File: artifacts\obj\System.Xaml\Debug\net9.0\System.SR.cs
Project: src\src\Microsoft.DotNet.Wpf\src\System.Xaml\System.Xaml.csproj (System.Xaml)
// <auto-generated>
using System.Reflection;
namespace FxResources.System.Xaml
    internal static class SR { }
namespace System
    internal static partial class SR
        private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager s_resourceManager;
        internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager => s_resourceManager ?? (s_resourceManager = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager(typeof(FxResources.System.Xaml.SR)));
        /// <summary>Enumerating attached properties on object '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @APSException => GetResourceString("APSException");
        /// <summary>Add value to collection of type '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @AddCollection => GetResourceString("AddCollection");
        /// <summary>Add value to dictionary of type '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @AddDictionary => GetResourceString("AddDictionary");
        /// <summary>Cannot determine the item type of collection type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or ICollection&lt;T&gt; implementation. To make this collection type usable in XAML, add a public Add(object) method, implement System.Collections.IList or a single S ...</summary>
        internal static string @AmbiguousCollectionItemType => GetResourceString("AmbiguousCollectionItemType");
        /// <summary>Cannot determine the item type of dictionary type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or IDictionary&lt;K,V&gt; implementation. To make this dictionary type usable in XAML, add a public Add(object,object) method, implement System.Collections.IDictionar ...</summary>
        internal static string @AmbiguousDictionaryItemType => GetResourceString("AmbiguousDictionaryItemType");
        /// <summary>A child of KeyFrameAnimation in XAML must be a KeyFrame of a compatible type.</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_ChildMustBeKeyFrame => GetResourceString("Animation_ChildMustBeKeyFrame");
        /// <summary>'{0}' must have either a TimeSpan for its Duration or a TimeSpan for the KeyTime of its last KeyFrame. This '{0}' has a Duration of '{1}' and a KeyTime of '{2}' for its last KeyFrame, so the KeyTimes cannot be resolved.</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_InvalidAnimationUsingKeyFramesDuration => GetResourceString("Animation_InvalidAnimationUsingKeyFramesDuration");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not a valid '{1}' value for class '{2}'. This value might have been supplied by the base value of the property being animated or the output value of another animation applied to the same property.</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_InvalidBaseValue => GetResourceString("Animation_InvalidBaseValue");
        /// <summary>Resolved KeyTime for key frame at index {1} cannot be greater than resolved KeyTime for key frame at index {4}. KeyFrames[{1}]5D; has specified KeyTime '{2}', which resolves to time {3}; KeyFrames[{4}]5D; has specified KeyTime '{5}', which resolves to time ...</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_InvalidResolvedKeyTimes => GetResourceString("Animation_InvalidResolvedKeyTimes");
        /// <summary>'{2}' KeyTime value is not valid for key frame at index {1} of this '{0}' because it is greater than animation's Duration value '{3}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_InvalidTimeKeyTime => GetResourceString("Animation_InvalidTimeKeyTime");
        /// <summary>'{0}' cannot use default {1} value of '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_Invalid_DefaultValue => GetResourceString("Animation_Invalid_DefaultValue");
        /// <summary>KeyFrameAnimation objects cannot have text objects as children.</summary>
        internal static string @Animation_NoTextChildren => GetResourceString("Animation_NoTextChildren");
        /// <summary>One of the following arguments must be non-null: '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ArgumentRequired => GetResourceString("ArgumentRequired");
        /// <summary>Array Add method is not implemented.</summary>
        internal static string @ArrayAddNotImplemented => GetResourceString("ArrayAddNotImplemented");
        /// <summary>Part between semicolon ';' and equals sign '=' is not '{0}' URI '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @AssemblyTagMissing => GetResourceString("AssemblyTagMissing");
        /// <summary>Attachable events are not implemented.</summary>
        internal static string @AttachableEventNotImplemented => GetResourceString("AttachableEventNotImplemented");
        /// <summary>Attachable member '{0}' was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @AttachableMemberNotFound => GetResourceString("AttachableMemberNotFound");
        /// <summary>Cannot set property '{0}' on object '{1}' because the object is a forward or incompletely initialized reference. The unresolved name(s) are: '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @AttachedPropOnFwdRefTC => GetResourceString("AttachedPropOnFwdRefTC");
        /// <summary>An attachable property named '{1}' is attached on a dictionary key '{0}' that is either a string or can be type-converted to string, which is not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @AttachedPropertyOnDictionaryKey => GetResourceString("AttachedPropertyOnDictionaryKey");
        /// <summary>An attachable property named '{2}' is attached to a property named '{1}'.  The property named '{1}' is either a string or can be type-converted to string; attaching on such properties are not supported.  For debugging, the property '{1}' contains an object ...</summary>
        internal static string @AttachedPropertyOnTypeConvertedOrStringProperty => GetResourceString("AttachedPropertyOnTypeConvertedOrStringProperty");
        /// <summary>An unhandled scanner attribute was encountered.</summary>
        internal static string @AttributeUnhandledKind => GetResourceString("AttributeUnhandledKind");
        /// <summary>One of the InternalsVisibleToAttribute values in assembly '{0}' is not a valid assembly name. Use the format 'AssemblyShortName' or 'AssemblyShortName, PublicKey=...'.</summary>
        internal static string @BadInternalsVisibleTo1 => GetResourceString("BadInternalsVisibleTo1");
        /// <summary>InternalsVisibleToAttribute value '{0}' in assembly '{1}' is not a valid assembly name. Use the format 'AssemblyShortName' or 'AssemblyShortName, PublicKey=...'.</summary>
        internal static string @BadInternalsVisibleTo2 => GetResourceString("BadInternalsVisibleTo2");
        /// <summary>Bad method '{0}' on '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @BadMethod => GetResourceString("BadMethod");
        /// <summary>Bad state in ObjectWriter. Non directive missing instance.</summary>
        internal static string @BadStateObjectWriter => GetResourceString("BadStateObjectWriter");
        /// <summary>An XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the NewNamespace and OldNamespace properties, or remove the XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute.</summary>
        internal static string @BadXmlnsCompat => GetResourceString("BadXmlnsCompat");
        /// <summary>An XmlnsDefinitionAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the ClrNamespace and XmlNamespace properties, or remove the XmlnsDefinitionAttribute.</summary>
        internal static string @BadXmlnsDefinition => GetResourceString("BadXmlnsDefinition");
        /// <summary>An XmlnsPrefixAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the Prefix and XmlNamespace properties, or remove the XmlnsPrefixAttribute.</summary>
        internal static string @BadXmlnsPrefix => GetResourceString("BadXmlnsPrefix");
        /// <summary>Builder Stack is not empty when end of XamlNode stream was reached.</summary>
        internal static string @BuilderStackNotEmptyOnClose => GetResourceString("BuilderStackNotEmptyOnClose");
        /// <summary>Failed to check convertibility from type '{0}' using '{1}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented TypeConverter.</summary>
        internal static string @CanConvertFromFailed => GetResourceString("CanConvertFromFailed");
        /// <summary>Failed to check convertibility to type '{0}' using '{1}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented TypeConverter.</summary>
        internal static string @CanConvertToFailed => GetResourceString("CanConvertToFailed");
        /// <summary>In markup extensions, all constructor argument values should be atoms.  For the object of type '{0}', one or more argument values are not atomic.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotAddPositionalParameters => GetResourceString("CannotAddPositionalParameters");
        /// <summary>Cannot convert string value '{0}' to type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotConvertStringToType => GetResourceString("CannotConvertStringToType");
        /// <summary>Cannot convert type '{0}' to '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotConvertType => GetResourceString("CannotConvertType");
        /// <summary>Cannot create an instance of '{0}' because XamlType is not valid.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotCreateBadEventDelegate => GetResourceString("CannotCreateBadEventDelegate");
        /// <summary>Cannot create an instance of '{0}' because XamlType is not valid.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotCreateBadType => GetResourceString("CannotCreateBadType");
        /// <summary>Cannot find Assembly '{0}' in URI '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotFindAssembly => GetResourceString("CannotFindAssembly");
        /// <summary>Cannot modify a read-only container.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotModifyReadOnlyContainer => GetResourceString("CannotModifyReadOnlyContainer");
        /// <summary>Cannot reassign a previously set SchemaContext.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotReassignSchemaContext => GetResourceString("CannotReassignSchemaContext");
        /// <summary>Cannot resolve type '{0}' for method '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotResolveTypeForFactoryMethod => GetResourceString("CannotResolveTypeForFactoryMethod");
        /// <summary>Cannot get part or part information from a write-only container.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotRetrievePartsOfWriteOnlyContainer => GetResourceString("CannotRetrievePartsOfWriteOnlyContainer");
        /// <summary>BaseUri can only be set once at the root node (XamlXmlReader may provide a default at the root node).</summary>
        internal static string @CannotSetBaseUri => GetResourceString("CannotSetBaseUri");
        /// <summary>Cannot set SchemaContext on ObjectWriter.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotSetSchemaContext => GetResourceString("CannotSetSchemaContext");
        /// <summary>Cannot set SchemaContext to null.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotSetSchemaContextNull => GetResourceString("CannotSetSchemaContextNull");
        /// <summary>Cannot write on a closed XamlWriter.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotWriteClosedWriter => GetResourceString("CannotWriteClosedWriter");
        /// <summary>The value '{1}' contains significant white space(s) but "xml:space = preserve" cannot be written down on the member '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CannotWriteXmlSpacePreserveOnMember => GetResourceString("CannotWriteXmlSpacePreserveOnMember");
        /// <summary>Cannot assign root instance of type '{0}' to type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CantAssignRootInstance => GetResourceString("CantAssignRootInstance");
        /// <summary>Cannot create unknown type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CantCreateUnknownType => GetResourceString("CantCreateUnknownType");
        /// <summary>Cannot get write-only property '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CantGetWriteonlyProperty => GetResourceString("CantGetWriteonlyProperty");
        /// <summary>Cannot set read-only property '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CantSetReadonlyProperty => GetResourceString("CantSetReadonlyProperty");
        /// <summary>Cannot set unknown member '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CantSetUnknownProperty => GetResourceString("CantSetUnknownProperty");
        /// <summary>Close called while inside a deferred load section.</summary>
        internal static string @CloseInsideTemplate => GetResourceString("CloseInsideTemplate");
        /// <summary>Must close XamlWriter before reading from XamlNodeList.</summary>
        internal static string @CloseXamlWriterBeforeReading => GetResourceString("CloseXamlWriterBeforeReading");
        /// <summary>Collection '{0}' cannot contain null values.</summary>
        internal static string @CollectionCannotContainNulls => GetResourceString("CollectionCannotContainNulls");
        /// <summary>The number of elements in this collection must be less than or equal to '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @CollectionNumberOfElementsMustBeLessOrEqualTo => GetResourceString("CollectionNumberOfElementsMustBeLessOrEqualTo");
        /// <summary>Cannot add instance of type '{1}' to a collection of type '{0}'. Only items of type '{2}' are allowed.</summary>
        internal static string @Collection_BadType => GetResourceString("Collection_BadType");
        /// <summary>Cannot pass multidimensional array to the CopyTo method on a collection.</summary>
        internal static string @Collection_CopyTo_ArrayCannotBeMultidimensional => GetResourceString("Collection_CopyTo_ArrayCannotBeMultidimensional");
        /// <summary>'{0}' parameter value is equal to or greater than the length of the '{1}' parameter value.</summary>
        internal static string @Collection_CopyTo_IndexGreaterThanOrEqualToArrayLength => GetResourceString("Collection_CopyTo_IndexGreaterThanOrEqualToArrayLength");
        /// <summary>The number of elements in this collection is greater than the available space from '{0}' to the end of destination '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @Collection_CopyTo_NumberOfElementsExceedsArrayLength => GetResourceString("Collection_CopyTo_NumberOfElementsExceedsArrayLength");
        /// <summary>Failed attempting to create an Implicit Type with a constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @ConstructImplicitType => GetResourceString("ConstructImplicitType");
        /// <summary>The invocation of the constructor on type '{0}' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @ConstructorInvocation => GetResourceString("ConstructorInvocation");
        /// <summary>Cannot write the given positional parameters because a matching constructor was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @ConstructorNotFoundForGivenPositionalParameters => GetResourceString("ConstructorNotFoundForGivenPositionalParameters");
        /// <summary>'{0}' ValueSerializer cannot convert from '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ConvertFromException => GetResourceString("ConvertFromException");
        /// <summary>'{0}' ValueSerializer cannot convert '{1}' to '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ConvertToException => GetResourceString("ConvertToException");
        /// <summary>Converter type '{0}' doesn't derive from expected base type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ConverterMustDeriveFromBase => GetResourceString("ConverterMustDeriveFromBase");
        /// <summary>Failed to add attached properties to item in ConditionalWeakTable.</summary>
        internal static string @DefaultAttachablePropertyStoreCannotAddInstance => GetResourceString("DefaultAttachablePropertyStoreCannotAddInstance");
        /// <summary>Deferred load threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @DeferredLoad => GetResourceString("DeferredLoad");
        /// <summary>Deferred member was not collected in '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @DeferredPropertyNotCollected => GetResourceString("DeferredPropertyNotCollected");
        /// <summary>Save of deferred-load content threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @DeferredSave => GetResourceString("DeferredSave");
        /// <summary>Cannot get a XamlDeferringLoader from XamlValueConverter '{0}' because its ConverterInstance property is null.</summary>
        internal static string @DeferringLoaderInstanceNull => GetResourceString("DeferringLoaderInstanceNull");
        /// <summary>'{0}'.'{1}' Depends on '{0}'.{1}', which was not set.</summary>
        internal static string @DependsOnMissing => GetResourceString("DependsOnMissing");
        /// <summary>Dictionary of type '{0}' cannot add key '{1}'. A TypeConverter will convert the key to type '{2}'. To avoid seeing this error, override System.Collections.IDictionary.Add and perform the conversion there.</summary>
        internal static string @DictionaryFirstChanceException => GetResourceString("DictionaryFirstChanceException");
        /// <summary>Directive getter is not implemented.</summary>
        internal static string @DirectiveGetter => GetResourceString("DirectiveGetter");
        /// <summary>Directive '{0}' must be a value of type string. Remove this directive or change it to a string value.</summary>
        internal static string @DirectiveMustBeString => GetResourceString("DirectiveMustBeString");
        /// <summary>Directive '{0}' is only allowed on the root object. Remove this directive or move it to the root of the document.</summary>
        internal static string @DirectiveNotAtRoot => GetResourceString("DirectiveNotAtRoot");
        /// <summary>Directive '{0}' was not found in TargetNamespace '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @DirectiveNotFound => GetResourceString("DirectiveNotFound");
        /// <summary>'{0}' property has already been set on '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @DuplicateMemberSet => GetResourceString("DuplicateMemberSet");
        /// <summary>There is more than one XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' for OldNamespace '{1}'. Remove the extra attribute(s).</summary>
        internal static string @DuplicateXmlnsCompat => GetResourceString("DuplicateXmlnsCompat");
        /// <summary>There are conflicting XmlnsCompatibleWithAttributes in assemblies '{0}' and '{1}' for OldNamespace '{2}'. Change the attributes to have the same NewNamespace, or pass a non-conflicting set of Reference Assemblies in the XamlSchemaContext constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @DuplicateXmlnsCompatAcrossAssemblies => GetResourceString("DuplicateXmlnsCompatAcrossAssemblies");
        /// <summary>'{0}' enumeration value is not valid.</summary>
        internal static string @Enum_Invalid => GetResourceString("Enum_Invalid");
        /// <summary>No current object to return.</summary>
        internal static string @Enumerator_VerifyContext => GetResourceString("Enumerator_VerifyContext");
        /// <summary>'{0}' event cannot be assigned a value that is not assignable to '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @EventCannotBeAssigned => GetResourceString("EventCannotBeAssigned");
        /// <summary>Cannot write positional parameters in the current state.  The writer cannot write the positional parameters in attribute form because the writer has started to write elements, nor can the writer expand the positional parameters since not all properties are ...</summary>
        internal static string @ExpandPositionalParametersWithReadOnlyProperties => GetResourceString("ExpandPositionalParametersWithReadOnlyProperties");
        /// <summary>Cannot write positional parameters in the current state.  The writer cannot write the positional parameters in attribute form because the writer has started to write elements, nor can the writer expand the positional parameters since UnderlyingType on type ...</summary>
        internal static string @ExpandPositionalParametersWithoutUnderlyingType => GetResourceString("ExpandPositionalParametersWithoutUnderlyingType");
        /// <summary>Cannot write positional parameters in the current state.  The writer cannot write the positional parameters in attribute form because the writer has started to write elements, nor can the writer expand the positional parameters due to the lack of a default ...</summary>
        internal static string @ExpandPositionalParametersinTypeWithNoDefaultConstructor => GetResourceString("ExpandPositionalParametersinTypeWithNoDefaultConstructor");
        /// <summary>Expected permission of type XamlLoadPermission.</summary>
        internal static string @ExpectedLoadPermission => GetResourceString("ExpectedLoadPermission");
        /// <summary>Expected value of type ObjectMarkupInfo.</summary>
        internal static string @ExpectedObjectMarkupInfo => GetResourceString("ExpectedObjectMarkupInfo");
        /// <summary>Assembly name '{0}' is not fully qualified. The Name, Version, Culture, and PublicKeyToken must all be provided.</summary>
        internal static string @ExpectedQualifiedAssemblyName => GetResourceString("ExpectedQualifiedAssemblyName");
        /// <summary>Type name '{0}' is not assembly-qualified. You can obtain this value from System.Type.AssemblyQualifiedName.</summary>
        internal static string @ExpectedQualifiedTypeName => GetResourceString("ExpectedQualifiedTypeName");
        /// <summary>The factory method '{0}' that matches the specified binding constraints returned null.</summary>
        internal static string @FactoryReturnedNull => GetResourceString("FactoryReturnedNull");
        /// <summary>Input file or data stream does not conform to the expected file format specification.</summary>
        internal static string @FileFormatException => GetResourceString("FileFormatException");
        /// <summary>'{0}' file does not conform to the expected file format specification.</summary>
        internal static string @FileFormatExceptionWithFileName => GetResourceString("FileFormatExceptionWithFileName");
        /// <summary>Could not load file or assembly '{0}' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the specified file.</summary>
        internal static string @FileNotFoundExceptionMessage => GetResourceString("FileNotFoundExceptionMessage");
        /// <summary>Attempt to reference named object(s) '{0}' which have not yet been defined. Forward references, or references to objects that contain forward references, are not supported on directives other than Key.</summary>
        internal static string @ForwardRefDirectives => GetResourceString("ForwardRefDirectives");
        /// <summary>Specified value of type '{0}' must have IsFrozen set to false to modify.</summary>
        internal static string @Freezable_CantBeFrozen => GetResourceString("Freezable_CantBeFrozen");
        /// <summary>Cannot promote from Array.</summary>
        internal static string @FrugalList_CannotPromoteBeyondArray => GetResourceString("FrugalList_CannotPromoteBeyondArray");
        /// <summary>Cannot promote from '{0}' to '{1}' because the target map is too small.</summary>
        internal static string @FrugalList_TargetMapCannotHoldAllData => GetResourceString("FrugalList_TargetMapCannotHoldAllData");
        /// <summary>Getting instance of '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @GetConverterInstance => GetResourceString("GetConverterInstance");
        /// <summary>Retrieving items in collection or dictionary of type '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @GetItemsException => GetResourceString("GetItemsException");
        /// <summary>XamlTypeInvoker.GetItems returned null for type '{0}'. This generally indicates an incorrectly implemented collection type.</summary>
        internal static string @GetItemsReturnedNull => GetResourceString("GetItemsReturnedNull");
        /// <summary>Collection property '{0}'.'{1}' is null.</summary>
        internal static string @GetObjectNull => GetResourceString("GetObjectNull");
        /// <summary>Cannot get TargetType on a non-attachable Member.</summary>
        internal static string @GetTargetTypeOnNonAttachableMember => GetResourceString("GetTargetTypeOnNonAttachableMember");
        /// <summary>Get property '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @GetValue => GetResourceString("GetValue");
        /// <summary>Either getter or setter must be non-null.</summary>
        internal static string @GetterOrSetterRequired => GetResourceString("GetterOrSetterRequired");
        /// <summary>Attached property getter methods must have one parameter and a non-void return type.</summary>
        internal static string @IncorrectGetterParamNum => GetResourceString("IncorrectGetterParamNum");
        /// <summary>Attached property setter and attached event adder methods must have two parameters.</summary>
        internal static string @IncorrectSetterParamNum => GetResourceString("IncorrectSetterParamNum");
        /// <summary>Initialization of '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @InitializationGuard => GetResourceString("InitializationGuard");
        /// <summary>Type '{0}' cannot be initialized from text (XamlLanguage.Initialization).  Add a TypeConverter to this type or change the XAML to use a constructor or factory method.</summary>
        internal static string @InitializationSyntaxWithoutTypeConverter => GetResourceString("InitializationSyntaxWithoutTypeConverter");
        /// <summary>Character '{0}' was unexpected in string '{1}'.  Invalid XAML type name.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidCharInTypeName => GetResourceString("InvalidCharInTypeName");
        /// <summary>Encountered a closing BracketCharacter '{0}' without a corresponding opening BracketCharacter.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidClosingBracketCharacers => GetResourceString("InvalidClosingBracketCharacers");
        /// <summary>Event argument is invalid.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidEvent => GetResourceString("InvalidEvent");
        /// <summary>Invalid expression: '{0}'</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidExpression => GetResourceString("InvalidExpression");
        /// <summary>PermissionState value '{0}' is not valid for this Permission.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidPermissionStateValue => GetResourceString("InvalidPermissionStateValue");
        /// <summary>Permission type is not valid. Expected '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidPermissionType => GetResourceString("InvalidPermissionType");
        /// <summary>Type argument '{0}' is not a valid type.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidTypeArgument => GetResourceString("InvalidTypeArgument");
        /// <summary>The string '{0}' is not a valid XAML type name list. Type name lists are comma-delimited lists of types; such as 'x:String, x:Int32'.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidTypeListString => GetResourceString("InvalidTypeListString");
        /// <summary>The string '{0}' is not a valid XAML type name. Type names contain an optional prefix, a name, and optional type arguments; such as 'String', 'x:Int32', 'g:Dictionary(x:String,x:Int32)'.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidTypeString => GetResourceString("InvalidTypeString");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not a valid XAML member name.</summary>
        internal static string @InvalidXamlMemberName => GetResourceString("InvalidXamlMemberName");
        /// <summary>Construction directive '{0}' must be an attribute or the first property element.</summary>
        internal static string @LateConstructionDirective => GetResourceString("LateConstructionDirective");
        /// <summary>'{0}' Line number '{1}' and line position '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @LineNumberAndPosition => GetResourceString("LineNumberAndPosition");
        /// <summary>'{0}' Line number '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @LineNumberOnly => GetResourceString("LineNumberOnly");
        /// <summary>List collection is not an IList.</summary>
        internal static string @ListNotIList => GetResourceString("ListNotIList");
        /// <summary>BracketCharacter '{0}' does not have a corresponding opening/closing BracketCharacter.</summary>
        internal static string @MalformedBracketCharacters => GetResourceString("MalformedBracketCharacters");
        /// <summary>Cannot parse the malformed property name '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @MalformedPropertyName => GetResourceString("MalformedPropertyName");
        /// <summary>Items in the array must be type '{0}'. One or more items cannot be cast to this type.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionArrayBadType => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionArrayBadType");
        /// <summary>Must set Type before calling ProvideValue on ArrayExtension.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionArrayType => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionArrayType");
        /// <summary>'{0}' StaticExtension value cannot be resolved to an enumeration, static field, or static property.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionBadStatic => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionBadStatic");
        /// <summary>Markup extension '{0}' requires '{1}' be implemented in the IServiceProvider for ProvideValue.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionNoContext => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionNoContext");
        /// <summary>StaticExtension must have Member property set before ProvideValue can be called.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionStaticMember => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionStaticMember");
        /// <summary>TypeExtension must have TypeName property set before ProvideValue can be called.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionTypeName => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionTypeName");
        /// <summary>'{0}' string is not valid for type.</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionTypeNameBad => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionTypeNameBad");
        /// <summary>Cannot determine the positional parameters for type '{0}' because it has more than one constructor overload with '{1}' parameters. To make this markup extension usable in XAML, remove the duplicate constructor overload(s) or set XamlSchemaContextSettings.S ...</summary>
        internal static string @MarkupExtensionWithDuplicateArity => GetResourceString("MarkupExtensionWithDuplicateArity");
        /// <summary>The name of the member '{0}' contains characters that are invalid in XAML.</summary>
        internal static string @MemberHasInvalidXamlName => GetResourceString("MemberHasInvalidXamlName");
        /// <summary>Member '{0}' on type '{1}' is internal.</summary>
        internal static string @MemberIsInternal => GetResourceString("MemberIsInternal");
        /// <summary>The invocation of a method '{0}' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @MethodInvocation => GetResourceString("MethodInvocation");
        /// <summary>No local assembly provided to complete URI='{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingAssemblyName => GetResourceString("MissingAssemblyName");
        /// <summary>Missing case '{0}' in DeferringWriter'{1}' method.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingCase => GetResourceString("MissingCase");
        /// <summary>Missing case in Default processing of XamlNodes.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingCaseXamlNodes => GetResourceString("MissingCaseXamlNodes");
        /// <summary>Unexpected equals sign '=' following '{0}'. Check for a missing comma separator.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingComma1 => GetResourceString("MissingComma1");
        /// <summary>Unexpected equals sign '=' following '{0}'='{1}'. Check for a missing comma separator.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingComma2 => GetResourceString("MissingComma2");
        /// <summary>Missing implicit property case.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingImplicitProperty => GetResourceString("MissingImplicitProperty");
        /// <summary>Missing case for ImplicitPropertyType.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingImplicitPropertyTypeCase => GetResourceString("MissingImplicitPropertyTypeCase");
        /// <summary>Missing key value on '{0}' object.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingKey => GetResourceString("MissingKey");
        /// <summary>Missing case handler in LookupPropertyBit.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingLookPropertyBit => GetResourceString("MissingLookPropertyBit");
        /// <summary>Service provider is missing the IXamlNameProvider service.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingNameProvider => GetResourceString("MissingNameProvider");
        /// <summary>Service provider is missing the INameResolver service.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingNameResolver => GetResourceString("MissingNameResolver");
        /// <summary>Missing case in ClrType 'Member' lookup.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingPropertyCaseClrType => GetResourceString("MissingPropertyCaseClrType");
        /// <summary>Missing '{0}' in URI '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingTagInNamespace => GetResourceString("MissingTagInNamespace");
        /// <summary>Creating from text without a TypeConverter is not allowed.</summary>
        internal static string @MissingTypeConverter => GetResourceString("MissingTypeConverter");
        /// <summary>'{0}' must be of type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @MustBeOfType => GetResourceString("MustBeOfType");
        /// <summary>Reference must have a Name to resolve.</summary>
        internal static string @MustHaveName => GetResourceString("MustHaveName");
        /// <summary>This setter is not intended to be used directly from your code. Do not call this setter.</summary>
        internal static string @MustNotCallSetter => GetResourceString("MustNotCallSetter");
        /// <summary>Name resolution failure. '{0}' was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @NameNotFound => GetResourceString("NameNotFound");
        /// <summary>Cannot register duplicate name '{0}' in this scope.</summary>
        internal static string @NameScopeDuplicateNamesNotAllowed => GetResourceString("NameScopeDuplicateNamesNotAllowed");
        /// <summary>Could not register named object. {0}</summary>
        internal static string @NameScopeException => GetResourceString("NameScopeException");
        /// <summary>'{0}' name is not valid for identifier.</summary>
        internal static string @NameScopeInvalidIdentifierName => GetResourceString("NameScopeInvalidIdentifierName");
        /// <summary>Name cannot be an empty string.</summary>
        internal static string @NameScopeNameNotEmptyString => GetResourceString("NameScopeNameNotEmptyString");
        /// <summary>Name '{0}' was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @NameScopeNameNotFound => GetResourceString("NameScopeNameNotFound");
        /// <summary>Cannot attach NameScope to null root instance.</summary>
        internal static string @NameScopeOnRootInstance => GetResourceString("NameScopeOnRootInstance");
        /// <summary>The prefix 'xml' is reserved.</summary>
        internal static string @NamespaceDeclarationCannotBeXml => GetResourceString("NamespaceDeclarationCannotBeXml");
        /// <summary>NamespaceDeclaration.Namespace cannot be null.  Provide a value for this property.</summary>
        internal static string @NamespaceDeclarationNamespaceCannotBeNull => GetResourceString("NamespaceDeclarationNamespaceCannotBeNull");
        /// <summary>NamespaceDeclaration.Prefix cannot be null.  Provide a value for this property.</summary>
        internal static string @NamespaceDeclarationPrefixCannotBeNull => GetResourceString("NamespaceDeclarationPrefixCannotBeNull");
        /// <summary>Namespace '{0}' was not found in scope.</summary>
        internal static string @NamespaceNotFound => GetResourceString("NamespaceNotFound");
        /// <summary>No Add methods found on type '{0}' for a value of type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoAddMethodFound => GetResourceString("NoAddMethodFound");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not allowed in attribute usage.</summary>
        internal static string @NoAttributeUsage => GetResourceString("NoAttributeUsage");
        /// <summary>No matching constructor found on type '{0}'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type.</summary>
        internal static string @NoConstructor => GetResourceString("NoConstructor");
        /// <summary>A Constructor for '{0}' with '{1}' arguments was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @NoConstructorWithNArugments => GetResourceString("NoConstructorWithNArugments");
        /// <summary>No default constructor found for type '{0}'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type.</summary>
        internal static string @NoDefaultConstructor => GetResourceString("NoDefaultConstructor");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not allowed in element usage.</summary>
        internal static string @NoElementUsage => GetResourceString("NoElementUsage");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Missing StartMember on Type '{0}' before EndMember.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_EM => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_EM");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: EndMember must follow StartObject and StartMember.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_EM_noType => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_EM_noType");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: GetObject requires a StartMember after StartObject '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_GO => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_GO");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: GetObject must follow a StartObject and StartMember.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_GO_noType => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_GO_noType");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: '{0}'='{1}' Namespace Declaration requires a StartMember after StartObject '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_NS => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_NS");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: StartObject '{0}' requires a StartMember after StartObject '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_SO => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_SO");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Value of '{0}' requires a StartMember after StartObject '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_V => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_V");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Value of '{0}' must follow a StartObject and StartMember.</summary>
        internal static string @NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_V_noType => GetResourceString("NoPropertyInCurrentFrame_V_noType");
        /// <summary>No constructor with '{0}' arguments for '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoSuchConstructor => GetResourceString("NoSuchConstructor");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Missing CurrentObject before EndObject.</summary>
        internal static string @NoTypeInCurrentFrame_EO => GetResourceString("NoTypeInCurrentFrame_EO");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Missing StartObject before StartMember '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NoTypeInCurrentFrame_SM => GetResourceString("NoTypeInCurrentFrame_SM");
        /// <summary>Type with positional parameters is not a markup extension.</summary>
        internal static string @NonMEWithPositionalParameters => GetResourceString("NonMEWithPositionalParameters");
        /// <summary>'{0}'.'{1}' is not an ambient property.</summary>
        internal static string @NotAmbientProperty => GetResourceString("NotAmbientProperty");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not an ambient type.</summary>
        internal static string @NotAmbientType => GetResourceString("NotAmbientType");
        /// <summary>The type '{0}' is not assignable from the type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @NotAssignableFrom => GetResourceString("NotAssignableFrom");
        /// <summary>['{0}'('{1}')]5D; on '{2}' is not a property declared on this type.</summary>
        internal static string @NotDeclaringTypeAttributeProperty => GetResourceString("NotDeclaringTypeAttributeProperty");
        /// <summary>This operation is not supported on directive members.</summary>
        internal static string @NotSupportedOnDirective => GetResourceString("NotSupportedOnDirective");
        /// <summary>This operation is not supported on unknown members.</summary>
        internal static string @NotSupportedOnUnknownMember => GetResourceString("NotSupportedOnUnknownMember");
        /// <summary>This operation is not supported on unknown types.</summary>
        internal static string @NotSupportedOnUnknownType => GetResourceString("NotSupportedOnUnknownType");
        /// <summary>Argument should be a Type Converter, Markup Extension or Null.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectNotTcOrMe => GetResourceString("ObjectNotTcOrMe");
        /// <summary>Unable to find an attachable property named '{0}' on type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderAttachedPropertyNotFound => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderAttachedPropertyNotFound");
        /// <summary>Unable to locate MemberMarkupInfo.DictionaryEntriesFromGeneric method.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderDictionaryMethod1NotFound => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderDictionaryMethod1NotFound");
        /// <summary>InstanceDescriptor provided an argument of type '{0}' where a parameter of type '{1}' was expected.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArgumentTypes => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArgumentTypes");
        /// <summary>InstanceDescriptor did not provide the correct number of arguments.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArguments => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorIncompatibleArguments");
        /// <summary>InstanceDescriptor did not provide a valid constructor or method.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorInvalidMethod => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderInstanceDescriptorInvalidMethod");
        /// <summary>Multidimensional arrays not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderMultidimensionalArrayNotSupported => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderMultidimensionalArrayNotSupported");
        /// <summary>Unable to serialize type '{0}'.  Verify that the type is public and either has a default constructor or an instance descriptor.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderNoDefaultConstructor => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderNoDefaultConstructor");
        /// <summary>Unable to find a suitable constructor for the specified constructor arguments on type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderNoMatchingConstructor => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderNoMatchingConstructor");
        /// <summary>Unable to read objects of the type '{0}' because there are no accessible constructors. To allow this type to be used in XAML, add a default constructor, use ConstructorArgumentAttribute, or provide an InstanceDescriptor.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderTypeCannotRoundtrip => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderTypeCannotRoundtrip");
        /// <summary>Unable to read objects of the type '{0}'.  Nested types are not supported.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderTypeIsNested => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderTypeIsNested");
        /// <summary>'{0}' blocked the use of type '{1}' in XAML. If you want to serialize this type, change '{0}'.GetXamlType to return a non-null value for this type, or pass a different value in the schemaContext parameter of the XamlObjectReader constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderTypeNotAllowed => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderTypeNotAllowed");
        /// <summary>The name property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be of type System.String.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderXamlNamePropertyMustBeString => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderXamlNamePropertyMustBeString");
        /// <summary>The object graph contains multiple references to an instance of type '{0}' and the serializer cannot find a commonly visible location to write the instance. You should examine your use of name scopes.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderXamlNameScopeResultsInClonedObject => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderXamlNameScopeResultsInClonedObject");
        /// <summary>An element with the name '{0}' has already been registered in this scope.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReaderXamlNamedElementAlreadyRegistered => GetResourceString("ObjectReaderXamlNamedElementAlreadyRegistered");
        /// <summary>Type '{0}' not visible. If the type is local, please set the LocalAssembly field in XamlReaderSettings.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectReader_TypeNotVisible => GetResourceString("ObjectReader_TypeNotVisible");
        /// <summary>'{0}' blocked the use of type '{1}' in XAML. If you want to load this type, change '{0}'.GetXamlType to return a non-null value for this type, or pass a different value in the schemaContext parameter of the XamlObjectWriter constructor.</summary>
        internal static string @ObjectWriterTypeNotAllowed => GetResourceString("ObjectWriterTypeNotAllowed");
        /// <summary>This operation is only supported on collection types.</summary>
        internal static string @OnlySupportedOnCollections => GetResourceString("OnlySupportedOnCollections");
        /// <summary>This operation is only supported on collection and dictionary types.</summary>
        internal static string @OnlySupportedOnCollectionsAndDictionaries => GetResourceString("OnlySupportedOnCollectionsAndDictionaries");
        /// <summary>This operation is only supported on dictionary types.</summary>
        internal static string @OnlySupportedOnDictionaries => GetResourceString("OnlySupportedOnDictionaries");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Missing EndMember for '{0}.{1}' before EndObject.</summary>
        internal static string @OpenPropertyInCurrentFrame_EO => GetResourceString("OpenPropertyInCurrentFrame_EO");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Missing EndMember for '{0}.{1}' before StartMember '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @OpenPropertyInCurrentFrame_SM => GetResourceString("OpenPropertyInCurrentFrame_SM");
        /// <summary>The property element '{0}' is not contained by an object element.</summary>
        internal static string @ParentlessPropertyElement => GetResourceString("ParentlessPropertyElement");
        /// <summary>Cannot load assembly '{0}' because a different version of that same assembly is loaded '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ParserAssemblyLoadVersionMismatch => GetResourceString("ParserAssemblyLoadVersionMismatch");
        /// <summary>Too many attributes are specified for '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ParserAttributeArgsHigh => GetResourceString("ParserAttributeArgsHigh");
        /// <summary>'{0}' requires more attributes.</summary>
        internal static string @ParserAttributeArgsLow => GetResourceString("ParserAttributeArgsLow");
        /// <summary>GetPositionalParameters returned the wrong length vector.</summary>
        internal static string @PositionalParamsWrongLength => GetResourceString("PositionalParamsWrongLength");
        /// <summary>Prefix '{0}' does not map to a namespace.</summary>
        internal static string @PrefixNotFound => GetResourceString("PrefixNotFound");
        /// <summary>The prefix '{0}' could not be found.</summary>
        internal static string @PrefixNotInFrames => GetResourceString("PrefixNotInFrames");
        /// <summary>'{0}' property on '{1}' does not allow you to specify text.</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyDoesNotTakeText => GetResourceString("PropertyDoesNotTakeText");
        /// <summary>'{0}' is not implemented.</summary>
        internal static string @PropertyNotImplemented => GetResourceString("PropertyNotImplemented");
        /// <summary>Provide value on '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @ProvideValue => GetResourceString("ProvideValue");
        /// <summary>Cannot call MarkupExtension.ProvideValue because of a cyclical dependency. Properties inside a MarkupExtension cannot reference objects that reference the result of the MarkupExtension. The affected MarkupExtensions are:</summary>
        internal static string @ProvideValueCycle => GetResourceString("ProvideValueCycle");
        /// <summary>Quote characters ' or " are only allowed at the start of values.</summary>
        internal static string @QuoteCharactersOutOfPlace => GetResourceString("QuoteCharactersOutOfPlace");
        /// <summary>Value cannot be null. Object reference: '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ReferenceIsNull => GetResourceString("ReferenceIsNull");
        /// <summary>schemaContext parameter cannot be different from savedContext.SchemaContext</summary>
        internal static string @SavedContextSchemaContextMismatch => GetResourceString("SavedContextSchemaContextMismatch");
        /// <summary>savedContext.SchemaContext cannot be null</summary>
        internal static string @SavedContextSchemaContextNull => GetResourceString("SavedContextSchemaContextNull");
        /// <summary>SchemaContext on writer must be initialized before accessing the reader.</summary>
        internal static string @SchemaContextNotInitialized => GetResourceString("SchemaContextNotInitialized");
        /// <summary>SchemaContext cannot be null.</summary>
        internal static string @SchemaContextNull => GetResourceString("SchemaContextNull");
        /// <summary>Cannot set SandboxExternalContent to true in partial trust.</summary>
        internal static string @SecurityExceptionForSettingSandboxExternalToTrue => GetResourceString("SecurityExceptionForSettingSandboxExternalToTrue");
        /// <summary>Invalid security XML. Missing expected attribute '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @SecurityXmlMissingAttribute => GetResourceString("SecurityXmlMissingAttribute");
        /// <summary>Invalid security XML. Unexpected tag '{0}', expected '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @SecurityXmlUnexpectedTag => GetResourceString("SecurityXmlUnexpectedTag");
        /// <summary>Invalid security XML. Unexpected value '{0}' in attribute '{1}', expected '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @SecurityXmlUnexpectedValue => GetResourceString("SecurityXmlUnexpectedValue");
        /// <summary>This serviceType is already registered to another service.</summary>
        internal static string @ServiceTypeAlreadyAdded => GetResourceString("ServiceTypeAlreadyAdded");
        /// <summary>Set connectionId threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @SetConnectionId => GetResourceString("SetConnectionId");
        /// <summary>'{0}'.'{1}' is a property without a getter and is not a valid XAML property.</summary>
        internal static string @SetOnlyProperty => GetResourceString("SetOnlyProperty");
        /// <summary>Cannot set TargetType on a non-attachable Member.</summary>
        internal static string @SetTargetTypeOnNonAttachableMember => GetResourceString("SetTargetTypeOnNonAttachableMember");
        /// <summary>Setting xml:base on '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @SetUriBase => GetResourceString("SetUriBase");
        /// <summary>Set property '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @SetValue => GetResourceString("SetValue");
        /// <summary>Setting xml instance on '{0}' threw an exception.</summary>
        internal static string @SetXmlInstance => GetResourceString("SetXmlInstance");
        /// <summary>Setting properties is not allowed on a type converted instance. Property = '{0}'</summary>
        internal static string @SettingPropertiesIsNotAllowed => GetResourceString("SettingPropertiesIsNotAllowed");
        /// <summary>Method '{0}' is not supported by default. It can be implemented in derived classes.</summary>
        internal static string @ShouldOverrideMethod => GetResourceString("ShouldOverrideMethod");
        /// <summary>ShouldSerialize check failed for member '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @ShouldSerializeFailed => GetResourceString("ShouldSerializeFailed");
        /// <summary>Directly Assignable Fixups must only have one name.</summary>
        internal static string @SimpleFixupsMustHaveOneName => GetResourceString("SimpleFixupsMustHaveOneName");
        /// <summary>Parameter cannot be a zero-length string.</summary>
        internal static string @StringEmpty => GetResourceString("StringEmpty");
        /// <summary>The string is null or empty.</summary>
        internal static string @StringIsNullOrEmpty => GetResourceString("StringIsNullOrEmpty");
        /// <summary>Deferred load section was not collected in '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TemplateNotCollected => GetResourceString("TemplateNotCollected");
        /// <summary>Thread is already started.</summary>
        internal static string @ThreadAlreadyStarted => GetResourceString("ThreadAlreadyStarted");
        /// <summary>(null)</summary>
        internal static string @ToStringNull => GetResourceString("ToStringNull");
        /// <summary>Empty token encountered at position {0} while parsing '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TokenizerHelperEmptyToken => GetResourceString("TokenizerHelperEmptyToken");
        /// <summary>Extra data encountered at position {0} while parsing '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TokenizerHelperExtraDataEncountered => GetResourceString("TokenizerHelperExtraDataEncountered");
        /// <summary>Missing end quote encountered while parsing '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TokenizerHelperMissingEndQuote => GetResourceString("TokenizerHelperMissingEndQuote");
        /// <summary>Premature string termination encountered while parsing '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TokenizerHelperPrematureStringTermination => GetResourceString("TokenizerHelperPrematureStringTermination");
        /// <summary>Error with member '{0}'.'{1}'.  It has more than one '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TooManyAttributes => GetResourceString("TooManyAttributes");
        /// <summary>Error with type '{0}'.  It has more than one '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TooManyAttributesOnType => GetResourceString("TooManyAttributesOnType");
        /// <summary>Only one TypeConverter attribute is allowed on a type.</summary>
        internal static string @TooManyTypeConverterAttributes => GetResourceString("TooManyTypeConverterAttributes");
        /// <summary>Object '{0}' assigned to directive '{1}' has properties which are references to named object(s) '{2}' which have not yet been defined. Forward references, or references to objects that contain forward references, are not supported inside object constructio ...</summary>
        internal static string @TransitiveForwardRefDirectives => GetResourceString("TransitiveForwardRefDirectives");
        /// <summary>Failed to create a '{0}' from the text '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeConverterFailed => GetResourceString("TypeConverterFailed");
        /// <summary>Failed to convert '{0}' to type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeConverterFailed2 => GetResourceString("TypeConverterFailed2");
        /// <summary>The name of the type '{0}' contains characters that are invalid in XAML.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeHasInvalidXamlName => GetResourceString("TypeHasInvalidXamlName");
        /// <summary>Type '{0}' does not have a content property. Specify the name of the property to set, or add a ContentPropertyAttribute or TypeConverterAttribute on the type.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeHasNoContentProperty => GetResourceString("TypeHasNoContentProperty");
        /// <summary>Cannot change property metadata after it has been associated with a property.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse => GetResourceString("TypeMetadataCannotChangeAfterUse");
        /// <summary>Type name '{0}' cannot have a dot '.'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeNameCannotHavePeriod => GetResourceString("TypeNameCannotHavePeriod");
        /// <summary>Type reference cannot find type named '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeNotFound => GetResourceString("TypeNotFound");
        /// <summary>Type '{0}' is not public.</summary>
        internal static string @TypeNotPublic => GetResourceString("TypeNotPublic");
        /// <summary>Unclosed quoted value.</summary>
        internal static string @UnclosedQuote => GetResourceString("UnclosedQuote");
        /// <summary>Unexpected close of XAML Node Stream.</summary>
        internal static string @UnexpectedClose => GetResourceString("UnexpectedClose");
        /// <summary>Invalid metadata for attribute '{0}' on '{1}'. Expected '{2}' argument(s) of type '{3}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnexpectedConstructorArg => GetResourceString("UnexpectedConstructorArg");
        /// <summary>Unexpected '{0}' in parse rule '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnexpectedNodeType => GetResourceString("UnexpectedNodeType");
        /// <summary>Parameter is unexpected type '{0}'. Expected type is '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnexpectedParameterType => GetResourceString("UnexpectedParameterType");
        /// <summary>Unexpected token '{0}' in rule: '{1}', in '{2}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnexpectedToken => GetResourceString("UnexpectedToken");
        /// <summary>Unexpected token after end of markup extension.</summary>
        internal static string @UnexpectedTokenAfterME => GetResourceString("UnexpectedTokenAfterME");
        /// <summary>Unhandled BoolTypeBit.</summary>
        internal static string @UnhandledBoolTypeBit => GetResourceString("UnhandledBoolTypeBit");
        /// <summary>['{0}'('{1}')]5D; on '{2}' is not a known property.</summary>
        internal static string @UnknownAttributeProperty => GetResourceString("UnknownAttributeProperty");
        /// <summary>Unknown member '{0}' on '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnknownMember => GetResourceString("UnknownMember");
        /// <summary>Unknown member '{0}' on unknown type '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnknownMemberOnUnknownType => GetResourceString("UnknownMemberOnUnknownType");
        /// <summary>Unknown member '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnknownMemberSimple => GetResourceString("UnknownMemberSimple");
        /// <summary>Unknown type '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnknownType => GetResourceString("UnknownType");
        /// <summary>Unresolved reference '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @UnresolvedForwardReferences => GetResourceString("UnresolvedForwardReferences");
        /// <summary>XAML namespace '{0}' is not resolved.</summary>
        internal static string @UnresolvedNamespace => GetResourceString("UnresolvedNamespace");
        /// <summary>Uri '{0}' was not found.</summary>
        internal static string @UriNotFound => GetResourceString("UriNotFound");
        /// <summary>Error with type '{0}'. MarkupExtensions cannot use the 'UsableDuringInitialization' attribute.</summary>
        internal static string @UsableDuringInitializationOnME => GetResourceString("UsableDuringInitializationOnME");
        /// <summary>A value in the '{0}' array is null.</summary>
        internal static string @ValueInArrayIsNull => GetResourceString("ValueInArrayIsNull");
        /// <summary>XAML Node Stream: Value nodes must be followed by EndMember.</summary>
        internal static string @ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember => GetResourceString("ValueMustBeFollowedByEndMember");
        /// <summary>Specified index is out of range or child at index is null. Do not call this method if VisualChildrenCount returns zero, indicating that the Visual has no children.</summary>
        internal static string @Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange => GetResourceString("Visual_ArgumentOutOfRange");
        /// <summary>XamlXmlWriter cannot write value '{0}' which contains significant white space in collection '{1}'.</summary>
        internal static string @WhiteSpaceInCollection => GetResourceString("WhiteSpaceInCollection");
        /// <summary>White space is not allowed after end of markup extension.</summary>
        internal static string @WhitespaceAfterME => GetResourceString("WhitespaceAfterME");
        /// <summary>An attempt was made to write to a XamlWriter that has had its Closed method called.</summary>
        internal static string @WriterIsClosed => GetResourceString("WriterIsClosed");
        /// <summary>Choice cannot follow a Fallback.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRChoiceAfterFallback => GetResourceString("XCRChoiceAfterFallback");
        /// <summary>AlternateContent must contain one or more Choice elements.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRChoiceNotFound => GetResourceString("XCRChoiceNotFound");
        /// <summary>Choice is valid only in AlternateContent.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRChoiceOnlyInAC => GetResourceString("XCRChoiceOnlyInAC");
        /// <summary>There is a cycle of XML compatibility definitions, such that namespace '{0}' overrides itself. This could be due to inconsistent XmlnsCompatibilityAttributes in different assemblies. Please change the definitions to eliminate this cycle, or pass a non-conf ...</summary>
        internal static string @XCRCompatCycle => GetResourceString("XCRCompatCycle");
        /// <summary>Duplicate Preserve declaration for element '{1}' in namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRDuplicatePreserve => GetResourceString("XCRDuplicatePreserve");
        /// <summary>Duplicate ProcessContent declaration for element '{1}' in namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRDuplicateProcessContent => GetResourceString("XCRDuplicateProcessContent");
        /// <summary>Duplicate wildcard Preserve declaration for namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRDuplicateWildcardPreserve => GetResourceString("XCRDuplicateWildcardPreserve");
        /// <summary>Duplicate wildcard ProcessContent declaration for namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRDuplicateWildcardProcessContent => GetResourceString("XCRDuplicateWildcardProcessContent");
        /// <summary>Fallback is valid only in AlternateContent.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRFallbackOnlyInAC => GetResourceString("XCRFallbackOnlyInAC");
        /// <summary>'{0}' element is not a valid child of AlternateContent. Only Choice and Fallback elements are valid children of an AlternateContent element.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidACChild => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidACChild");
        /// <summary>'{0}' attribute is not valid for '{1}' element.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidAttribInElement => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidAttribInElement");
        /// <summary>'{0}' format is not valid.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidFormat => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidFormat");
        /// <summary>Cannot have both a specific and a wildcard Preserve declaration for namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidPreserve => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidPreserve");
        /// <summary>Cannot have both a specific and a wildcard ProcessContent declaration for namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidProcessContent => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidProcessContent");
        /// <summary>Requires attribute must contain a valid namespace prefix.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidRequiresAttribute => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidRequiresAttribute");
        /// <summary>'{0}' attribute value is not a valid XML name.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRInvalidXMLName => GetResourceString("XCRInvalidXMLName");
        /// <summary>AlternateContent must contain only one Fallback element.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRMultipleFallbackFound => GetResourceString("XCRMultipleFallbackFound");
        /// <summary>MustUnderstand condition failed on namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRMustUnderstandFailed => GetResourceString("XCRMustUnderstandFailed");
        /// <summary>'{0}' namespace cannot preserve items; it must be declared Ignorable first.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRNSPreserveNotIgnorable => GetResourceString("XCRNSPreserveNotIgnorable");
        /// <summary>'{0}' namespace cannot process content; it must be declared Ignorable first.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRNSProcessContentNotIgnorable => GetResourceString("XCRNSProcessContentNotIgnorable");
        /// <summary>Choice must contain a Requires attribute.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRRequiresAttribNotFound => GetResourceString("XCRRequiresAttribNotFound");
        /// <summary>'{0}' prefix is not defined.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRUndefinedPrefix => GetResourceString("XCRUndefinedPrefix");
        /// <summary>Unrecognized compatibility attribute '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRUnknownCompatAttrib => GetResourceString("XCRUnknownCompatAttrib");
        /// <summary>Unrecognized Compatibility element '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XCRUnknownCompatElement => GetResourceString("XCRUnknownCompatElement");
        /// <summary>Specified class name '{0}' doesn't match actual root instance type '{1}'. Remove the Class directive or provide an instance via XamlObjectWriterSettings.RootObjectInstance.</summary>
        internal static string @XClassMustMatchRootInstance => GetResourceString("XClassMustMatchRootInstance");
        /// <summary>Unexpected XAML node type '{0}' from XamlReader in XamlFactory.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode => GetResourceString("XamlFactoryInvalidXamlNode");
        /// <summary>Cannot set SchemaContext on XamlMarkupExtensionWriter.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlMarkupExtensionWriterCannotSetSchemaContext => GetResourceString("XamlMarkupExtensionWriterCannotSetSchemaContext");
        /// <summary>Cannot write a value that is not a string.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlMarkupExtensionWriterCannotWriteNonstringValue => GetResourceString("XamlMarkupExtensionWriterCannotWriteNonstringValue");
        /// <summary>The member '{0}' has already been written.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlMarkupExtensionWriterDuplicateMember => GetResourceString("XamlMarkupExtensionWriterDuplicateMember");
        /// <summary>Errors detected in input.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlMarkupExtensionWriterInputInvalid => GetResourceString("XamlMarkupExtensionWriterInputInvalid");
        /// <summary>Cannot convert this XamlTypeName instance to a string because the provided INamespacePrefixLookup could not generate a prefix for the namespace '{0}'.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlTypeNameCannotGetPrefix => GetResourceString("XamlTypeNameCannotGetPrefix");
        /// <summary>Cannot convert this XamlTypeName instance to a string because the Name property is null or empty. Set the Name property before calling XamlTypeName.ToString.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlTypeNameNameIsNullOrEmpty => GetResourceString("XamlTypeNameNameIsNullOrEmpty");
        /// <summary>Cannot convert this XamlTypeName instance to a string because the Namespace property is null. Set the Namespace property before calling XamlTypeName.ToString.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlTypeNameNamespaceIsNull => GetResourceString("XamlTypeNameNamespaceIsNull");
        /// <summary>Cannot write a value that is not a string.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterCannotWriteNonstringValue => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterCannotWriteNonstringValue");
        /// <summary>The member '{0}' has already been written.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterDuplicateMember => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterDuplicateMember");
        /// <summary>The argument isObjectFromMember can only be set to true when the type is a collection.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterIsObjectFromMemberSetForArraysOrNonCollections => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterIsObjectFromMemberSetForArraysOrNonCollections");
        /// <summary>Namespace '{0}' already has a prefix defined in current scope.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterNamespaceAlreadyHasPrefixInCurrentScope => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterNamespaceAlreadyHasPrefixInCurrentScope");
        /// <summary>The prefix '{0}' is already defined in current scope.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterPrefixAlreadyDefinedInCurrentScope => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterPrefixAlreadyDefinedInCurrentScope");
        /// <summary>Unable to call '{0}' in current state.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterWriteNotSupportedInCurrentState => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterWriteNotSupportedInCurrentState");
        /// <summary>Unable to call WriteObject with isObjectFromMember set to true in current state.</summary>
        internal static string @XamlXmlWriterWriteObjectNotSupportedInCurrentState => GetResourceString("XamlXmlWriterWriteObjectNotSupportedInCurrentState");
        /// <summary>Need to implement public/internal sorting.</summary>
        internal static string @XaslTypePropertiesNotImplemented => GetResourceString("XaslTypePropertiesNotImplemented");
        /// <summary>The value for XmlData property '{0}' is null or not IXmlSerializable.</summary>
        internal static string @XmlDataNull => GetResourceString("XmlDataNull");
        /// <summary>The value for XmlData property '{0}' is not an XmlReader.</summary>
        internal static string @XmlValueNotReader => GetResourceString("XmlValueNotReader");
        /// <summary>There is a cycle of XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute definitions in assembly '{0}', such that namespace '{1}' overrides itself. Change the definitions to eliminate this cycle.</summary>
        internal static string @XmlnsCompatCycle => GetResourceString("XmlnsCompatCycle");