16 writes to Text
System.Windows.Forms (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogPage.cs (1)
1016Text = _text;
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (2)
System\Windows\Forms\TaskDialogTests.cs (2)
25page.Text = "X"; 49var separateTask = Task.Run(() => page.Text = "X");
TestPassApp (2)
TaskDialogTesting.cs (2)
16Text = "Event Demo...", 55Text = "Inner Dialog"
WinFormsControlsTest (11)
TaskDialogSamples.cs (11)
73Text = "Stopping the operation might leave your database in a corrupted state.", 94Text = "Stopping the operation might leave your database in a corrupted state.", 203Text = $"Reconnecting in {(remainingTenthSeconds + 9) / 10} seconds...", 231page.Text = $"Reconnecting in {(remainingTenthSeconds + 9) / 10} seconds..."; 262Text = "Do you really want to do a clean-up?\nThis action is irreversible!", 291Text = "Please wait while the operation is in progress.", 324Text = "The operation finished.", 419Text = "The service needs to be restarted to apply the changes.", 466Text = "Event Demo...", 505Text = "Inner Dialog" 547Text = """<a href="Href 1">Link with accelerator &1</a> Text with literal '&&' <a href="Href 2">Link with accelerator &2</a>""",
3 references to Text
System.Windows.Forms (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialog.cs (2)
1388sizeToAllocate += SizeOfString(page.Text); 1459pszContent = MarshalString(page.Text),
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogPage.cs (1)
518/// as hyperlink when specified in the <see cref="Text"/>,