File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewRowCollection.RowList.cs
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Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\src\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class DataGridViewRowCollection
    private class RowList : List<DataGridViewRow>
        private readonly DataGridViewRowCollection _owner;
        private RowComparer? _rowComparer;
        public RowList(DataGridViewRowCollection owner)
            _owner = owner;
        public void CustomSort(RowComparer rowComparer)
            Debug.Assert(rowComparer is not null);
            Debug.Assert(Count > 0);
            _rowComparer = rowComparer;
            CustomQuickSort(0, Count - 1);
        private void CustomQuickSort(int left, int right)
            // Custom recursive QuickSort needed because of the notion of shared rows.
            // The indexes of the compared rows are required to do the comparisons.
            // For a study comparing the iterative and recursive versions of the QuickSort
            // see
            // Is the recursive version going to cause trouble with large dataGridViews?
                if (right - left < 2) // sort subarray of two elements
                    if (right - left > 0 && _rowComparer!.CompareObjects(_rowComparer.GetComparedObject(left), _rowComparer.GetComparedObject(right), left, right) > 0)
                        _owner.SwapSortedRows(left, right);
                int k = (left + right) >> 1;
                object? x = Pivot(left, k, right);
                int i = left + 1;
                int j = right - 1;
                    while (k != i && _rowComparer!.CompareObjects(_rowComparer.GetComparedObject(i), x, i, k) < 0)
                    while (k != j && _rowComparer!.CompareObjects(x, _rowComparer.GetComparedObject(j), k, j) < 0)
                    Debug.Assert(i >= left && j <= right, "(i>=left && j<=right)  Sort failed - Is your IComparer bogus?");
                    if (i > j)
                    if (i < j)
                        _owner.SwapSortedRows(i, j);
                        if (i == k)
                            k = j;
                        else if (j == k)
                            k = i;
                while (i <= j);
                if (j - left <= right - i)
                    if (left < j)
                        CustomQuickSort(left, j);
                    left = i;
                    if (i < right)
                        CustomQuickSort(i, right);
                    right = j;
            while (left < right);
        private object? Pivot(int left, int center, int right)
            // find median-of-3 (left, center and right) and sort these 3 elements
            if (_rowComparer!.CompareObjects(_rowComparer.GetComparedObject(left), _rowComparer.GetComparedObject(center), left, center) > 0)
                _owner.SwapSortedRows(left, center);
            if (_rowComparer.CompareObjects(_rowComparer.GetComparedObject(left), _rowComparer.GetComparedObject(right), left, right) > 0)
                _owner.SwapSortedRows(left, right);
            if (_rowComparer.CompareObjects(_rowComparer.GetComparedObject(center), _rowComparer.GetComparedObject(right), center, right) > 0)
                _owner.SwapSortedRows(center, right);
            return _rowComparer.GetComparedObject(center);