// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Automation Identifiers for RangeValue Pattern
using MS.Internal.Automation;
namespace System.Windows.Automation
/// <summary>
/// Exposes a related set of properties that reflect a control's ability to manage a value
/// within a finite range. It conveys a controls valid minimum and maximum values and its
/// current value.
/// Pattern requires MinValue less than MaxValue.
/// MinimumValue and MaximumValue must be the same Object type as ValueAsObject.
/// </summary>
internal static class RangeValuePatternIdentifiers
public static class RangeValuePatternIdentifiers
// Public Constants / Readonly Fields
#region Public Constants and Readonly Fields
/// <summary>Value pattern</summary>
public static readonly AutomationPattern Pattern = AutomationPattern.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Patterns.RangeValue, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.Pattern");
/// <summary>Property ID: Value - Value of a value control, as a double</summary>
public static readonly AutomationProperty ValueProperty = AutomationProperty.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Properties.RangeValueValue, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty");
/// <summary>Property ID: IsReadOnly - Indicates that the value can only be read, not modified.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationProperty IsReadOnlyProperty = AutomationProperty.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Properties.RangeValueIsReadOnly, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyProperty");
/// <summary>Property ID: Maximum value</summary>
public static readonly AutomationProperty MinimumProperty = AutomationProperty.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Properties.RangeValueMinimum, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MinimumProperty");
/// <summary>Property ID: Maximum value</summary>
public static readonly AutomationProperty MaximumProperty = AutomationProperty.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Properties.RangeValueMaximum, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.MaximumProperty");
/// <summary>Property ID: LargeChange - Indicates a value to be added to or subtracted from the Value property when the element is moved a large distance.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationProperty LargeChangeProperty = AutomationProperty.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Properties.RangeValueLargeChange, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.LargeChangeProperty");
/// <summary>Property ID: SmallChange - Indicates a value to be added to or subtracted from the Value property when the element is moved a small distance.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationProperty SmallChangeProperty = AutomationProperty.Register(AutomationIdentifierConstants.Properties.RangeValueSmallChange, "RangeValuePatternIdentifiers.SmallChangeProperty");
#endregion Public Constants and Readonly Fields