// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Class to get a point that some can click on
using MS.Win32;
namespace System.Windows.Automation
static internal class ClickablePoint
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
// We will not always find the clickable point. There are times when it would take so long
// to locate the point that it is just not worth it, so make a reason effort than quit.
public static bool HitTestForClickablePoint(AutomationElement el, out Point pt)
Rect rect = el.Current.BoundingRectangle;
pt = new Point(0, 0);
if (rect.Left >= rect.Right || rect.Top >= rect.Bottom)
return false;
// if this is not on any monitor than there is no point in going on. If the element is
// off the screen hit testing actually works and would end up returning a point offscreen.
NativeMethods.RECT winRect = new NativeMethods.RECT((int)rect.Left, (int)rect.Top, (int)rect.Height, (int)rect.Bottom);
if (SafeNativeMethods.MonitorFromRect( ref winRect, SafeNativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONULL ) == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;
// try the center point first
pt = new Point((rect.Left + rect.Right) / 2, (rect.Top + rect.Bottom) / 2);
AutomationElement hitElement;
if ( TryPoint( ref pt, el, out hitElement ) )
return true;
if ( IsTopLevelWindowObscuring( el, rect, hitElement ) )
return false;
// before we start hit testing more there are some control types that we know where the
// clickable point is or we know does not have a clickable point so take care of those here.
if ( el.Current.ControlType == ControlType.ScrollBar )
return false;
// Try the mid point of all four sides
pt = new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width /2), rect.Top + 1);
if ( TryPoint( ref pt, el ) )
return true;
pt = new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width /2), rect.Bottom - 1);
if ( TryPoint( ref pt, el ) )
return true;
pt = new Point( rect.Left + 1, rect.Top + (rect.Height /2) );
if ( TryPoint( ref pt, el) )
return true;
pt = new Point( rect.Right - 1, rect.Top + (rect.Height /2) );
if ( TryPoint( ref pt, el ) )
return true;
if ( TrySparsePattern( out pt, ref rect, el ) )
return true;
if ( TryLinePattern( out pt, ref rect, el ) )
return true;
return false;
#endregion Public Methods
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// Go from the top left on a diagonal the lower right but don't do more than 25 hits
private static bool TryLinePattern( out Point pt, ref Rect rect, AutomationElement el)
double x = rect.Left + 1;
double y = rect.Top + 1;
int hits;
// Adjust the number of hits we do based on how big something is
Double size = rect.Width * rect.Height;
if ( size < 2500 )
hits = 10;
else if ( size < 20000 )
hits = 18;
hits = 25;
double xIncr = rect.Width / hits;
double yIncr = rect.Height / hits;
for ( int i = 0; i < hits; i++)
pt = new Point(x, y);
if ( TryPoint( ref pt, el ) )
return true;
x += xIncr;
y += yIncr;
pt = new Point(0, 0);
return false;
// Hit test in a fairly uniform pattern like a grid adjusting the spacing based on the
// size of element. Don't more than about 25 hits.
private static bool TrySparsePattern( out Point pt, ref Rect rect, AutomationElement el)
int hits;
// Adjust the number of hits we do based on how big somting is
Double size = rect.Width * rect.Height;
if ( size < 2500 )
hits = 3;
else if ( size < 20000 )
hits = 4;
hits = 5;
// make the scatter pattern fit the proportions of the rect
double xHits = hits * (rect.Width / rect.Height);
double yHits = hits * (rect.Height / rect.Width);
double xMovePixels = rect.Width / xHits;
double yMovePixels = rect.Height / yHits;
return TryPattern( xMovePixels, yMovePixels, out pt, ref rect, el );
// this goes across the rect in icrements of x pixels and the down y pixels and across again...
private static bool TryPattern(double x, double y, out Point pt, ref Rect rect, AutomationElement el )
for ( double down = rect.Top + y; down < rect.Bottom; down += y )
for ( double across = rect.Left + x; across < rect.Right; across += x )
pt = new Point(across, down);
if ( TryPoint(ref pt, el) )
return true;
pt = new Point(0, 0);
return false;
private static bool TryPoint( ref Point pt, AutomationElement el )
AutomationElement hitEl;
return TryPoint( ref pt, el, out hitEl );
private static bool TryPoint( ref Point pt, AutomationElement el, out AutomationElement hitEl )
// If the element is obscured by another window or hidden somehow when we try to hit test we don't get back
// the same element. We want to make sure if someone clicks they click on what they expected to click on.
hitEl = AutomationElement.FromPoint(pt);
return hitEl == el;
// figure out if there is a top level window totally obscuring the element. If that is the case
// there is not point in going on. This code assumes that toplevel windows are rects and that
// everything in that rect covers up what is underneath.
private static bool IsTopLevelWindowObscuring( AutomationElement target, Rect targetRect, AutomationElement hitTarget)
// get the toplevel window for the element that we hit on our first try and the element the we are
// trying to find a clickable point for. If they are part of the same top level hwnd than there is
// no toplevel window obscuring this element.
// There is a rather strange case that can occur with apps like media player where the
// hitTarget could be something underneth the element. In this case zorder might be something to
// check but this is hwnd specific it may be better for the provider to provide a clickable point.
AutomationElement hitTargetAncestor = GetTopLevelAncestor(hitTarget);
if ( GetTopLevelAncestor(target) == hitTargetAncestor || hitTargetAncestor == null )
return false;
// If this toplevel widow completely covers the element than we are obscured.
Rect hitTargetAncestorRect = hitTargetAncestor.Current.BoundingRectangle;
if (hitTargetAncestorRect.Contains( targetRect ) )
return true;
return false;
private static AutomationElement GetTopLevelAncestor( AutomationElement target )
AutomationElement root = AutomationElement.RootElement;
AutomationElement targetAncestor = null;
while (target != root)
targetAncestor = target;
target = TreeWalker.ControlViewWalker.GetParent( target );
return targetAncestor;
#endregion Private Methods