1 type derived from TaskDialogButton
System.Windows.Forms (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogCommandLinkButton.cs (1)
9public sealed class TaskDialogCommandLinkButton : TaskDialogButton
16 instantiations of TaskDialogButton
System.Windows.Forms (13)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialog.cs (1)
297return new TaskDialogButton(result)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogButton.cs (11)
89public static TaskDialogButton OK => new(TaskDialogResult.OK); 102public static TaskDialogButton Cancel => new(TaskDialogResult.Cancel); 107public static TaskDialogButton Abort => new(TaskDialogResult.Abort); 112public static TaskDialogButton Retry => new(TaskDialogResult.Retry); 117public static TaskDialogButton Ignore => new(TaskDialogResult.Ignore); 122public static TaskDialogButton Yes => new(TaskDialogResult.Yes); 127public static TaskDialogButton No => new(TaskDialogResult.No); 132public static TaskDialogButton Close => new(TaskDialogResult.Close); 143public static TaskDialogButton Help => new(TaskDialogResult.Help); 148public static TaskDialogButton TryAgain => new(TaskDialogResult.TryAgain); 153public static TaskDialogButton Continue => new(TaskDialogResult.Continue);
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogButtonCollection.cs (1)
39TaskDialogButton button = new(text, enabled, allowCloseDialog);
WinFormsControlsTest (3)
TaskDialogSamples.cs (3)
128TaskDialogButton btnSave = new("&Save"); 129TaskDialogButton btnDontSave = new("Do&n't save"); 197TaskDialogButton reconnectButton = new("&Reconnect now");
133 references to TaskDialogButton
System.Windows.Forms (89)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialog.cs (25)
155private (TaskDialogButton button, int buttonID)? _resultButton; 283private static bool IsTaskDialogButtonCommitting(TaskDialogButton? button) 295private static TaskDialogButton CreatePlaceholderButton(TaskDialogResult result) 319/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 328public static Task<TaskDialogButton> ShowDialogAsync( 352/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 361public static Task<TaskDialogButton> ShowDialogAsync( 386/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 395public static async Task<TaskDialogButton> ShowDialogAsync( 402var completion = new TaskCompletionSource<TaskDialogButton>(); 416TaskDialogButton result; 451/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 459public static TaskDialogButton ShowDialog( 481/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 491public static TaskDialogButton ShowDialog( 517/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 525public static unsafe TaskDialogButton ShowDialog( 546/// The <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> which was clicked by the user to close the dialog. 548private unsafe TaskDialogButton ShowDialogInternal( 702/// Closes the shown task dialog with <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Cancel"/> as resulting button. 707/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton.PerformClick"/> method of the 708/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> that you want to set as a result. 712/// navigation to complete, whereas <see cref="TaskDialogButton.PerformClick"/> 714/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Click"/> event won't be raised. 1053TaskDialogButton? button = _boundPage.GetBoundButtonByID(buttonID);
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogButton.cs (32)
15/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instances retrieved by static getters like <see cref="OK"/> are 55/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> class. 63/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> class 87/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "OK" button. 89public static TaskDialogButton OK => new(TaskDialogResult.OK); 92/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Cancel" button. 102public static TaskDialogButton Cancel => new(TaskDialogResult.Cancel); 105/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Abort" button. 107public static TaskDialogButton Abort => new(TaskDialogResult.Abort); 110/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Retry" button. 112public static TaskDialogButton Retry => new(TaskDialogResult.Retry); 115/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Ignore" button. 117public static TaskDialogButton Ignore => new(TaskDialogResult.Ignore); 120/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Yes" button. 122public static TaskDialogButton Yes => new(TaskDialogResult.Yes); 125/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "No" button. 127public static TaskDialogButton No => new(TaskDialogResult.No); 130/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Close" button. 132public static TaskDialogButton Close => new(TaskDialogResult.Close); 135/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Help" button. 143public static TaskDialogButton Help => new(TaskDialogResult.Help); 146/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Try Again" button. 148public static TaskDialogButton TryAgain => new(TaskDialogResult.TryAgain); 151/// Gets a standard <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> instance representing the "Continue" button. 153public static TaskDialogButton Continue => new(TaskDialogResult.Continue); 231/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> should be shown when displaying 304public static bool operator ==(TaskDialogButton? b1, TaskDialogButton? b2) 309public static bool operator !=(TaskDialogButton? b1, TaskDialogButton? b2) 355if (IsStandardButton && obj is TaskDialogButton otherButton && otherButton.IsStandardButton) 372/// Returns a string that represents the current <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> control.
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogButtonCollection.cs (13)
9/// Represents a collection of <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> objects. 11public class TaskDialogButtonCollection : Collection<TaskDialogButton> 14private readonly HashSet<TaskDialogButton> _itemSet = []; 26/// Creates and adds a <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> to the collection. 33/// <returns>The created <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/>.</returns> 37public TaskDialogButton Add(string? text, bool enabled = true, bool allowCloseDialog = true) 39TaskDialogButton button = new(text, enabled, allowCloseDialog); 57protected override void SetItem(int index, TaskDialogButton item) 66TaskDialogButton oldItem = this[index]; 97protected override void InsertItem(int index, TaskDialogButton item) 125TaskDialogButton oldItem = this[index]; 141foreach (TaskDialogButton button in this) 150private void DenyIfHasOtherCollection(TaskDialogButton item)
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogCommandLinkButton.cs (3)
14/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> class. 21/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/> class 26/// An additional description text that will be displayed in a separate line when the <see cref="TaskDialogButton"/>s
System\Windows\Forms\Dialogs\TaskDialog\TaskDialogPage.cs (16)
56private TaskDialogButton[]? _boundCustomButtons; 57private Dictionary<int, TaskDialogButton>? _boundStandardButtonsByID; 96/// user clicks the <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Help"/> button. 144public TaskDialogButton? DefaultButton { get; set; } 425/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Cancel"/> as resulting button by pressing ESC or Alt+F4 426/// or by clicking the title bar's close button, even if a <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Cancel"/> 436/// button by adding the <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Cancel"/> button that has its 437/// <see cref="TaskDialogButton.Visible"/> property set to <see langword="false"/>. 705internal TaskDialogButton? GetBoundButtonByID(int buttonID) 727_boundStandardButtonsByID!.TryGetValue(buttonID, out TaskDialogButton? button); 795foreach (TaskDialogButton button in _buttons) 879foreach (TaskDialogButton standardButton in _boundStandardButtonsByID.Values) 891TaskDialogButton customButton = _boundCustomButtons[i]; 899TaskDialogButton defaultButton = buttons[buttons.IndexOf(DefaultButton)]; 975foreach (TaskDialogButton button in buttons) 1023foreach (TaskDialogButton button in buttons)
TestPassApp (6)
TaskDialogTesting.cs (6)
30var buttonOK = TaskDialogButton.OK; 31var buttonHelp = TaskDialogButton.Help; 70TaskDialogButton.Close 88var dialogResult = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(page1);
WinFormsControlsTest (38)
TaskDialogSamples.cs (38)
71TaskDialogButton result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(this, new TaskDialogPage() 78TaskDialogButton.Yes, 79TaskDialogButton.No 82DefaultButton = TaskDialogButton.No 85if (result == TaskDialogButton.Yes) 106TaskDialogButton.Yes, 107TaskDialogButton.No 110DefaultButton = TaskDialogButton.No 113var resultButton = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(this, page); 115if (resultButton == TaskDialogButton.Yes) 127TaskDialogButton btnCancel = TaskDialogButton.Cancel; 128TaskDialogButton btnSave = new("&Save"); 129TaskDialogButton btnDontSave = new("Do&n't save"); 144TaskDialogButton result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(this, page); 185TaskDialogButton result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(this, page); 197TaskDialogButton reconnectButton = new("&Reconnect now"); 198var cancelButton = TaskDialogButton.Cancel; 243TaskDialogButton result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(this, page); 254var initialButtonYes = TaskDialogButton.Yes; 275TaskDialogButton.No, 278DefaultButton = TaskDialogButton.No 284var inProgressCloseButton = TaskDialogButton.Close; 315var invisibleCancelButton = TaskDialogButton.Cancel; 329TaskDialogButton.Close 333TaskDialogButton showResultsButton = new TaskDialogCommandLinkButton("Show &Results"); 388TaskDialogButton result = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(initialPage); 423TaskDialogButton.Close 480var buttonOK = TaskDialogButton.OK; 481var buttonHelp = TaskDialogButton.Help; 520TaskDialogButton.Close 538var dialogResult = TaskDialog.ShowDialog(page1);