// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
#nullable disable
/// <summary>
/// This type is provided for binary compatibility with .NET Framework and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
/// </summary>
error: false,
DiagnosticId = Obsoletions.UnsupportedControlsDiagnosticId,
UrlFormat = Obsoletions.SharedUrlFormat)]
public class MenuItem : Menu
public MenuItem() : this(
mergeType: MenuMerge.Add,
mergeOrder: 0,
shortcut: 0,
text: null,
onClick: null,
onPopup: null,
onSelect: null,
items: null) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public MenuItem(string text) : this(
mergeType: MenuMerge.Add,
mergeOrder: 0,
shortcut: 0,
text: text,
onClick: null,
onPopup: null,
onSelect: null,
items: null) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public MenuItem(string text, EventHandler onClick) : this(
mergeType: MenuMerge.Add,
mergeOrder: 0,
shortcut: 0,
text: text,
onClick: onClick,
onPopup: null,
onSelect: null,
items: null) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public MenuItem(string text, EventHandler onClick, Shortcut shortcut) : this(
mergeType: MenuMerge.Add,
mergeOrder: 0,
shortcut: shortcut,
text: text,
onClick: onClick,
onPopup: null,
onSelect: null,
items: null) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public MenuItem(string text, MenuItem[] items) : this(
mergeType: MenuMerge.Add,
mergeOrder: 0,
shortcut: 0,
text: text,
onClick: null,
onPopup: null,
onSelect: null,
items: items) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public MenuItem(
MenuMerge mergeType,
int mergeOrder,
Shortcut shortcut,
string text,
EventHandler onClick,
EventHandler onPopup,
EventHandler onSelect,
MenuItem[] items) : base(items: items) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
public bool BarBreak
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool Break
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool Checked
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool DefaultItem
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool OwnerDraw
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool Enabled
get => throw null;
set { }
public int Index
get => throw null;
set { }
public override bool IsParent
get => throw null;
public bool MdiList
get => throw null;
set { }
protected int MenuID
get => throw null;
public MenuMerge MergeType
get => throw null;
set { }
public int MergeOrder
get => throw null;
set { }
public char Mnemonic => throw null;
public Menu Parent
get => throw null;
public bool RadioCheck
get => throw null;
set { }
public string Text
get => throw null;
set { }
public Shortcut Shortcut
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool ShowShortcut
get => throw null;
set { }
public bool Visible
get => throw null;
set { }
public event EventHandler Click
add { }
remove { }
public event DrawItemEventHandler DrawItem
add { }
remove { }
public event MeasureItemEventHandler MeasureItem
add { }
remove { }
public event EventHandler Popup
add { }
remove { }
public event EventHandler Select
add { }
remove { }
public virtual MenuItem CloneMenu() => throw null;
protected void CloneMenu(MenuItem itemSrc) { }
public virtual MenuItem MergeMenu() => throw null;
public void MergeMenu(MenuItem itemSrc) { }
protected virtual void OnClick(EventArgs e) { }
protected virtual void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { }
protected virtual void OnInitMenuPopup(EventArgs e) { }
protected virtual void OnMeasureItem(MeasureItemEventArgs e) { }
protected virtual void OnPopup(EventArgs e) { }
protected virtual void OnSelect(EventArgs e) { }
public void PerformClick() { }
public virtual void PerformSelect() { }