// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Internal;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
internal static class TextExtensions
// The value of the ItalicPaddingFactor comes from several tests using different fonts & drawing
// flags and some benchmarking with GDI+.
private const float ItalicPaddingFactor = 1 / 2f;
// Used to clear TextRenderer specific flags from TextFormatFlags
internal const int GdiUnsupportedFlagMask = unchecked((int)0xFF000000);
private static void ValidateFlags(DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT flags)
Debug.Assert(((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0,
"Some custom flags were left over and are not GDI compliant!");
private static (DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT Flags, TextPaddingOptions Padding) SplitTextFormatFlags(TextFormatFlags flags)
if (((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0)
return ((DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT)flags, TextPaddingOptions.GlyphOverhangPadding);
// Clear TextRenderer custom flags.
DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT windowsGraphicsSupportedFlags = (DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT)((uint)flags & ~GdiUnsupportedFlagMask);
TextPaddingOptions padding = flags.HasFlag(TextFormatFlags.LeftAndRightPadding)
? TextPaddingOptions.LeftAndRightPadding
: flags.HasFlag(TextFormatFlags.NoPadding)
? TextPaddingOptions.NoPadding
: TextPaddingOptions.GlyphOverhangPadding;
return (windowsGraphicsSupportedFlags, padding);
/// <summary>
/// Draws the given <paramref name="text"/> text in the given <paramref name="hdc"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="backColor">If <see cref="Color.Empty"/>, the hdc current background color is used.</param>
/// <param name="foreColor">If <see cref="Color.Empty"/>, the hdc current foreground color is used.</param>
public static unsafe void DrawText(
this HDC hdc,
ReadOnlySpan<char> text,
FontCache.Scope font,
Rectangle bounds,
Color foreColor,
TextFormatFlags flags,
Color backColor = default)
if (text.IsEmpty || foreColor == Color.Transparent)
(DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT dt, TextPaddingOptions padding) = SplitTextFormatFlags(flags);
// DrawText requires default text alignment.
using SetTextAlignmentScope alignment = new(hdc, default);
// Color empty means use the one currently selected in the dc.
using var textColor = foreColor.IsEmpty ? default : new SetTextColorScope(hdc, foreColor);
using SelectObjectScope fontSelection = new(hdc, (HFONT)font);
BACKGROUND_MODE newBackGroundMode = (backColor.IsEmpty || backColor == Color.Transparent)
using SetBkModeScope backgroundMode = new(hdc, newBackGroundMode);
using var backgroundColor = newBackGroundMode != BACKGROUND_MODE.TRANSPARENT
? new SetBackgroundColorScope(hdc, backColor)
: default;
DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams = GetTextMargins(font, padding);
bounds = AdjustForVerticalAlignment(hdc, text, bounds, dt, &dtparams);
// Adjust unbounded rect to avoid overflow.
if (bounds.Width == int.MaxValue)
bounds.Width -= bounds.X;
if (bounds.Height == int.MaxValue)
bounds.Height -= bounds.Y;
RECT rect = bounds;
PInvoke.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, &rect, dt, &dtparams);
/// <summary>
/// Get the bounding box internal text padding to be used when drawing text.
/// </summary>
public static DRAWTEXTPARAMS GetTextMargins(
this FontCache.Scope font,
TextPaddingOptions padding = default)
// DrawText(Ex) adds a small space at the beginning of the text bounding box but not at the end,
// this is more noticeable when the font has the italic style. We compensate with this factor.
int leftMargin = 0;
int rightMargin = 0;
float overhangPadding;
switch (padding)
case TextPaddingOptions.GlyphOverhangPadding:
// [overhang padding][Text][overhang padding][italic padding]
overhangPadding = font.Data.Height / 6f;
leftMargin = (int)Math.Ceiling(overhangPadding);
rightMargin = (int)Math.Ceiling(overhangPadding * (1 + ItalicPaddingFactor));
case TextPaddingOptions.LeftAndRightPadding:
// [2 * overhang padding][Text][2 * overhang padding][italic padding]
overhangPadding = font.Data.Height / 6f;
leftMargin = (int)Math.Ceiling(2 * overhangPadding);
rightMargin = (int)Math.Ceiling(overhangPadding * (2 + ItalicPaddingFactor));
case TextPaddingOptions.NoPadding:
iLeftMargin = leftMargin,
iRightMargin = rightMargin
/// <summary>
/// Adjusts <paramref name="bounds"/> to allow for vertical alignment.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// The GDI DrawText does not do multiline alignment when User32.DT.SINGLELINE is not set. This
/// adjustment is to workaround that limitation.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static unsafe Rectangle AdjustForVerticalAlignment(
this HDC hdc,
ReadOnlySpan<char> text,
Rectangle bounds,
// No need to do anything if TOP (Cannot test DT_TOP because it is 0), single line text or measuring text.
bool isTop = !flags.HasFlag(DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT.DT_BOTTOM) && !flags.HasFlag(DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT.DT_VCENTER);
return bounds;
RECT rect = bounds;
// Get the text bounds.
int textHeight = PInvoke.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, &rect, flags, dtparams);
// If the text does not fit inside the bounds then return the bounds that were passed in.
// This way we paint the top of the text at the top of the bounds passed in.
if (textHeight > bounds.Height)
return bounds;
Rectangle adjustedBounds = bounds;
// Middle
adjustedBounds.Y = adjustedBounds.Top + adjustedBounds.Height / 2 - textHeight / 2;
// Bottom
adjustedBounds.Y = adjustedBounds.Bottom - textHeight;
return adjustedBounds;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the bounds in logical units of the given <paramref name="text"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="proposedSize">
/// <para>
/// The desired bounds. It will be modified as follows:
/// </para>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item><description>The base is extended to fit multiple lines of text.</description></item>
/// <item><description>The width is extended to fit the largest word.</description></item>
/// <item><description>The width is reduced if the text is smaller than the requested width.</description></item>
/// <item><description>The width is extended to fit a single line of text.</description></item>
/// </list>
/// </param>
public static unsafe Size MeasureText(
this HDC hdc,
ReadOnlySpan<char> text,
FontCache.Scope font,
Size proposedSize,
TextFormatFlags flags)
(DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT dt, TextPaddingOptions padding) = SplitTextFormatFlags(flags);
if (text.IsEmpty)
return Size.Empty;
// DrawText returns a rectangle useful for aligning, but not guaranteed to encompass all
// pixels (its not a FitBlackBox, if the text is italicized, it will overhang on the right.)
// So we need to account for this.
DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams = GetTextMargins(font, padding);
// If Width / Height are < 0, we need to make them larger or DrawText will return
// an unbounded measurement when we actually trying to make it very narrow.
int minWidth = 1 + dtparams.iLeftMargin + dtparams.iRightMargin;
if (proposedSize.Width <= minWidth)
proposedSize.Width = minWidth;
if (proposedSize.Height <= 0)
proposedSize.Height = 1;
RECT rect = new(proposedSize);
using SelectObjectScope fontSelection = new(hdc, font.Object);
// If proposedSize.Height == int.MaxValue it is assumed bounds are needed. If flags contain SINGLELINE and
// VCENTER or BOTTOM options, DrawTextEx does not bind the rectangle to the actual text height since
// it assumes the text is to be vertically aligned; we need to clear the VCENTER and BOTTOM flags to
// get the actual text bounds.
if (proposedSize.Height == int.MaxValue && dt.HasFlag(DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT.DT_SINGLELINE))
// Clear vertical-alignment flags.
if (proposedSize.Width == int.MaxValue)
// If there is no constraining width, there should be no need to calculate word breaks.
PInvoke.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, &rect, dt, &dtparams);
return rect.Size;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the dimensions the of the given <paramref name="text"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This method is used to get the size in logical units of a line of text; it uses GetTextExtentPoint32 function
/// which computes the width and height of the text ignoring TAB\CR\LF characters.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// A text extent is the distance between the beginning of the space and a character that will fit in the space.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public static unsafe Size GetTextExtent(this HDC hdc, string? text, HFONT hfont)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
return Size.Empty;
Size size = default;
using SelectObjectScope selectFont = new(hdc, hfont);
fixed (char* pText = text)
PInvoke.GetTextExtentPoint32W(hdc, pText, text.Length, (SIZE*)(void*)&size);
return size;