File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripSeparator.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
[ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability(ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ToolStrip | ToolStripItemDesignerAvailability.ContextMenuStrip)]
public partial class ToolStripSeparator : ToolStripItem
    private const int SeparatorThickness = 6;
    private const int SeparatorHeight = 23;
    public ToolStripSeparator()
        ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;
    public new bool AutoToolTip
        get => base.AutoToolTip;
        set => base.AutoToolTip = value;
    public override Image? BackgroundImage
        get => base.BackgroundImage;
        set => base.BackgroundImage = value;
    public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout
        get => base.BackgroundImageLayout;
        set => base.BackgroundImageLayout = value;
    public override bool CanSelect => DesignMode;
    /// <summary>
    ///  Deriving classes can override this to configure a default size for their control.
    ///  This is more efficient than setting the size in the control's constructor.
    /// </summary>
    protected override Size DefaultSize => new(SeparatorThickness, SeparatorThickness);
    protected internal override Padding DefaultMargin => Padding.Empty;
    public new bool DoubleClickEnabled
        get => base.DoubleClickEnabled;
        set => base.DoubleClickEnabled = value;
    public override bool Enabled
        get => base.Enabled;
        set => base.Enabled = value;
    public new event EventHandler? EnabledChanged
        add => base.EnabledChanged += value;
        remove => base.EnabledChanged -= value;
    public new ToolStripItemDisplayStyle DisplayStyle
        get => base.DisplayStyle;
        set => base.DisplayStyle = value;
    public new event EventHandler? DisplayStyleChanged
        add => base.DisplayStyleChanged += value;
        remove => base.DisplayStyleChanged -= value;
    public override Font Font
        get => base.Font;
        set => base.Font = value;
    public new ContentAlignment ImageAlign
        get => base.ImageAlign;
        set => base.ImageAlign = value;
    public override Image? Image
        get => base.Image;
        set => base.Image = value;
    public new int ImageIndex
        get => base.ImageIndex;
        set => base.ImageIndex = value;
    public new string ImageKey
        get => base.ImageKey;
        set => base.ImageKey = value;
    public new Color ImageTransparentColor
        get => base.ImageTransparentColor;
        set => base.ImageTransparentColor = value;
    public new ToolStripItemImageScaling ImageScaling
        get => base.ImageScaling;
        set => base.ImageScaling = value;
    private bool IsVertical
            ToolStrip? parent = ParentInternal ?? Owner;
            if (parent is null)
                return true;
            if (parent is ToolStripDropDownMenu)
                return false;
            return parent.LayoutStyle switch
                ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow => false,
                _ => true,
    public override string? Text
        get => base.Text;
        set => base.Text = value;
    public new event EventHandler? TextChanged
        add => base.TextChanged += value;
        remove => base.TextChanged -= value;
    public new ContentAlignment TextAlign
        get => base.TextAlign;
        set => base.TextAlign = value;
    public override ToolStripTextDirection TextDirection
        get => base.TextDirection;
        set => base.TextDirection = value;
    public new TextImageRelation TextImageRelation
        get => base.TextImageRelation;
        set => base.TextImageRelation = value;
    public new string? ToolTipText
        get => base.ToolTipText;
        set => base.ToolTipText = value;
    public new bool RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage
        get => base.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage;
        set => base.RightToLeftAutoMirrorImage = value;
    protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance()
        => new ToolStripSeparatorAccessibleObject(this);
    public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size constrainingSize)
        ToolStrip? parent = ParentInternal ?? Owner;
        if (parent is null)
            return new Size(SeparatorThickness, SeparatorThickness);
        if (parent is ToolStripDropDownMenu dropDownMenu)
            return new Size(parent.Width - (parent.Padding.Horizontal - dropDownMenu.ImageMargin.Width), SeparatorThickness);
        // This is always true!
        // parent.LayoutStyle != ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow ||
        // parent.LayoutStyle != ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow
            // we don't actually know what size to make it, so just keep it a stock size.
            constrainingSize.Width = SeparatorHeight;
            constrainingSize.Height = SeparatorHeight;
        if (IsVertical)
            return new Size(SeparatorThickness, constrainingSize.Height);
        return new Size(constrainingSize.Width, SeparatorThickness);
    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
        if (Owner is not null && ParentInternal is not null)
            Renderer!.DrawSeparator(new ToolStripSeparatorRenderEventArgs(e.Graphics, this, IsVertical));
    protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e)
        // Perf: don't call base, we don't care if the font changes
        RaiseEvent(s_fontChangedEvent, e);
    internal override bool ShouldSerializeForeColor() => ForeColor != SystemColors.ControlDark;
    protected internal override void SetBounds(Rectangle rect)
        if (Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu dropDownMenu)
            // Scooch over by the padding amount. The padding is added to the ToolStripDropDownMenu
            // to keep the non-menu item aligned to the text rectangle. When flow layout comes
            // through to set our position via IArrangedElement, ignore it.
            rect.X = 2;
            rect.Width = dropDownMenu.Width - 4;