// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using Windows.Win32.Web.MsHtml;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public sealed class HtmlElementEventArgs : EventArgs
private readonly HtmlShimManager _shimManager;
internal HtmlElementEventArgs(HtmlShimManager shimManager, Interop.Mshtml.IHTMLEventObj eventObj)
NativeHTMLEventObj = eventObj;
Debug.Assert(NativeHTMLEventObj is not null, "The event object should implement IHTMLEventObj");
_shimManager = shimManager;
private Interop.Mshtml.IHTMLEventObj NativeHTMLEventObj { get; }
public MouseButtons MouseButtonsPressed
MouseButtons buttons = MouseButtons.None;
int nButtons = NativeHTMLEventObj.GetButton();
if ((nButtons & 1) != 0)
buttons |= MouseButtons.Left;
if ((nButtons & 2) != 0)
buttons |= MouseButtons.Right;
if ((nButtons & 4) != 0)
buttons |= MouseButtons.Middle;
return buttons;
public Point ClientMousePosition
get => new(NativeHTMLEventObj.GetClientX(), NativeHTMLEventObj.GetClientY());
public Point OffsetMousePosition
get => new(NativeHTMLEventObj.GetOffsetX(), NativeHTMLEventObj.GetOffsetY());
public Point MousePosition
get => new(NativeHTMLEventObj.GetX(), NativeHTMLEventObj.GetY());
public bool BubbleEvent
get => !NativeHTMLEventObj.GetCancelBubble();
set => NativeHTMLEventObj.SetCancelBubble(!value);
public int KeyPressedCode => NativeHTMLEventObj.GetKeyCode();
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the Alt key was pressed, if this information is
/// provided to the IHtmlEventObj
/// </summary>
public bool AltKeyPressed => NativeHTMLEventObj.GetAltKey();
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the Ctrl key was pressed, if this information is
/// provided to the IHtmlEventObj
/// </summary>
public bool CtrlKeyPressed => NativeHTMLEventObj.GetCtrlKey();
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the Shift key was pressed, if this information is
/// provided to the IHtmlEventObj
/// </summary>
public bool ShiftKeyPressed => NativeHTMLEventObj.GetShiftKey();
public string EventType => NativeHTMLEventObj.GetEventType();
public bool ReturnValue
object obj = NativeHTMLEventObj.GetReturnValue();
return obj is null || (bool)obj;
set => NativeHTMLEventObj.SetReturnValue(value);
public unsafe HtmlElement? FromElement
IHTMLElement.Interface htmlElement = NativeHTMLEventObj.GetFromElement();
return htmlElement is null ? null : new HtmlElement(_shimManager, ComHelpers.GetComPointer<IHTMLElement>(htmlElement));
public unsafe HtmlElement? ToElement
IHTMLElement.Interface htmlElement = NativeHTMLEventObj.GetToElement();
return htmlElement is null ? null : new HtmlElement(_shimManager, ComHelpers.GetComPointer<IHTMLElement>(htmlElement));