// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
internal static partial class LayoutUtils
/// MeasureTextCache
/// 3000 character strings take 9 seconds to load the form
public sealed class MeasureTextCache
// the number of preferred sizes to store
private const int MaxCacheSize = 6;
// the next place in the ring buffer to store a preferred size
private int _nextCacheEntry = -1;
// MRU of size MaxCacheSize
private PreferredSizeCache[]? _sizeCacheList;
private Size _unconstrainedPreferredSize = s_invalidSize;
/// GetTextSize
/// Given constraints, format flags a font and text, determine the size of the string
/// employs an MRU of the last several constraints passed in via a ring-buffer of size MaxCacheSize.
/// Assumes Text and TextFormatFlags are the same, if either were to change, a call to
/// InvalidateCache should be made
public Size GetTextSize(string? text, Font? font, Size proposedConstraints, TextFormatFlags flags)
if (!TextRequiresWordBreak(text, font, proposedConstraints, flags))
// Text fits within proposed width
// IF we're here, this means we've got text that can fit into the proposedConstraints
// without wrapping. We've determined this because our
// as a side effect of calling TextRequiresWordBreak,
// unconstrainedPreferredSize is set.
return _unconstrainedPreferredSize;
// Text does NOT fit within proposed width - requires WordBreak
// IF we're here, this means that the wrapping width is smaller
// than our max width. For example: we measure the text with infinite
// bounding box and we determine the width to fit all the characters
// to be 200 px wide. We would come here only for proposed widths less
// than 200 px.
// Create our ring buffer if we don't have one
_sizeCacheList ??= new PreferredSizeCache[MaxCacheSize];
// check the existing constraints from previous calls
foreach (PreferredSizeCache sizeCache in _sizeCacheList)
if (sizeCache.ConstrainingSize == proposedConstraints)
return sizeCache.PreferredSize;
else if ((sizeCache.ConstrainingSize.Width == proposedConstraints.Width)
&& (sizeCache.PreferredSize.Height <= proposedConstraints.Height))
// Caching a common case where the width matches perfectly, and the stored preferred height
// is smaller or equal to the constraining size.
// prefSize = GetPreferredSize(w,Int32.MaxValue);
// prefSize = GetPreferredSize(w,prefSize.Height);
return sizeCache.PreferredSize;
// if we've gotten here, it means we don't have a cache entry, therefore
// we should add a new one in the next available slot.
Size prefSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font, proposedConstraints, flags);
_nextCacheEntry = (_nextCacheEntry + 1) % MaxCacheSize;
_sizeCacheList[_nextCacheEntry] = new PreferredSizeCache(proposedConstraints, prefSize);
return prefSize;
/// InvalidateCache
/// Clears out the cached values, should be called whenever Text, Font or a TextFormatFlag has changed
public void InvalidateCache()
_unconstrainedPreferredSize = s_invalidSize;
_sizeCacheList = null;
/// TextRequiresWordBreak
/// If you give the text all the space in the world it wants, then there should be no reason
/// for it to break on a word. So we find out what the unconstrained size is (Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue)
/// for a string - eg. 35, 13. If the size passed in has a larger width than 35, then we know that
/// the WordBreak flag is not necessary.
public bool TextRequiresWordBreak(string? text, Font? font, Size size, TextFormatFlags flags)
// if the unconstrained size of the string is larger than the proposed width
// we need the word break flag, otherwise we don't, its a perf hit to use it.
return GetUnconstrainedSize(text, font, flags).Width > size.Width;
/// GetUnconstrainedSize
/// Gets the unconstrained (Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue) size for a piece of text
private Size GetUnconstrainedSize(string? text, Font? font, TextFormatFlags flags)
if (_unconstrainedPreferredSize == s_invalidSize)
// we also investigated setting the SingleLine flag, however this did not yield as much benefit as the word break
// and had possibility of causing internationalization issues.
flags &= ~TextFormatFlags.WordBreak; // rip out the wordbreak flag
_unconstrainedPreferredSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font, s_maxSize, flags);
return _unconstrainedPreferredSize;