12 writes to GetServiceAction
System.Xaml.Tests (12)
System\Windows\Markup\NameReferenceConverterTests.cs (12)
32GetServiceAction = serviceType => 53GetServiceAction = serviceType => 79GetServiceAction = serviceType => 94GetServiceAction = serviceType => 112GetServiceAction = serviceType => 124yield return new object[] { new CustomTypeDescriptorContext { GetServiceAction = serviceType => null! }, typeof(string), false }; 125yield return new object[] { new CustomTypeDescriptorContext { GetServiceAction = serviceType => new object() }, typeof(string), false }; 126yield return new object[] { new CustomTypeDescriptorContext { GetServiceAction = serviceType => new CustomXamlNameProvider() }, typeof(int), false }; 127yield return new object[] { new CustomTypeDescriptorContext { GetServiceAction = serviceType => new CustomXamlNameProvider() }, typeof(string), true }; 146GetServiceAction = serviceType => 171GetServiceAction = serviceType => 186GetServiceAction = serviceType =>
2 references to GetServiceAction
System.Xaml.Tests (2)
System\Windows\Markup\NameReferenceConverterTests.cs (2)
207return GetServiceAction is null ? throw new NotImplementedException() : GetServiceAction(serviceType);