File: WorkerTemplateTest.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\ProjectTemplates\test\Templates.Tests\Templates.Tests.csproj (Templates.Tests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.InternalTesting;
using Templates.Test.Helpers;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Templates.Test;
public class WorkerTemplateTest : LoggedTest
    public WorkerTemplateTest(ProjectFactoryFixture projectFactory)
        ProjectFactory = projectFactory;
    public ProjectFactoryFixture ProjectFactory { get; }
    private ITestOutputHelper _output;
    public ITestOutputHelper Output
            if (_output == null)
                _output = new TestOutputLogger(Logger);
            return _output;
    [InlineData("C#", null)]
    [InlineData("C#", new[] { ArgConstants.UseProgramMain })]
    [InlineData("F#", null)]
    public async Task WorkerTemplateAsync(string language, string[] args)
        await WorkerTemplateCoreAsync(language, args);
    [ConditionalTheory(Skip = "Unskip when Helix supports native AOT.")]
    // [InlineData("F#")] F# doesn't fully support NativeAOT -
    public async Task WorkerTemplateNativeAotAsync(string language)
        await WorkerTemplateCoreAsync(language, args: new[] { ArgConstants.PublishNativeAot });
    private async Task WorkerTemplateCoreAsync(string language, string[] args)
        var nativeAot = args?.Contains(ArgConstants.PublishNativeAot) ?? false;
        var project = await ProjectFactory.CreateProject(Output);
        if (nativeAot)
        await project.RunDotNetNewAsync("worker", language: language, args: args);
        if (nativeAot)
            await project.VerifyHasProperty("InvariantGlobalization", "true");
        // Force a restore if native AOT so that RID-specific assets are restored
        await project.RunDotNetPublishAsync(noRestore: !nativeAot);
        // Run dotnet build after publish. The reason is that one uses Config = Debug and the other uses Config = Release
        // The output from publish will go into bin/Release/netcoreappX.Y/publish and won't be affected by calling build
        // later, while the opposite is not true.
        await project.RunDotNetBuildAsync();
        using (var aspNetProcess = project.StartBuiltProjectAsync(hasListeningUri: false))
                ErrorMessages.GetFailedProcessMessageOrEmpty("Run built project", project, aspNetProcess.Process));
        using (var aspNetProcess = project.StartPublishedProjectAsync(hasListeningUri: false, usePublishedAppHost: nativeAot))
                ErrorMessages.GetFailedProcessMessageOrEmpty("Run published project", project, aspNetProcess.Process));