File: MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsProgressbar.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\UIAutomation\UIAutomationClientSideProviders\UIAutomationClientSideProviders.csproj (UIAutomationClientSideProviders)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: HWND-based ProgressBar Proxy
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Windows;
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies
    class WindowsProgressBar: ProxyHwnd, IRangeValueProvider
       // ------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructors
        // ------------------------------------------------------
        #region Constructors
        WindowsProgressBar (IntPtr hwnd, ProxyFragment parent, int item)
            : base( hwnd, parent, item )
            _cControlType = ControlType.ProgressBar;
            // support for events
            _createOnEvent = new WinEventTracker.ProxyRaiseEvents (RaiseEvents);
        #region Proxy Create
        // Static Create method called by UIAutomation to create this proxy.
        // returns null if unsuccessful
        internal static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild, int idObject)
            return Create(hwnd, idChild);
        private static IRawElementProviderSimple Create(IntPtr hwnd, int idChild)
            // Something is wrong if idChild is not zero 
            ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfNotEqual(idChild, 0);
            return new WindowsProgressBar(hwnd, null, 0);
        // Static Create method called by the event tracker system
        // WinEvents are raise because items exist. So it makes sense to create the item and
        // check for details afterward.
        internal static void RaiseEvents (IntPtr hwnd, int eventId, object idProp, int idObject, int idChild)
            if (idObject != NativeMethods.OBJID_VSCROLL && idObject != NativeMethods.OBJID_HSCROLL)
                WindowsProgressBar wtv = new WindowsProgressBar (hwnd, null, 0);
                wtv.DispatchEvents (eventId, idProp, idObject, idChild);
        //  Patterns Implementation
        #region ProxySimple Interface
        // Returns a pattern interface if supported.
        internal override object GetPatternProvider (AutomationPattern iid)
            return (iid == RangeValuePattern.Pattern) ? this : null;
        #region RangeValue Pattern
        void IRangeValueProvider.SetValue (double val)
            //This proxy is readonly
            throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.ValueReadonly);
        // Request to get the value that this UI element is representing in a native format
        double IRangeValueProvider.Value
                return (double)ValuePercent;
        bool IRangeValueProvider.IsReadOnly
                return true;
        double IRangeValueProvider.Maximum
                return (double) 100;
        double IRangeValueProvider.Minimum
                return (double) 0;
        double IRangeValueProvider.SmallChange
                return Double.NaN;
        double IRangeValueProvider.LargeChange
                return Double.NaN;
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        #region Value pattern helper
        private int ValuePercent
                int cur = Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.PBM_GETPOS, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                int min = Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.PBM_GETRANGE, new IntPtr(1), IntPtr.Zero);
                int max = Misc.ProxySendMessageInt(_hwnd, NativeMethods.PBM_GETRANGE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                int actualCur = cur - min;
                int range = max - min;
                return ((range != 0) ? (int)((100 * actualCur + range / 2) / range) : 0);