// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Client-side wrapper for Text pattern
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Automation.Text;
using MS.Internal.Automation;
namespace System.Windows.Automation
/// <summary>
/// Purpose:
/// The TextPattern object is what you get back when you ask an element for text pattern.
/// Example usages:
/// It is the Interface that represents text like an edit control. This pretty
/// much means any UI elements that contain text.
/// </summary>
internal class TextPattern: BasePattern
public class TextPattern: BasePattern
#region Constructors
internal TextPattern(AutomationElement el, SafePatternHandle hPattern)
: base(el, hPattern)
Debug.Assert(el != null);
_hPattern = hPattern;
_element = el;
#endregion Constructors
// Public Constants / Readonly Fields
#region Public Constants and Readonly Fields
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that a text attribute varies over a range.
/// </summary>
public static readonly object MixedAttributeValue = TextPatternIdentifiers.MixedAttributeValue;
#region TextAttribute
// IMPORTANT: if you add or remove AutomationTextAttributes be sure to make the corresponding changes in
// AutomationComInteropProvider.cs' AutomationConstants struct and AutomationComInteropProvider.InitializeConstants.
/// <summary>Type of animation applied from AnimationStyle enum. </summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute AnimationStyleAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.AnimationStyleAttribute;
/// <summary>Background color as a 32-bit Win32 COLORREF.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute BackgroundColorAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.BackgroundColorAttribute;
/// <summary>Bullet style from BulletStyle enum. </summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute BulletStyleAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.BulletStyleAttribute;
/// <summary>Cap style from CapStyle enum.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute CapStyleAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.CapStyleAttribute;
/// <summary>CultureInfo of the character down to sub-language level, e.g. Swiss French instead of French. See the CultureInfo in
/// .NET Framework for more detail on the language code format. Clients should note that there may be many cases where the
/// Language of the character defaults to application UI language because many servers do not support language tag and,
/// even when supported, authors may not use it.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute CultureAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.CultureAttribute;
/// <summary>Non-localized string that represents font face in TrueType. Providers can supply their own.
/// Examples include "Arial Black" and "Arial Narrow". </summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute FontNameAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.FontNameAttribute;
/// <summary>Point size of the character as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute FontSizeAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.FontSizeAttribute;
/// <summary>Thickness of font as an int. This is modeled after the lfWeight field in GDI LOGFONT. For consistency, the following values
/// have been adopted from LOGFONT:0=DontCare, 100=Thin, 200=ExtraLight or UltraLight, 300=Light, 400=Normal or Regular,
/// 500=Medium, 600=SemiBold or DemiBold, 700=Bold, 800=ExtraBold or UltraBold, and 900=Heavy or Black.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute FontWeightAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.FontWeightAttribute;
/// <summary>Color of the text as a 32-bit Win32 COLORREF.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute ForegroundColorAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.ForegroundColorAttribute;
/// <summary>Horizontal alignment from HorizontalTextAlignment enum. </summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute HorizontalTextAlignmentAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.HorizontalTextAlignmentAttribute;
/// <summary>First-line indentation in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IndentationFirstLineAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IndentationFirstLineAttribute;
/// <summary>Leading indentation in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IndentationLeadingAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IndentationLeadingAttribute;
/// <summary>Trailing indentation in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IndentationTrailingAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IndentationTrailingAttribute;
/// <summary>Is the text hidden? Boolean.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IsHiddenAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IsHiddenAttribute;
/// <summary>Is the character italicized? Boolean.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IsItalicAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IsItalicAttribute;
/// <summary>Is the character read-only? If a document/file is read-only, but you can still edit it and save it as another file,
/// the text inside is considered not read-only. Boolean.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IsReadOnlyAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IsReadOnlyAttribute;
/// <summary>Is the character a sub-script? Boolean.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IsSubscriptAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IsSubscriptAttribute;
/// <summary>Is the character a super-script? Boolean.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute IsSuperscriptAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.IsSuperscriptAttribute;
/// <summary>Bottom margin in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute MarginBottomAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.MarginBottomAttribute;
/// <summary>Leading margin in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute MarginLeadingAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.MarginLeadingAttribute;
/// <summary>Top margin in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute MarginTopAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.MarginTopAttribute;
/// <summary>Trailing margin in points as a double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute MarginTrailingAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.MarginTrailingAttribute;
/// <summary>Outline style from OutlineStyles enum.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute OutlineStylesAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.OutlineStylesAttribute;
/// <summary>Color of the overline as a Win32 COLORREF. This attribute may not be available if the color is
/// always the same as the foreground color.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute OverlineColorAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.OverlineColorAttribute;
/// <summary>Overline style from TextDecorationLineStyle enum.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute OverlineStyleAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.OverlineStyleAttribute;
/// <summary>Color of the strikethrough as a Win32 COLORREF. This attribute may not be available if the color is
/// always the same as the foreground color.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute StrikethroughColorAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.StrikethroughColorAttribute;
/// <summary>Strikethrough style from TextDecorationLineStyle enum.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute StrikethroughStyleAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.StrikethroughStyleAttribute;
/// <summary>The set of tabs in points relative to the leading margin. Array of double.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute TabsAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.TabsAttribute;
/// <summary>Text flow direction from FlowDirection flags enum.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute TextFlowDirectionsAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.TextFlowDirectionsAttribute;
/// <summary>Color of the underline as a Win32 COLORREF. This attribute may not be available if the color is
/// always the same as the foreground color.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute UnderlineColorAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.UnderlineColorAttribute;
/// <summary>Underline style from TextDecorationLineStyle enum.</summary>
public static readonly AutomationTextAttribute UnderlineStyleAttribute = TextPatternIdentifiers.UnderlineStyleAttribute;
#endregion TextAttribute
#region Patterns & Events
/// <summary>Text pattern</summary>
public static readonly AutomationPattern Pattern = TextPatternIdentifiers.Pattern;
/// <summary>
/// Event ID: TextSelectionChangedEvent
/// When: Sent to the event handler when the selection changes.
/// </summary>
public static readonly AutomationEvent TextSelectionChangedEvent =
/// <summary>
/// Event ID: TextChangedEvent
/// When: Sent to the event handler when text changes.
/// </summary>
public static readonly AutomationEvent TextChangedEvent =
#endregion Patterns & Events
#endregion Public Constants and Readonly Fields
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the current selection.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The range of text that is selected, or possibly null if there is
/// no selection.</returns>
public TextPatternRange [] GetSelection()
SafeTextRangeHandle [] hTextRanges = UiaCoreApi.TextPattern_GetSelection(_hPattern);
return TextPatternRange.Wrap(hTextRanges, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the visible range within the container
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The range of text that is visible within the container. Note that the
/// text of the range could be obscured by an overlapping window. Also, portions
/// of the range at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end may not be visible
/// because they are scrolled off to the side.</returns>
public TextPatternRange [] GetVisibleRanges()
SafeTextRangeHandle [] hTextRanges = UiaCoreApi.TextPattern_GetVisibleRanges(_hPattern);
return TextPatternRange.Wrap(hTextRanges, this);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the range of a child object.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="childElement">The child element. If the element is not
/// a child of the text container then an InvalidOperation exception is
/// thrown.</param>
/// <returns>A range that spans the child element.</returns>
public TextPatternRange RangeFromChild(AutomationElement childElement)
SafeTextRangeHandle hTextRange = UiaCoreApi.TextPattern_RangeFromChild(_hPattern, childElement.RawNode);
return TextPatternRange.Wrap(hTextRange, this);
/// <summary>
/// Finds the range nearest to a screen coordinate.
/// If the coordinate is within the bounding rectangle of a character then the
/// range will contain that character. Otherwise, it will be a degenerate
/// range near the point, chosen in an implementation-dependent manner.
/// An InvalidOperation exception is thrown if the point is outside of the
/// client area of the text container.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="screenLocation">The location in screen coordinates.</param>
/// <returns>A degenerate range nearest the specified location.</returns>
public TextPatternRange RangeFromPoint(Point screenLocation)
//If we are not within the client area throw an exception
Rect rect = (Rect)_element.GetCurrentPropertyValue(AutomationElement.BoundingRectangleProperty);
if (screenLocation.X < rect.Left || screenLocation.X >= rect.Right || screenLocation.Y < rect.Top || screenLocation.Y >= rect.Bottom)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.ScreenCoordinatesOutsideBoundingRect);
SafeTextRangeHandle hTextRange = UiaCoreApi.TextPattern_RangeFromPoint(_hPattern, screenLocation);
return TextPatternRange.Wrap(hTextRange, this);
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// A text range that encloses the main text of the document. Some auxillary text such as
/// headers, footnotes, or annotations may not be included.
/// </summary>
public TextPatternRange DocumentRange
SafeTextRangeHandle hTextRange = UiaCoreApi.TextPattern_get_DocumentRange(_hPattern);
return TextPatternRange.Wrap(hTextRange, this);
/// <summary>
/// True if the text container supports text selection. If it does then
/// you may use the GetSelection and TextPatternRange.Select methods.
/// </summary>
public SupportedTextSelection SupportedTextSelection
return UiaCoreApi.TextPattern_get_SupportedTextSelection(_hPattern);
#endregion Public Properties
// Internal Methods
#region Internal Methods
static internal object Wrap(AutomationElement el, SafePatternHandle hPattern, bool cached)
if (hPattern.IsInvalid)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.CantPrefetchTextPattern);
return new TextPattern(el, hPattern);
// compare two text patterns and return true if they are from the same logical element.
static internal bool Compare(TextPattern t1, TextPattern t2)
return Misc.Compare(t1._element, t2._element);
#endregion Internal Methods
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private SafePatternHandle _hPattern;
private AutomationElement _element;
#endregion Private Fields