2 types derived from StatusStrip
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (2)
System\Windows\Forms\StatusStripTests.cs (2)
1257private class NonReadOnlyControlsStatusStrip : StatusStrip 1262private class SubStatusStrip : StatusStrip
44 instantiations of StatusStrip
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripActionListTests.cs (1)
149var statusStrip = new StatusStrip
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (40)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\StatusStrip.StatusStripAccessibleObjectTests.cs (8)
17using StatusStrip statusStrip = new() 32using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 43using StatusStrip statusStrip = new() 57using StatusStrip statusStrip = new() 71using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 83using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 111using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 889StatusStrip statusStrip = new();
System\Windows\Forms\StatusStripTests.cs (17)
181using StatusStrip control = new(); 281using StatusStrip control = new() 326using StatusStrip control = new(); 373using StatusStrip control = new() 409using StatusStrip control = new(); 434using StatusStrip control = new(); 473using StatusStrip control = new(); 516using StatusStrip control = new() 552using StatusStrip control = new(); 580using StatusStrip control = new(); 608using StatusStrip control = new(); 615using StatusStrip control = new(); 703using StatusStrip control = new() 739using StatusStrip control = new() 801using StatusStrip control = new(); 841using StatusStrip control = new() 905using StatusStrip control = new()
System\Windows\Forms\StatusStripTests.Rendering.cs (1)
17using StatusStrip statusStrip = new StatusStrip
System\Windows\Forms\ToolStripControlHostTests.cs (4)
1388using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 1456using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 3101using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 3170using StatusStrip statusParent = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ToolStripItemTests.cs (6)
2082using StatusStrip owner = new(); 2093using StatusStrip parent = new(); 6445using StatusStrip statusOwner = new(); 6494using StatusStrip statusOwner = new(); 6967using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 7023using StatusStrip statusParent = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ToolStripRendererTests.cs (4)
478yield return new object[] { new StatusStrip() }; 479yield return new object[] { new StatusStrip { GripStyle = ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden } }; 480yield return new object[] { new StatusStrip { RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes } }; 525yield return new object[] { new ToolStripRenderEventArgs(graphics, new StatusStrip()) };
TestPassApp (2)
Menu_Toolbars_controls.Designer.cs (1)
79statusStrip1 = new StatusStrip();
ToolStripContainer.Designer.cs (1)
50this.statusStrip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip();
WinFormsControlsTest (1)
ToolStripTests.Designer.cs (1)
35this.statusStrip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip();
105 references to StatusStrip
System.Windows.Forms (16)
src\Common\src\Obsoletions.cs (1)
38internal const string StatusBarMessage = $"`{nameof(StatusBar)}` is provided for binary compatibility with .NET Framework and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Use `{nameof(StatusStrip)}` instead.";
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\StatusStrip.StatusStripAccessibleObject.cs (3)
12public StatusStripAccessibleObject(StatusStrip owner) : base(owner) 19=> this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out StatusStrip? _) ? HitTest((int)x, (int)y) : null; 22=> this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out StatusStrip? _) ? GetFocused() : null;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripHighContrastRenderer.cs (1)
275else if (e.ToolStrip is StatusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripItem.cs (1)
659if (Owner is not null and StatusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripProfessionalLowResolutionRenderer.cs (1)
37else if (e.ToolStrip is StatusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolstripProfessionalRenderer.cs (5)
133else if (toolStrip is StatusStrip) 411else if (toolStrip is StatusStrip) 836if (toolStrip is ToolStripDropDown or MenuStrip or StatusStrip) 1031StatusStrip? statusStrip = e.ToolStrip as StatusStrip;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripProgressBar.cs (1)
87if (Owner is not null and StatusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripRenderer.cs (1)
971if (e.ToolStrip is StatusStrip statusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripSystemRenderer.cs (2)
194if (toolStrip is StatusStrip) 240if (toolStrip is StatusStrip)
System.Windows.Forms.Design (11)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\Behavior\ToolStripPanelSelectionBehavior.cs (1)
272|| item.GetType(host) == typeof(StatusStrip))
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripActionList.cs (3)
23if (_toolStrip is not StatusStrip) 150if (_toolStrip is not StatusStrip) 177if (_toolStrip is not StatusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripContainerDesigner.cs (2)
172if (typeof(StatusStrip).IsAssignableFrom(toolType)) 345if (typeof(StatusStrip).IsAssignableFrom(toolType))
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripDesignerUtils.cs (2)
203else if (toolStrip is StatusStrip) 215if (toolStrip is StatusStrip)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripItemCustomMenuItemCollection.cs (2)
327if (ParentTool is StatusStrip parent) 471private void InsertIntoStatusStrip(StatusStrip parent, Type t)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripTemplateNode.cs (1)
1407if (component is StatusStrip)
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripActionListTests.cs (1)
149var statusStrip = new StatusStrip
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (74)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\StatusStrip.StatusStripAccessibleObjectTests.cs (44)
17using StatusStrip statusStrip = new() 32using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 43using StatusStrip statusStrip = new() 57using StatusStrip statusStrip = new() 71using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 83using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 111using StatusStrip statusStrip = new(); 135using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(itemCount: 1, createControl: false); 146using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(); 155using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(); 212using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 224using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 251using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 1); 263using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 286using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: true, itemCount: 1); 309using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: false, itemCount: 1); 330using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock: null, size, canOverflow: false, itemCount: 3); 342using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 1); 358using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 374using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 390using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 406using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 424using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 442using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 459using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 521using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 533using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 544using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 556using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 1); 572using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 588using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 0); 605using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 621using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 637using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 659using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 681using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 698using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow, itemCount: 2); 729using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: true, itemCount: 3); 768using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: false, itemCount: 3); 807using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: false, itemCount: 2); 843using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: false, itemCount: 3); 869using StatusStrip statusStrip = CreateStatusStrip(grip, layout, dock, size, canOverflow: false, itemCount: 3); 879private StatusStrip CreateStatusStrip( 889StatusStrip statusStrip = new();
System\Windows\Forms\StatusStripTests.cs (19)
181using StatusStrip control = new(); 281using StatusStrip control = new() 326using StatusStrip control = new(); 373using StatusStrip control = new() 409using StatusStrip control = new(); 434using StatusStrip control = new(); 473using StatusStrip control = new(); 516using StatusStrip control = new() 551PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(StatusStrip))[nameof(ToolStrip.RenderMode)]; 552using StatusStrip control = new(); 579PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(StatusStrip))[nameof(ToolStrip.RenderMode)]; 580using StatusStrip control = new(); 608using StatusStrip control = new(); 615using StatusStrip control = new(); 703using StatusStrip control = new() 739using StatusStrip control = new() 801using StatusStrip control = new(); 841using StatusStrip control = new() 905using StatusStrip control = new()
System\Windows\Forms\StatusStripTests.Rendering.cs (1)
17using StatusStrip statusStrip = new StatusStrip
System\Windows\Forms\ToolStripControlHostTests.cs (4)
1388using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 1456using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 3101using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 3170using StatusStrip statusParent = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ToolStripItemTests.cs (6)
2082using StatusStrip owner = new(); 2093using StatusStrip parent = new(); 6445using StatusStrip statusOwner = new(); 6494using StatusStrip statusOwner = new(); 6967using StatusStrip statusParent = new(); 7023using StatusStrip statusParent = new();
TestPassApp (2)
Menu_Toolbars_controls.Designer.cs (1)
646private StatusStrip statusStrip1;
ToolStripContainer.Designer.cs (1)
623private System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip statusStrip1;
WinFormsControlsTest (1)
ToolStripTests.Designer.cs (1)
467private System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip statusStrip1;