1 write to typeName
VisualBasicSyntaxGenerator (1)
Util\XmlRenamer.vb (1)
47.typeName = Cleanup(fields(1)),
7 references to typeName
VisualBasicSyntaxGenerator (7)
Util\XmlRenamer.vb (7)
77For Each node In (From n In _xDoc...<node-structure> Where n.@name = update.typeName) 81For Each node In (From n In _xDoc...<node-structure> Where n.@parent = update.typeName) 85Dim oldKindName = "@" + update.typeName 92For Each node In (From n In _xDoc...<enumeration> Where n.@name = update.typeName) 98For Each enumNode In (From n In _xDoc...<enumeration> Where n.@name = update.typeName) 106For Each structNode In (From n In _xDoc...<node-structure> Where n.@name = update.typeName) 114For Each structNode In (From n In _xDoc...<node-structure> Where n.@name = update.typeName)