' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
' This is the code that actually outputs the VB code that defines the tree. It is passed a read and validated
' ParseTree, and outputs the code to defined the node classes for that tree, and also additional data
' structures like the kinds, visitor, etc.
Imports System.IO
' Class to write out the code for the code tree.
Public Class SyntaxFactsWriter
Inherits WriteUtils
Private _writer As TextWriter 'output is sent here.
' Initialize the class with the parse tree to write.
Public Sub New(parseTree As ParseTree)
End Sub
' Write out the factory class to the given file.
Public Sub GenerateFile(writer As TextWriter)
_writer = writer
_writer.WriteLine("Namespace {0}", Ident(_parseTree.NamespaceName))
_writer.WriteLine(" Partial Public Class SyntaxFacts")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Class")
_writer.WriteLine(" Public Module GeneratedExtensionSyntaxFacts")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Module")
_writer.WriteLine("End Namespace")
End Sub
Public Sub GenerateGetText(writer As TextWriter)
_writer = writer
_writer.WriteLine("Namespace {0}", Ident(_parseTree.NamespaceName))
_writer.WriteLine(" Partial Public Class SyntaxFacts")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Class")
_writer.WriteLine("End Namespace")
End Sub
' Generate all factory methods for all node structures.
Private Sub GenerateAllFactoryMethods()
For Each nodeStructure In _parseTree.NodeStructures.Values
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateAllExtensionFactoryMethods()
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateGetText()
_writer.WriteLine(" ''' <summary>")
_writer.WriteLine(" ''' Return keyword or punctuation text based on SyntaxKind")
_writer.WriteLine(" ''' </summary>")
_writer.WriteLine(" Public Shared Function GetText(kind As SyntaxKind) As String")
_writer.WriteLine(" Select Case kind")
For Each nodeStructure In _parseTree.NodeStructures.Values
For Each kind In nodeStructure.NodeKinds
Dim tokenText = kind.TokenText
If tokenText IsNot Nothing AndAlso tokenText.Contains("""") Then
tokenText = tokenText.Replace("""", """""")
End If
If tokenText IsNot Nothing AndAlso tokenText.Contains(vbCrLf) Then
tokenText = tokenText.Replace(vbCrLf, Environment.NewLine)
End If
If tokenText <> Nothing Then
_writer.WriteLine(" Case SyntaxKind.{0}", kind.Name)
If tokenText.Contains("vbCrLf") Then
_writer.WriteLine(" Return {0}", tokenText)
_writer.WriteLine(" Return ""{0}""", tokenText)
End If
End If
_writer.WriteLine(" Case Else")
_writer.WriteLine(" Return String.Empty")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Select")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Function")
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateExtensionGetText()
_writer.WriteLine(" ''' <summary>")
_writer.WriteLine(" ''' Return keyword or punctuation text based on SyntaxKind")
_writer.WriteLine(" ''' </summary>")
_writer.WriteLine(" <Extension()>")
_writer.WriteLine(" Public Function GetText(kind As SyntaxKind) As String")
_writer.WriteLine(" Return SyntaxFacts.GetText(kind)")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Function")
End Sub
' Generate all factory methods for a node structure.
' If a nodeStructure has 0 kinds, it is abstract and no factory method is generator
' If a nodeStructure has 1 kind, a factory method for that kind is generator
' If a nodestructure has >=2 kinds, a factory method for each kind is generated, plus one for the structure as a whole, unless name would conflict.
Private Sub GenerateFactoryMethodsForStructure(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure)
If _parseTree.IsAbstract(nodeStructure) Then Return ' abstract structures don't have factory methods
End Sub
' Generate the factory method for a node structure, possibly customized to a particular kind.
' If kind is Nothing, generate a factory method that takes a Kind parameter, and can create any kind.
' If kind is not Nothing, generator a factory method customized to that particular kind.
Private Sub GenerateSyntaxFacts(nodeStructure As ParseNodeStructure)
'GenerateSyntaxFact(nodeStructure.Name, nodeStructure.NodeKinds)
GenerateSyntaxFact(SyntaxFactName(nodeStructure), nodeStructure.NodeKinds, Not nodeStructure.InternalSyntaxFacts)
For Each child In GetAllChildrenOfStructure(nodeStructure)
Dim kinds = child.ChildKind(nodeStructure.NodeKinds)
Dim childKindStruct = KindTypeStructure(child.ChildKind)
If kinds IsNot Nothing AndAlso childKindStruct.IsToken AndAlso Not child.IsList Then
GenerateSyntaxFact(FactoryName(nodeStructure) + child.Name, kinds, Not child.InternalSyntaxFacts)
End If
End Sub
' Generate the factory method for a node structure, possibly customized to a particular kind.
' If kind is Nothing, generate a factory method that takes a Kind parameter, and can create any kind.
' If kind is not Nothing, generator a factory method customized to that particular kind.
' The simplified form is:
' Defaults the text for any token with token-text defined
' Defaults the trivia to a single trailing space for any token
Private Sub GenerateSyntaxFact(name As String, nodeKinds As IList(Of ParseNodeKind), Optional publicAccessibility As Boolean = True)
'Dim factoryFunctionName As String ' name of the factory method.
Dim needComma = False
If nodeKinds.Count >= 2 Then
_writer.WriteLine(" {1} Shared Function Is{0}(kind As SyntaxKind) As Boolean", name, If(publicAccessibility, "Public", "Friend"))
_writer.WriteLine(" Select Case kind")
_writer.WriteLine(" Case _")
For Each kind In nodeKinds
If needComma Then
End If
_writer.Write(" SyntaxKind.{0}", kind.Name)
needComma = True
_writer.WriteLine(" Return True")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Select")
_writer.WriteLine(" Return False")
_writer.WriteLine(" End Function")
End If
End Sub
End Class