File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripMenuItem.ToolStripMenuItemInternalLayout.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class ToolStripMenuItem
    private class ToolStripMenuItemInternalLayout : ToolStripItemInternalLayout
        private readonly ToolStripMenuItem _ownerItem;
        public ToolStripMenuItemInternalLayout(ToolStripMenuItem ownerItem)
            : base(ownerItem)
            _ownerItem = ownerItem;
        public bool ShowCheckMargin
                if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                    return menu.ShowCheckMargin;
                return false;
        public bool ShowImageMargin
                if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                    return menu.ShowImageMargin;
                return false;
        public bool PaintCheck
                return ShowCheckMargin || ShowImageMargin;
        public bool PaintImage
                return ShowImageMargin;
        public Rectangle ArrowRectangle
                if (UseMenuLayout)
                    if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                        // since menuItem.Padding isn't taken into consideration, we've got to recalc the centering of
                        // the arrow rect per item
                        Rectangle arrowRect = menu.ArrowRectangle;
                        arrowRect.Y = LayoutUtils.VAlign(arrowRect.Size, _ownerItem.ClientBounds, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter).Y;
                        return arrowRect;
                return Rectangle.Empty;
        public Rectangle CheckRectangle
                if (UseMenuLayout)
                    if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                        Rectangle checkRectangle = menu.CheckRectangle;
                        if (_ownerItem.CheckedImage is not null)
                            int imageHeight = _ownerItem.CheckedImage.Height;
                            // make sure we're vertically centered
                            checkRectangle.Y += (checkRectangle.Height - imageHeight) / 2;
                            checkRectangle.Height = imageHeight;
                            return checkRectangle;
                return Rectangle.Empty;
        public override Rectangle ImageRectangle
                if (UseMenuLayout)
                    if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                        // since menuItem.Padding isn't taken into consideration, we've got to recalc the centering of
                        // the image rect per item
                        Rectangle imageRect = menu.ImageRectangle;
                        if (_ownerItem.ImageScaling == ToolStripItemImageScaling.SizeToFit)
                            imageRect.Size = menu.ImageScalingSize;
                            // If we don't have an image, use the CheckedImage.
                            Image? image = _ownerItem.Image ?? _ownerItem.CheckedImage;
                            Debug.Assert(image is not null);
                            imageRect.Size = image?.Size ?? menu.ImageScalingSize;
                        imageRect.Y = LayoutUtils.VAlign(imageRect.Size, _ownerItem.ClientBounds, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter).Y;
                        return imageRect;
                return base.ImageRectangle;
        public override Rectangle TextRectangle
                if (UseMenuLayout)
                    if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                        return menu.TextRectangle;
                return base.TextRectangle;
        public bool UseMenuLayout
                return _ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu;
        public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size constrainingSize)
            if (UseMenuLayout)
                if (_ownerItem.Owner is ToolStripDropDownMenu menu)
                    return menu.MaxItemSize;
            return base.GetPreferredSize(constrainingSize);