriteLine(" { ")
For i = 0 To childList.Count - 1
GenerateChildInfo(childList(i), i = childList.Count - 1)
_writer.WriteLine(" })")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Function")
End Sub
' Write out the code to create info about a simple field; just a primitive
Private Sub GenerateFieldInfo(field As ParseNodeField, last As Boolean)
_writer.Write(" New NodeInfo.FieldInfo(""{0}"", GetType({1}), node.{0})", FieldPropertyName(field), FieldTypeRef(field))
If last Then
End If
End Sub
' Write out the code to create info about a child or child list
Private Sub GenerateChildInfo(child As ParseNodeChild, last As Boolean)
If child.IsList Then
If child.IsSeparated Then
_writer.Write(" New NodeInfo.ChildInfo(""{0}"", NodeInfo.ChildKind.SeparatedNodeList, GetType({1}), node.{0}, node.{0}.Separators)", ChildPropertyName(child), BaseTypeReference(child))
_writer.Write(" New NodeInfo.ChildInfo(""{0}"", NodeInfo.ChildKind.NodeList, GetType({1}), node.{0}, Nothing)", ChildPropertyName(child), BaseTypeReference(child))
End If
_writer.Write(" New NodeInfo.ChildInfo(""{0}"", NodeInfo.ChildKind.SingleNode, GetType({1}), node.{0}, Nothing)", ChildPropertyName(child), BaseTypeReference(child))
End If
If last Then
End If
End Sub
End Class